jquery Programming Glossary: sendmail.php
Path to WordPress Template Directory inside jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2856600/path-to-wordpress-template-directory-inside-jquery the actual sending of the email .ajax type POST url css sendmail.php data dataString` But the script doesn't work unless the url.. unless the url is php bloginfo 'template_directory' css sendmail.php and not just css sendmail.php Is there any way to include a.. 'template_directory' css sendmail.php and not just css sendmail.php Is there any way to include a path to the wordpress template..
jQuery/PHP mail send the easy way? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5051772/jquery-php-mail-send-the-easy-way title alert name alert mail alert message jQuery.post sendmail.php address address title title name name mail mail message message.. but never shows div sent . And never sends an actual mail. sendmail.php is in the right place and it's code is php getting variables.. name mail mail message message jQuery.ajax type POST url sendmail.php data data success function jQuery .email us .html div id 'email..
Path to WordPress Template Directory inside jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2856600/path-to-wordpress-template-directory-inside-jquery file I have a jQuery code that calls a .php file that does the actual sending of the email .ajax type POST url css sendmail.php data dataString` But the script doesn't work unless the url is php bloginfo 'template_directory' css sendmail.php and not.. css sendmail.php data dataString` But the script doesn't work unless the url is php bloginfo 'template_directory' css sendmail.php and not just css sendmail.php Is there any way to include a path to the wordpress template directory inside js javascript.. But the script doesn't work unless the url is php bloginfo 'template_directory' css sendmail.php and not just css sendmail.php Is there any way to include a path to the wordpress template directory inside js javascript jquery wordpress wordpress..
jQuery/PHP mail send the easy way? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5051772/jquery-php-mail-send-the-easy-way #email .val var message jQuery #msg .val alert address alert title alert name alert mail alert message jQuery.post sendmail.php address address title title name name mail mail message message function data jQuery #email .html div id 'sent' p Thank.. return false Works smoothly shows every value in alert but never shows div sent . And never sends an actual mail. sendmail.php is in the right place and it's code is php getting variables from form emailTo trim _REQUEST 'address' subject trim _REQUEST.. form message .val var data address address title title name name mail mail message message jQuery.ajax type POST url sendmail.php data data success function jQuery .email us .html div id 'email sent' p Thank you for the message. p p We will reply as..