

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:09:11

jquery Programming Glossary: stuff

Why does jQuery or a DOM method such as `getElementById` not find the element?


ready event for the document. document .ready function do stuff when DOM is ready Alternatively you can also use the shorthand.. you can also use the shorthand syntax function do stuff when DOM is ready Both are equivalent. share improve this answer..

How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background?


mentioned in previous sections why are we mixing template stuff into our logic This directive can be rewritten even for very.. function scope.on scope.on Again the template stuff is in the template so you or your users can easily swap it out..

jQuery - Fire event if CSS class changed


otherSelector .bind 'cssClassChanged' data function do stuff but otherwise no there's no baked in way to fire an event when..

Best way to remove an event handler in jQuery?


'click' '#myimage' .on 'click.mynamespace' function Do stuff '#myimage' .off 'click.mynamespace' In your example code you.. '#myimage' .bind 'click.mynamespace' function Do stuff and to remove just your event '#myimage' .unbind 'click.mynamespace'..

Why should I use Google's CDN for jQuery?


jQuery $(document).ready and UpdatePanels?


UpdatePanel. What's the recommended approach for wiring stuff up in jQuery not only on the first page load but every time..

jQuery validate: How to add a rule for regular expression validation?


I am using the jQuery validation plugin . Great stuff I want to migrate my existing ASP.NET solution to use jQuery..

jqGrid: Disable form fields when editing


towers and there are several types different sizes and stuff of these towers. When a new tower is added to a location and..

jQuery AJAX cross domain


'jsonp' Notice JSONP P lowercase success function json do stuff with json in this case an array alert Success error function..

jQuery callback on image load (even when the image is cached)


image is cached I want to do img .bind 'load' function do stuff But the load event doesn't fire when the image is loaded from.. based off .complete like this img .one 'load' function do stuff .each function if this.complete this .load Note the change from..

javascript detect browser close tab/close browser


afaik your only way in Javascript to detect that kind of stuff are onunload onbeforeunload events. Unfortunately or fortunately..

What is the need of JSF. When UI can be achieved from css html javascript jQuery?


values executing the right Java method to do the business stuff and generating the HTML CSS JS boilerplate code. With JSF you..

Official way to ask jQuery wait for all images to load before executing something


is obviously what we want if we're initializing any DOM stuff such as showing or hiding elements or attaching events. Let's..

.prop() vs .attr()


jQuery is no longer trying so hard to shield you from this stuff. For the authoritative but somewhat dry word on the subject..

JavaScript asynchronous return value / assignment with jQuery [duplicate]


promises as well so the interface for all your AJAX stuff should be very similar if you make your own logic return promises...

Link to an anchor within JQuery tabbed content


I have a name test a next to the header Anchor within the Stuff tab. By default the first tab is selected but if someone clicks.. content. In the first tab content is a link to the tab 'Stuff'. If you click on this link the tab changes and the content.. on this link the tab changes and the content of the tab 'Stuff' will be shown. The link to change the tab looks like this a..

Use jQuery to Select Visited Links


HTML div class question summary a class question hyperlink Stuff a div If question hyperlink has been visited I was to select..

JS Object this.method() breaks via jQuery


and post example code... Here is a simple object var Bob Stuff '' init function this.Stuff arguments 0 doSomething function.. is a simple object var Bob Stuff '' init function this.Stuff arguments 0 doSomething function console.log this.Stuff And.. arguments 0 doSomething function console.log this.Stuff And here it is being used j jQuery.noConflict j document .ready..

Designing data in $.ajax to match server side model definition


public ActionResult SelectionStorage IEnumerable Stuff stuff Session Stuff stuff return null The definition of the.. SelectionStorage IEnumerable Stuff stuff Session Stuff stuff return null The definition of the Stuff class is more.. Session Stuff stuff return null The definition of the Stuff class is more complex but the following will suffice as a POC...

Which is better: string html generation or jquery DOM element creation?


better preferred to do this var html ' div span Some More Stuff span div ' if someCondition html ' div Some Conditional Content.. OR var html ' div ' .append ' span ' .append 'Some More Stuff' if someCondition html.append ' div ' .append 'Some conditionalContent'.. var html for var i 0 i 500 i html ' div span Some More Stuff span div ' html ' div Some Conditional Content div ' var elem..

How do I parse xml with jQuery?


else parseXml function return null var xml parseXml foo Stuff foo if xml window.alert xml.documentElement.nodeName share..

jQuery: Load Modal Dialog Contents via Ajax


type text css head body div id dialog title Title Box p Stuff here p div script type text javascript jQuery function jQuery..

