jquery Programming Glossary: soapenv
is it possible to get cross domain SOAP request using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12090036/is-it-possible-to-get-cross-domain-soap-request-using-jquery 'http www.betfair.com publicapi ' true var m_request ' soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope.. publicapi ' true var m_request ' soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope ' 'xmlns bfex http www.betfair.com.. v5 http www.betfair.com publicapi types exchange v5 ' ' soapenv Header ' ' soapenv Body ' ' bfex getAllMarkets ' ' bfex request..
Whose fault is it? CSS or JavaScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6179174/whose-fault-is-it-css-or-javascript .css display block var soapEnv soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv 'http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope.. .css display block var soapEnv soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv 'http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope ' soapenv Body GetListItems.. xmlns soapenv 'http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope ' soapenv Body GetListItems xmlns 'http schemas.microsoft.com sharepoint..
GetListItems Webservice ignores my query filter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/835358/getlistitems-webservice-ignores-my-query-filter type text javascript document .ready function var soapEnv soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv 'http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope.. .ready function var soapEnv soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv 'http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope ' soapenv Body GetListItems.. xmlns soapenv 'http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope ' soapenv Body GetListItems xmlns 'http schemas.microsoft.com sharepoint..
Whose fault is it? CSS or JavaScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6179174/whose-fault-is-it-css-or-javascript #slideshowPicturePlaceholder .css display block var soapEnv soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv 'http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap.. xmlns 'http schemas.microsoft.com sharepoint soap ' soapEnv listName NewsRotator listName soapEnv query Query OrderBy Override.. sharepoint soap ' soapEnv listName NewsRotator listName soapEnv query Query OrderBy Override 'TRUE' FieldRef Name 'Created'..
GetListItems Webservice ignores my query filter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/835358/getlistitems-webservice-ignores-my-query-filter script type text javascript document .ready function var soapEnv soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv 'http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap.. xmlns 'http schemas.microsoft.com sharepoint soap ' soapEnv listName TestQuery listName soapEnv Query Where Eq FieldRef.. sharepoint soap ' soapEnv listName TestQuery listName soapEnv Query Where Eq FieldRef Name 'Title' Value Type 'Text' One Value..
is it possible to get cross domain SOAP request using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12090036/is-it-possible-to-get-cross-domain-soap-request-using-jquery my js var getmarket new XMLHttpRequest getmarket.open 'POST' 'http www.betfair.com publicapi ' true var m_request ' soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope ' 'xmlns bfex http www.betfair.com publicapi v5 BFExchangeService.. new XMLHttpRequest getmarket.open 'POST' 'http www.betfair.com publicapi ' true var m_request ' soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope ' 'xmlns bfex http www.betfair.com publicapi v5 BFExchangeService ' 'xmlns v5 http.. http www.betfair.com publicapi v5 BFExchangeService ' 'xmlns v5 http www.betfair.com publicapi types exchange v5 ' ' soapenv Header ' ' soapenv Body ' ' bfex getAllMarkets ' ' bfex request ' ' header ' ' clientStamp 0 clientStamp ' ' sessionToken..
Whose fault is it? CSS or JavaScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6179174/whose-fault-is-it-css-or-javascript javascript document .ready function function GetAllImages #slideshowPicturePlaceholder .css display block var soapEnv soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv 'http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope ' soapenv Body GetListItems xmlns 'http schemas.microsoft.com.. function function GetAllImages #slideshowPicturePlaceholder .css display block var soapEnv soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv 'http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope ' soapenv Body GetListItems xmlns 'http schemas.microsoft.com sharepoint soap '.. .css display block var soapEnv soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv 'http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope ' soapenv Body GetListItems xmlns 'http schemas.microsoft.com sharepoint soap ' soapEnv listName NewsRotator listName soapEnv query..
GetListItems Webservice ignores my query filter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/835358/getlistitems-webservice-ignores-my-query-filter files jquery 1.3.2.min.js script script type text javascript document .ready function var soapEnv soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv 'http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope ' soapenv Body GetListItems xmlns 'http schemas.microsoft.com.. jquery 1.3.2.min.js script script type text javascript document .ready function var soapEnv soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv 'http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope ' soapenv Body GetListItems xmlns 'http schemas.microsoft.com sharepoint soap '.. document .ready function var soapEnv soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv 'http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope ' soapenv Body GetListItems xmlns 'http schemas.microsoft.com sharepoint soap ' soapEnv listName TestQuery listName soapEnv Query..
Whose fault is it? CSS or JavaScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6179174/whose-fault-is-it-css-or-javascript text javascript document .ready function function GetAllImages #slideshowPicturePlaceholder .css display block var soapEnv soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv 'http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope ' soapenv Body GetListItems xmlns 'http schemas.microsoft.com.. schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope ' soapenv Body GetListItems xmlns 'http schemas.microsoft.com sharepoint soap ' soapEnv listName NewsRotator listName soapEnv query Query OrderBy Override 'TRUE' FieldRef Name 'Created' Ascending 'FALSE' OrderBy.. ' soapenv Body GetListItems xmlns 'http schemas.microsoft.com sharepoint soap ' soapEnv listName NewsRotator listName soapEnv query Query OrderBy Override 'TRUE' FieldRef Name 'Created' Ascending 'FALSE' OrderBy Query query soapEnv viewFields ViewFields..
GetListItems Webservice ignores my query filter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/835358/getlistitems-webservice-ignores-my-query-filter http jqueryjs.googlecode.com files jquery 1.3.2.min.js script script type text javascript document .ready function var soapEnv soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv 'http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope ' soapenv Body GetListItems xmlns 'http schemas.microsoft.com.. schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope ' soapenv Body GetListItems xmlns 'http schemas.microsoft.com sharepoint soap ' soapEnv listName TestQuery listName soapEnv Query Where Eq FieldRef Name 'Title' Value Type 'Text' One Value Eq Where Query soapEnv.. ' soapenv Body GetListItems xmlns 'http schemas.microsoft.com sharepoint soap ' soapEnv listName TestQuery listName soapEnv Query Where Eq FieldRef Name 'Title' Value Type 'Text' One Value Eq Where Query soapEnv ViewFields ViewFields FieldRef Name..