jquery Programming Glossary: slidervalue
Implementing javascript events to Wicket http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5212537/implementing-javascript-events-to-wicket protected void respond AjaxRequestTarget target String sliderValue RequestCycle.get .getRequest .getParameter sv if Utils.isNotBlank.. .getRequest .getParameter sv if Utils.isNotBlank sliderValue onValueChanged target Integer.valueOf sliderValue super.add.. sliderValue onValueChanged target Integer.valueOf sliderValue super.add ajaxBehavior super.add new SliderBehavior new..
Jquery UI slider how to make a box follow the handler? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8582564/jquery-ui-slider-how-to-make-a-box-follow-the-handler what I want to achieve HTML div id slider div input id sliderValue Jquery document .ready function Pris slider #slider .slider.. setLabelPosition '#slider' .bind 'slide' function '#sliderValue' .val '#slider' .slider 'value' setLabelPosition function setLabelPosition.. setLabelPosition function setLabelPosition var label '#sliderValue' label.css 'top' thumb.offset .top label.outerHeight true label.css..
jQuery UI Slider - max value (not end of slider) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8646796/jquery-ui-slider-max-value-not-end-of-slider i diff newDiff return nearest function getRealValue sliderValue for var i 0 i values.length i if values i sliderValue return.. sliderValue for var i 0 i values.length i if values i sliderValue return trueValues i return 0 Here's my slider graphic I have..
Jquery UI slider with two handles with input from two text box? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9480039/jquery-ui-slider-with-two-handles-with-input-from-two-text-box Any suggestion EDIT div class demo input type text class sliderValue p p div id slider div div and #slider .slider range min value.. Assuming you have two input elements input type text class sliderValue data index 0 value 10 input type text class sliderValue data.. sliderValue data index 0 value 10 input type text class sliderValue data index 1 value 90 And a slider placeholder element div id..
JQuery Slider, how to make “step” size change http://stackoverflow.com/questions/967372/jquery-slider-how-to-make-step-size-change i diff newDiff return nearest function getRealValue sliderValue for var i 0 i values.length i if values i sliderValue return.. sliderValue for var i 0 i values.length i if values i sliderValue return trueValues i return 0 You can fiddle with the numbers..
Implementing javascript events to Wicket http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5212537/implementing-javascript-events-to-wicket private static final long serialVersionUID 1L @Override protected void respond AjaxRequestTarget target String sliderValue RequestCycle.get .getRequest .getParameter sv if Utils.isNotBlank sliderValue onValueChanged target Integer.valueOf.. AjaxRequestTarget target String sliderValue RequestCycle.get .getRequest .getParameter sv if Utils.isNotBlank sliderValue onValueChanged target Integer.valueOf sliderValue super.add ajaxBehavior super.add new SliderBehavior new SliderOptions.. .getRequest .getParameter sv if Utils.isNotBlank sliderValue onValueChanged target Integer.valueOf sliderValue super.add ajaxBehavior super.add new SliderBehavior new SliderOptions .changeEvent wicketAjaxGet ajaxBehavior ..
Jquery UI slider how to make a box follow the handler? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8582564/jquery-ui-slider-how-to-make-a-box-follow-the-handler UI value that should appear in the box. Here is a illustration what I want to achieve HTML div id slider div input id sliderValue Jquery document .ready function Pris slider #slider .slider value '' min 0 max 150 step 1 range 'min' slide function event.. 1 range 'min' var thumb '#slider' .children '.ui slider handle' setLabelPosition '#slider' .bind 'slide' function '#sliderValue' .val '#slider' .slider 'value' setLabelPosition function setLabelPosition var label '#sliderValue' label.css 'top' thumb.offset.. function '#sliderValue' .val '#slider' .slider 'value' setLabelPosition function setLabelPosition var label '#sliderValue' label.css 'top' thumb.offset .top label.outerHeight true label.css 'left' thumb.offset .left label.width thumb.width 2..
jQuery UI Slider - max value (not end of slider) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8646796/jquery-ui-slider-max-value-not-end-of-slider value values i if diff null newDiff diff nearest values i diff newDiff return nearest function getRealValue sliderValue for var i 0 i values.length i if values i sliderValue return trueValues i return 0 Here's my slider graphic I have the.. values i diff newDiff return nearest function getRealValue sliderValue for var i 0 i values.length i if values i sliderValue return trueValues i return 0 Here's my slider graphic I have the minimum value set to be at the 5 in the graphic but..
Jquery UI slider with two handles with input from two text box? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9480039/jquery-ui-slider-with-two-handles-with-input-from-two-text-box 1 console.log value #slider .slider value parseInt value Any suggestion EDIT div class demo input type text class sliderValue p p div id slider div div and #slider .slider range min value 1 step 10 min 0 max 1000 slide function event ui input .val.. jquery ui jquery ui slider share improve this question Assuming you have two input elements input type text class sliderValue data index 0 value 10 input type text class sliderValue data index 1 value 90 And a slider placeholder element div id slider.. Assuming you have two input elements input type text class sliderValue data index 0 value 10 input type text class sliderValue data index 1 value 90 And a slider placeholder element div id slider div You can use the values option to put the slider..
JQuery Slider, how to make “step” size change http://stackoverflow.com/questions/967372/jquery-slider-how-to-make-step-size-change value values i if diff null newDiff diff nearest values i diff newDiff return nearest function getRealValue sliderValue for var i 0 i values.length i if values i sliderValue return trueValues i return 0 You can fiddle with the numbers.. values i diff newDiff return nearest function getRealValue sliderValue for var i 0 i values.length i if values i sliderValue return trueValues i return 0 You can fiddle with the numbers in the values array which represent the slider stop points..