jquery Programming Glossary: pageshow
jQuery Mobile pageinit/pagecreate not firing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10538718/jquery-mobile-pageinit-pagecreate-not-firing page ' function console.log 'PAGEBEFORESHOW' document .on 'pageshow' ' data role page ' function console.log 'PAGESHOW' How do I.. You're checking for the wrong events pageinit and pageshow are what you should be concerned about. pageinit fires everytime.. to one.html pageinit won't fire it's already initialized pageshow fires everytime a page is shown this is what you need to be..
jQuery Mobile : What is the order of page events triggering? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14010140/jquery-mobile-what-is-the-order-of-page-events-triggering event pageremove 7. page A event pagehide 8. page B event pageshow C Minimize app Phonegap handles this with a pause event. Example..
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14468659/jquery-mobile-document-ready-vs-page-events A event pagehide page B event pagebeforeshow page B event pageshow For better page events understanding read this pagebeforeload.. pages in the applications. pagebeforeshow pagebeforehide pageshow and pagehide are page transition events. These events are fired..
jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14550396/jquery-mobile-markup-enhancement-of-dynamically-added-content correct maximum content height and it must be used with a pageshow event. function getRealContentHeight var header .mobile.activePage.find..
jQuery mobile how to detect refresh http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14609080/jquery-mobile-how-to-detect-refresh true console.log paginit in loginpage document .off 'pageshow' '#loginpage' .on 'pageshow' '#loginpage' function console.log.. in loginpage document .off 'pageshow' '#loginpage' .on 'pageshow' '#loginpage' function console.log pageshow in loginpage script.. .on 'pageshow' '#loginpage' function console.log pageshow in loginpage script div data role content a id btnaccount href..
jQuery Mobile: Get data passed to page via changePage http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15840611/jquery-mobile-get-data-passed-to-page-via-changepage once us.html has loaded. I added page event callbacks for pageshow pagebeforeshow pageinit and pagechange and in every case event.data..
How to use jQuery in Firefox Extension http://stackoverflow.com/questions/491490/how-to-use-jquery-in-firefox-extension
pageShow event in javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6363199/pageshow-event-in-javascript alert 'This page was just hidden ' script head body pageshow alert 'Done' div id mypage data role page data theme b div data..
using iscroll with jquery mobile http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7690303/using-iscroll-with-jquery-mobile I initialize refresh the iScroll instances on the pageshow and orientationchange events. I set a class on data role content.. . var myScroll document .delegate ' data role page ' 'pageshow' function if .mobile.activePage.find '.content' .length 0 if..
how to attach a event to a jquery mobile page using on() and off()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9451814/how-to-attach-a-event-to-a-jquery-mobile-page-using-on-and-off be able to bind to a JQM page like this '#mypage' .live 'pageshow' function do stuff Per Jquery 1.7.1 this would now have to be.. Per Jquery 1.7.1 this would now have to be '#mypage' .on 'pageshow' function do stuff Or if the page is dynamically inserted 'body'.. stuff Or if the page is dynamically inserted 'body' .on 'pageshow' '#mypage' function do stuff Questions Is this syntax correct..
Why is the centering of my map off in my jQuery Mobile / Google Maps API3 application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9776761/why-is-the-centering-of-my-map-off-in-my-jquery-mobile-google-maps-api3-applic using a different event other than pageinit. Looks like pageshow might be a good one as it runs after any animation has finished..
jQuery Mobile pageinit/pagecreate not firing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10538718/jquery-mobile-pageinit-pagecreate-not-firing 'PAGEINIT' document .on 'pagebeforeshow' ' data role page ' function console.log 'PAGEBEFORESHOW' document .on 'pageshow' ' data role page ' function console.log 'PAGESHOW' How do I use the pagechange to always call the pageinit and pagecreate.. and pagecreate jquery jquery mobile share improve this question You're checking for the wrong events pageinit and pageshow are what you should be concerned about. pageinit fires everytime a page is loaded for the first time jQM caches pages in.. in the DOM memory so when you navigate back from two.html to one.html pageinit won't fire it's already initialized pageshow fires everytime a page is shown this is what you need to be looking for when you navigate back from two.html to one.html..
jQuery Mobile : What is the order of page events triggering? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14010140/jquery-mobile-what-is-the-order-of-page-events-triggering pagebeforehide 5. page B event pagebeforeshow 6. page A event pageremove 7. page A event pagehide 8. page B event pageshow C Minimize app Phonegap handles this with a pause event. Example document.addEventListener pause yourCallbackFunction false..
