jquery Programming Glossary: pany
How to drag images / objects within Canvas? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18333936/how-to-drag-images-objects-within-canvas set the panXY by how much the mouse has moved panX dx panY dy draw And here is code to determine which color images are.. function imagesHitTests x y adjust for panning x panX y panY create var to hold any hits var hits hit test each image add.. canvasOffset.top var lastX 0 var lastY 0 var panX 0 var panY 0 var dragging var isDown false create green pink images we..
How to drag images / objects within Canvas? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18333936/how-to-drag-images-objects-within-canvas images dragging i img.x dx img.y dy else we're panning the tiger set the panXY by how much the mouse has moved panX dx panY dy draw And here is code to determine which color images are under the mouse and will be dragged. Any color image under.. color image s . create an array of any hit colored images function imagesHitTests x y adjust for panning x panX y panY create var to hold any hits var hits hit test each image add hits to hits for var i 0 i images.length i var img images i.. #canvas .offset var offsetX canvasOffset.left var offsetY canvasOffset.top var lastX 0 var lastY 0 var panX 0 var panY 0 var dragging var isDown false create green pink images we just use rects instead of images var images images.push x 200..