jquery Programming Glossary: self.name
performance / templating issues when using requirejs with JQuery, jQuery Mobile, Knockout and Sammy to build a structured app with External Templates http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13469143/performance-templating-issues-when-using-requirejs-with-jquery-jquery-mobile templates test2.html' 'jqm' function ko productsViewTemplate function ProductType id name var self this self.id id self.name name return function productsViewModel 'body' .append productsViewTemplate var self this self.products ko.observableArray..
How to get Interdependent dropdowns in django using Modelform and jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14121132/how-to-get-interdependent-dropdowns-in-django-using-modelform-and-jquery Campus models.Model name models.CharField max_length 100 choices choices.CAMPUSES def __unicode__ self return u' s' self.name class School models.Model name models.CharField max_length 100 campus models.ForeignKey Campus def __unicode__ self return.. models.Model name models.CharField max_length 100 campus models.ForeignKey Campus def __unicode__ self return u' s' self.name class Centre models.Model name models.CharField max_length 100 school models.ForeignKey School def __unicode__ self return.. models.Model name models.CharField max_length 100 school models.ForeignKey School def __unicode__ self return u' s' self.name Forms.py import models from django import forms class CenterForm forms.ModelForm campus forms.ModelChoiceField queryset..
jQuery.proxy() usage http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3349380/jquery-proxy-usage function such as function Person el this.name '' var self this store reference to this el .change function event self.name this.value captures self in a closure Alternatively we could have used jQuery.proxy here so the reference to this refers..
Scoping the results for rails3 jquery autocomplete plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4858816/scoping-the-results-for-rails3-jquery-autocomplete-plugin method will be called on the instance when displaying the results. class Brand ActiveRecord Base def funky_method # self.name .camelize end end class ProductsController Admin BaseController autocomplete brand name display_value funky_method end In..