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14468659/jquery-mobile-document-ready-vs-page-events page B event pagebeforeshow page A event pageremove page A event pagehide page B event pagebeforeshow page B event pageshow For better page events understanding read this pagebeforeload pageload and pageloadfailed are fired when an external page.. These events are fired when a user is navigating between pages in the applications. pagebeforeshow pagebeforehide pageshow and pagehide are page transition events. These events are fired before during and after a transition and are named. pagebeforecreate..
jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14550396/jquery-mobile-markup-enhancement-of-dynamically-added-content jsfiddle.net Gajotres 7kGdE This method can be used to get correct maximum content height and it must be used with a pageshow event. function getRealContentHeight var header .mobile.activePage.find div data role 'header' visible var footer .mobile.activePage.find..
jQuery mobile how to detect refresh http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14609080/jquery-mobile-how-to-detect-refresh function .mobile.changePage jqmaccount.html reloadPage true console.log paginit in loginpage document .off 'pageshow' '#loginpage' .on 'pageshow' '#loginpage' function console.log pageshow in loginpage script div data role content a id.. jqmaccount.html reloadPage true console.log paginit in loginpage document .off 'pageshow' '#loginpage' .on 'pageshow' '#loginpage' function console.log pageshow in loginpage script div data role content a id btnaccount href # data role.. paginit in loginpage document .off 'pageshow' '#loginpage' .on 'pageshow' '#loginpage' function console.log pageshow in loginpage script div data role content a id btnaccount href # data role button Account a div div in account.html updated..
jQuery Mobile: Get data passed to page via changePage http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15840611/jquery-mobile-get-data-passed-to-page-via-changepage is that I'm not sure of the best way to access those values once us.html has loaded. I added page event callbacks for pageshow pagebeforeshow pageinit and pagechange and in every case event.data is undefined . Whats the proper way to do this I'd prefer..
How to use jQuery in Firefox Extension http://stackoverflow.com/questions/491490/how-to-use-jquery-in-firefox-extension
pageShow event in javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6363199/pageshow-event-in-javascript javascript language javascript function window.onload function alert 'This page was just hidden ' script head body pageshow alert 'Done' div id mypage data role page data theme b div data role header h1 Page 2 h1 div div data role content p This..
using iscroll with jquery mobile http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7690303/using-iscroll-with-jquery-mobile A. jquery jquery mobile iscroll4 share improve this question I initialize refresh the iScroll instances on the pageshow and orientationchange events. I set a class on data role content divs that I want to be scrollable in this instance I used.. want to be scrollable in this instance I used the .content class . var myScroll document .delegate ' data role page ' 'pageshow' function if .mobile.activePage.find '.content' .length 0 if this.id in myScroll myScroll this.id .refresh else myScroll..
how to attach a event to a jquery mobile page using on() and off()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9451814/how-to-attach-a-event-to-a-jquery-mobile-page-using-on-and-off upgrade to lasted Jquery 1.7.1 using JQM 1.1pre . I used to be able to bind to a JQM page like this '#mypage' .live 'pageshow' function do stuff Per Jquery 1.7.1 this would now have to be '#mypage' .on 'pageshow' function do stuff Or if the page.. page like this '#mypage' .live 'pageshow' function do stuff Per Jquery 1.7.1 this would now have to be '#mypage' .on 'pageshow' function do stuff Or if the page is dynamically inserted 'body' .on 'pageshow' '#mypage' function do stuff Questions Is.. would now have to be '#mypage' .on 'pageshow' function do stuff Or if the page is dynamically inserted 'body' .on 'pageshow' '#mypage' function do stuff Questions Is this syntax correct for jquery 1.7 I cannot get the events to fire at all in JQM..
Why is the centering of my map off in my jQuery Mobile / Google Maps API3 application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9776761/why-is-the-centering-of-my-map-off-in-my-jquery-mobile-google-maps-api3-applic DOM is totally ready. GMaps expect the page to be ready. Try using a different event other than pageinit. Looks like pageshow might be a good one as it runs after any animation has finished http jquerymobile.com demos 1.0 docs api events.html Or..