Cross domain POST query using Cross-Origin Resource Sharing getting no data back


specifically jQuery's success handler never gets called. Stuff being used Django Apache jQuery. So I set up a request rather..

jquery IDs with spaces


example the id of my item would be div id content Module Stuff div How would I select this with jQuery If I just do #content..

How do I go about getting the Ajax Queue plugin working in jQuery 1.3?


Ajax request document .queue ajaxRequests function .ajax Stuff success function document .dequeue myName Second Ajax request.. Ajax request document .queue ajaxRequests function .ajax Stuff success function document .dequeue myName Trigger the queue..

Why does jQuery or a DOM method such as `getElementById` not find the element?


etc. as soon as the DOM is ready. To do this we register a ready event for the document. document .ready function do stuff when DOM is ready Alternatively you can also use the shorthand syntax function do stuff when DOM is ready Both are equivalent...

How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background?


would already be a jQuery element And fifth which we've mentioned in previous sections why are we mixing template stuff into our logic This directive can be rewritten even for very complicated cases much more simply like so .directive 'myDirective'.. me a ' link function scope element attrs scope.on false scope.toggle function scope.on scope.on Again the template stuff is in the template so you or your users can easily swap it out for one that meets any style necessary and the logic never..

jQuery - Fire event if CSS class changed


'someClass' mySelector .trigger 'cssClassChanged' .... otherSelector .bind 'cssClassChanged' data function do stuff but otherwise no there's no baked in way to fire an event when a class changes. change only fires after focus leaves an..

Best way to remove an event handler in jQuery?


function return false Adds another click event '#myimage' .off 'click' '#myimage' .on 'click.mynamespace' function Do stuff '#myimage' .off 'click.mynamespace' In your example code you are simply adding another click event to the image not overriding..

Why should I use Google's CDN for jQuery?


jQuery $(document).ready and UpdatePanels?


run and the mouseover effects don't work any more inside the UpdatePanel. What's the recommended approach for wiring stuff up in jQuery not only on the first page load but every time an UpdatePanel fires a partial page update Should I be using..

jQuery validate: How to add a rule for regular expression validation?


validate How to add a rule for regular expression validation I am using the jQuery validation plugin . Great stuff I want to migrate my existing ASP.NET solution to use jQuery instead of the ASP.NET validators. I am missing a replacement..

jqGrid: Disable form fields when editing


or disabled . Example The company I'm working for sells vending towers and there are several types different sizes and stuff of these towers. When a new tower is added to a location and entered into the system the type must be set. But the tower..

jQuery AJAX cross domain


Use JSONP . jQuery .ajax url testserver.php dataType 'jsonp' Notice JSONP P lowercase success function json do stuff with json in this case an array alert Success error function alert Error PHP php arr array element1 element2 array element31..

jQuery callback on image load (even when the image is cached)


callback on image load even when the image is cached I want to do img .bind 'load' function do stuff But the load event doesn't fire when the image is loaded from cache. The jQuery docs suggest a plugin to fix this but it.. this you can loop through checking and triggering the event based off .complete like this img .one 'load' function do stuff .each function if this.complete this .load Note the change from .bind to .one so the event handler doesn't run twice. share..

javascript detect browser close tab/close browser


want to know when a tab window is effectively closed. Well afaik your only way in Javascript to detect that kind of stuff are onunload onbeforeunload events. Unfortunately or fortunately those events are also fired when you leave a site over..

What is the need of JSF. When UI can be achieved from css html javascript jQuery?


parameters converting validating them updating the model values executing the right Java method to do the business stuff and generating the HTML CSS JS boilerplate code. With JSF you basically end up with a XHTML page as view definition and..

Official way to ask jQuery wait for all images to load before executing something


images are not loaded then it still executes the code. This is obviously what we want if we're initializing any DOM stuff such as showing or hiding elements or attaching events. Let's say though that I want some animation and I don't want it..

.prop() vs .attr()


need to take a step back and learn a little about it since jQuery is no longer trying so hard to shield you from this stuff. For the authoritative but somewhat dry word on the subject there's the specs DOM4 HTML DOM DOM Level 2 DOM Level 3 . Mozilla's..

JavaScript asynchronous return value / assignment with jQuery [duplicate]


on Page GUID guid Also the jQuery AJAX module always returns promises as well so the interface for all your AJAX stuff should be very similar if you make your own logic return promises. As a side note I'd like to point out that your var returnValue..

