jquery Programming Glossary: parent.children
Getting a jQuery selector for an element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2068272/getting-a-jquery-selector-for-an-element name name.toLowerCase var parent node.parent var siblings parent.children name if siblings.length 1 name ' eq ' siblings.index realNode..
What is the fastest method for selecting descendant elements in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3177763/what-is-the-fastest-method-for-selecting-descendant-elements-in-jquery .child .show Method 3 For immediate children only parent.children .child .show Method 4 via CSS selector suggested by @spinon..
Auto-updating width/length/area using jQuery and Drupal6 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4786716/auto-updating-width-length-area-using-jquery-and-drupal6 parent this .parent td .children div .children div length parent.children div id 'field length 0 wrapper' .children div.container inline.. 'input id field length 0 value ' .val get the width width parent.children div id 'field width 0 wrapper' .children div.container inline.. 'input id field width 0 value ' .val get the length parent.children div id 'field area 0 wrapper' .children div.container inline..
Get unique selector of element in Jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5706837/get-unique-selector-of-element-in-jquery var parent node.parent var sameTagSiblings parent.children name if sameTagSiblings.length 1 allSiblings parent.children.. name if sameTagSiblings.length 1 allSiblings parent.children var index allSiblings.index realNode 1 if index 1 name '..
Fixed html table header while scrolling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6534284/fixed-html-table-header-while-scrolling div style height 50px div div ' .appendTo 'body' child parent.children width child.innerWidth child.height 99 .innerWidth parent.remove..
Jquery - sort DIV's by innerHTML of children http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7831712/jquery-sort-divs-by-innerhtml-of-children parent childSelector keySelector var items parent.children childSelector .sort function a b var vA keySelector a .text..
How to initiate Nivo Slider in ajax loaded content? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8388776/how-to-initiate-nivo-slider-in-ajax-loaded-content hash var parent this var content_holder parent.children .pictures if parent.hasClass selected_work close_other return..
Getting a jQuery selector for an element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2068272/getting-a-jquery-selector-for-an-element var realNode node 0 name realNode.localName if name break name name.toLowerCase var parent node.parent var siblings parent.children name if siblings.length 1 name ' eq ' siblings.index realNode ' ' path name path ' ' path '' node parent return path ..
What is the fastest method for selecting descendant elements in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3177763/what-is-the-fastest-method-for-selecting-descendant-elements-in-jquery a scope .child parent .show Method 2 the find method parent.find .child .show Method 3 For immediate children only parent.children .child .show Method 4 via CSS selector suggested by @spinon #parent .child .show Method 5 identical to Method 2 according..
Auto-updating width/length/area using jQuery and Drupal6 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4786716/auto-updating-width-length-area-using-jquery-and-drupal6 jQuery document .ready function 'input' .change function parent this .parent td .children div .children div length parent.children div id 'field length 0 wrapper' .children div.container inline .children 'div id field length 0 value wrapper ' .children.. .children 'div id field length 0 value wrapper ' .children 'input id field length 0 value ' .val get the width width parent.children div id 'field width 0 wrapper' .children div.container inline .children 'div id field width 0 value wrapper ' .children.. inline .children 'div id field width 0 value wrapper ' .children 'input id field width 0 value ' .val get the length parent.children div id 'field area 0 wrapper' .children div.container inline .children 'div id field area 0 value wrapper ' .children 'input..
Get unique selector of element in Jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5706837/get-unique-selector-of-element-in-jquery node 0 name realNode.localName if name break name name.toLowerCase var parent node.parent var sameTagSiblings parent.children name if sameTagSiblings.length 1 allSiblings parent.children var index allSiblings.index realNode 1 if index 1 name.. var parent node.parent var sameTagSiblings parent.children name if sameTagSiblings.length 1 allSiblings parent.children var index allSiblings.index realNode 1 if index 1 name ' nth child ' index ' ' path name path ' ' path '' node parent..
Fixed html table header while scrolling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6534284/fixed-html-table-header-while-scrolling parent ' div style width 50px height 50px overflow auto div style height 50px div div ' .appendTo 'body' child parent.children width child.innerWidth child.height 99 .innerWidth parent.remove return width var cols var tableCols t.find 'thead..
Jquery - sort DIV's by innerHTML of children http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7831712/jquery-sort-divs-by-innerhtml-of-children without a plugin you could use something like function sortUsingNestedText parent childSelector keySelector var items parent.children childSelector .sort function a b var vA keySelector a .text var vB keySelector b .text return vA vB 1 vA vB 1 0 parent.append..
How to initiate Nivo Slider in ajax loaded content? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8388776/how-to-initiate-nivo-slider-in-ajax-loaded-content lastPart href.split ' ' hash lastPart lastPart.length 1 window.location.hash hash var parent this var content_holder parent.children .pictures if parent.hasClass selected_work close_other return close_other parent.addClass selected_work content_holder.load..