

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:08:54

jquery Programming Glossary: splitvalues

Clean old options from child dropdown when receiving data by JSON


firstcombobox this.value function responseData var splitValues responseData.name.split #combo1 .empty .append option value.. option value 0 Please select... option for var idx in splitValues #combo1 .append option option .html splitValues idx .val splitValues.. idx in splitValues #combo1 .append option option .html splitValues idx .val splitValues idx Hope this helps share improve this..

retrieve more than one value by JSON array objects


'combo1.jsp' count this.value function responseData var splitValues responseData.name.split #combo1 .empty .append option please.. .empty .append option please select option for var idx in splitValues #combo1 .append option option .html splitValues idx .val splitValues.. idx in splitValues #combo1 .append option option .html splitValues idx .val splitValues idx script body first combo box select..

Clean old options from child dropdown when receiving data by JSON


string with JavaScript They use as follows .getJSON 'combo1.jsp' firstcombobox this.value function responseData var splitValues responseData.name.split #combo1 .empty .append option value 0 Please select... option for var idx in splitValues #combo1..

retrieve more than one value by JSON array objects


function after onchange event it goes to combo1.jsp .getJSON 'combo1.jsp' count this.value function responseData var splitValues responseData.name.split #combo1 .empty .append option please select option for var idx in splitValues #combo1 .append.. var splitValues responseData.name.split #combo1 .empty .append option please select option for var idx in splitValues #combo1 .append option option .html splitValues idx .val splitValues idx script body first combo box select id combo.. #combo1 .empty .append option please select option for var idx in splitValues #combo1 .append option option .html splitValues idx .val splitValues idx script body first combo box select id combo name count option value please select option option..