Link to an anchor within JQuery tabbed content


are working well but just need that extra functionality. I have a name test a next to the header Anchor within the Stuff tab. By default the first tab is selected but if someone clicks on a link a href #test Go to anchor a then I would like.. is DEMO Update How the Demo works In the demo are 3 tabs plus content. In the first tab content is a link to the tab 'Stuff'. If you click on this link the tab changes and the content of the tab 'Stuff' will be shown. The link to change the tab.. first tab content is a link to the tab 'Stuff'. If you click on this link the tab changes and the content of the tab 'Stuff' will be shown. The link to change the tab looks like this a href #test goto stuff switch to Tab Stuff a . The value of..

Use jQuery to Select Visited Links


trying to select all visited links via jQuery. Here is the HTML div class question summary a class question hyperlink Stuff a div If question hyperlink has been visited I was to select question summary . Any ideas jquery share improve this question..

JS Object this.method() breaks via jQuery


I'm tired. Not sure how to explain it so I'll just go ahead and post example code... Here is a simple object var Bob Stuff '' init function this.Stuff arguments 0 doSomething function console.log this.Stuff And here it is being used j jQuery.noConflict.. explain it so I'll just go ahead and post example code... Here is a simple object var Bob Stuff '' init function this.Stuff arguments 0 doSomething function console.log this.Stuff And here it is being used j jQuery.noConflict j document .ready.. Here is a simple object var Bob Stuff '' init function this.Stuff arguments 0 doSomething function console.log this.Stuff And here it is being used j jQuery.noConflict j document .ready init function init Bob.init 'hello' Bob.doSomething j '#MyButton'..

Designing data in $.ajax to match server side model definition


object. The controller is set up to receive the following. public ActionResult SelectionStorage IEnumerable Stuff stuff Session Stuff stuff return null The definition of the Stuff class is more complex but the following will suffice as.. controller is set up to receive the following. public ActionResult SelectionStorage IEnumerable Stuff stuff Session Stuff stuff return null The definition of the Stuff class is more complex but the following will suffice as a POC. public class.. public ActionResult SelectionStorage IEnumerable Stuff stuff Session Stuff stuff return null The definition of the Stuff class is more complex but the following will suffice as a POC. public class Stuff public Guid Id get set public IEnumerable..

Which is better: string html generation or jquery DOM element creation?


HTML being generated for tooltips etc. My question is is it better preferred to do this var html ' div span Some More Stuff span div ' if someCondition html ' div Some Conditional Content div ' '#parent' .append html OR var html ' div ' .append.. ' div Some Conditional Content div ' '#parent' .append html OR var html ' div ' .append ' span ' .append 'Some More Stuff' if someCondition html.append ' div ' .append 'Some conditionalContent' '#parent' .append html jquery dom manipulation.. this for yourself http jsfiddle.net Ps5ja console.time 'concat' var html for var i 0 i 500 i html ' div span Some More Stuff span div ' html ' div Some Conditional Content div ' var elem html console.timeEnd 'concat' 25ms console.time 'DOM' var..

How do I parse xml with jQuery?


jQuery: Load Modal Dialog Contents via Ajax


ajax libs jqueryui 1.8.5 themes humanity jquery ui.css type text css head body div id dialog title Title Box p Stuff here p div script type text javascript jQuery function jQuery #dialog .dialog bgiframe true autoOpen false height 100 modal..

Cross domain POST query using Cross-Origin Resource Sharing getting no data back


domain via a POST request but the response isn't working specifically jQuery's success handler never gets called. Stuff being used Django Apache jQuery. So I set up a request rather similar to this .ajax url http somesite.com someplace type..

jquery IDs with spaces


in the DOM by ID with jQuery when that ID has a space For example the id of my item would be div id content Module Stuff div How would I select this with jQuery If I just do #content Module .whatever jQuery will try to find an item with both..

How do I go about getting the Ajax Queue plugin working in jQuery 1.3?


queue support if you're willing to do a bit of legwork. First Ajax request document .queue ajaxRequests function .ajax Stuff success function document .dequeue myName Second Ajax request document .queue ajaxRequests function .ajax Stuff success.. .ajax Stuff success function document .dequeue myName Second Ajax request document .queue ajaxRequests function .ajax Stuff success function document .dequeue myName Trigger the queue document .dequeue ajaxRequests Of course it would be pretty..