jquery Programming Glossary: pageindex
Implement Delete In jQgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10257280/implement-delete-in-jqgrid Action case Fill string numberOfRows request rows string pageIndex request page int totalRecords 0 output transport.BuildJQGridResults.. Int32.Parse numberOfRows Int32.Parse pageIndex totalRecords response.Write output break case FillDrop output..
Good jQuery pagination plugin to use with JSON data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2505435/good-jquery-pagination-plugin-to-use-with-json-data this function for instance function pageselectCallback pageIndex jq Clone the record that should be displayed var newContent.. be displayed var newContent '#hiddenData div.record eq ' pageIndex ' ' .clone Update the display container '#display' .empty .append..
Generate page numbers using javascript/jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2523075/generate-page-numbers-using-javascript-jquery this function for instance function pageselectCallback pageIndex jq Clone the record that should be displayed var newContent.. be displayed var newContent '#hiddenData div.record eq ' pageIndex ' ' .clone Update the display container '#display' .empty .append..
jqGrid does not populate with data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3912008/jqgrid-does-not-populate-with-data e.g. page index 0 force the page index to first page var pageIndex '#list' .jqGrid 'getGridParam' 'page' if pageIndex 0 pageIndex.. var pageIndex '#list' .jqGrid 'getGridParam' 'page' if pageIndex 0 pageIndex 1 '#waitIndicator' .show .ajax url 'WeatherDataService.svc.. '#list' .jqGrid 'getGridParam' 'page' if pageIndex 0 pageIndex 1 '#waitIndicator' .show .ajax url 'WeatherDataService.svc..
jQuery templates - where should I put them? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4719828/jquery-templates-where-should-i-put-them Get page of products var pageOfProducts products.slice pageIndex 5 pageIndex 5 5 Used cached productTemplate to render products.. of products var pageOfProducts products.slice pageIndex 5 pageIndex 5 5 Used cached productTemplate to render products .tmpl productTemplate..
adding client side paging to table, should I use knockoutjs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5975429/adding-client-side-paging-to-table-should-i-use-knockoutjs a b return a.Name b.Name 1 1 pageSize ko.observable 10 pageIndex ko.observable 0 previousPage function this.pageIndex this.pageIndex.. 10 pageIndex ko.observable 0 previousPage function this.pageIndex this.pageIndex 1 nextPage function this.pageIndex this.pageIndex.. ko.observable 0 previousPage function this.pageIndex this.pageIndex 1 nextPage function this.pageIndex this.pageIndex 1 viewModel.maxPageIndex..
How do I get jqGrid to work using ASP.NET + JSON on the backend? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/727502/how-do-i-get-jqgrid-to-work-using-asp-net-json-on-the-backend SqlHelper.CONN_STRING udsp_GetMyData pageIndex pageSize if ds null ds.Tables.Count 1 throw new Exception Unable..
Implement Delete In jQgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10257280/implement-delete-in-jqgrid TRANSPORT_TYPES transportItem switch request.QueryString Action case Fill string numberOfRows request rows string pageIndex request page int totalRecords 0 output transport.BuildJQGridResults Int32.Parse numberOfRows Int32.Parse pageIndex totalRecords.. pageIndex request page int totalRecords 0 output transport.BuildJQGridResults Int32.Parse numberOfRows Int32.Parse pageIndex totalRecords response.Write output break case FillDrop output transport.BuildJQGridResults response.Write output break..
Good jQuery pagination plugin to use with JSON data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2505435/good-jquery-pagination-plugin-to-use-with-json-data offers a pageSelect callback function. Step 2 is to implement this function for instance function pageselectCallback pageIndex jq Clone the record that should be displayed var newContent '#hiddenData div.record eq ' pageIndex ' ' .clone Update the.. pageselectCallback pageIndex jq Clone the record that should be displayed var newContent '#hiddenData div.record eq ' pageIndex ' ' .clone Update the display container '#display' .empty .append newContent return false This would mean that you have..
Generate page numbers using javascript/jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2523075/generate-page-numbers-using-javascript-jquery offers a pageSelect callback function. Step 2 is to implement this function for instance function pageselectCallback pageIndex jq Clone the record that should be displayed var newContent '#hiddenData div.record eq ' pageIndex ' ' .clone Update the.. pageselectCallback pageIndex jq Clone the record that should be displayed var newContent '#hiddenData div.record eq ' pageIndex ' ' .clone Update the display container '#display' .empty .append newContent return false This would mean that you have..
jqGrid does not populate with data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3912008/jqgrid-does-not-populate-with-data Records' loadComplete function if the page index is not set e.g. page index 0 force the page index to first page var pageIndex '#list' .jqGrid 'getGridParam' 'page' if pageIndex 0 pageIndex 1 '#waitIndicator' .show .ajax url 'WeatherDataService.svc.. not set e.g. page index 0 force the page index to first page var pageIndex '#list' .jqGrid 'getGridParam' 'page' if pageIndex 0 pageIndex 1 '#waitIndicator' .show .ajax url 'WeatherDataService.svc GetWeatherData' type GET data page pageIndex.. page index 0 force the page index to first page var pageIndex '#list' .jqGrid 'getGridParam' 'page' if pageIndex 0 pageIndex 1 '#waitIndicator' .show .ajax url 'WeatherDataService.svc GetWeatherData' type GET data page pageIndex rows 10 sidx..
jQuery templates - where should I put them? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4719828/jquery-templates-where-should-i-put-them Render the products renderProducts 0 function renderProducts Get page of products var pageOfProducts products.slice pageIndex 5 pageIndex 5 5 Used cached productTemplate to render products .tmpl productTemplate pageOfProducts .appendTo #productContainer.. products renderProducts 0 function renderProducts Get page of products var pageOfProducts products.slice pageIndex 5 pageIndex 5 5 Used cached productTemplate to render products .tmpl productTemplate pageOfProducts .appendTo #productContainer share..
adding client side paging to table, should I use knockoutjs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5975429/adding-client-side-paging-to-table-should-i-use-knockoutjs functions I would like to perform this.items.sort function a b return a.Name b.Name 1 1 pageSize ko.observable 10 pageIndex ko.observable 0 previousPage function this.pageIndex this.pageIndex 1 nextPage function this.pageIndex this.pageIndex.. a b return a.Name b.Name 1 1 pageSize ko.observable 10 pageIndex ko.observable 0 previousPage function this.pageIndex this.pageIndex 1 nextPage function this.pageIndex this.pageIndex 1 viewModel.maxPageIndex ko.dependentObservable function.. a.Name b.Name 1 1 pageSize ko.observable 10 pageIndex ko.observable 0 previousPage function this.pageIndex this.pageIndex 1 nextPage function this.pageIndex this.pageIndex 1 viewModel.maxPageIndex ko.dependentObservable function return Math.ceil..
How do I get jqGrid to work using ASP.NET + JSON on the backend? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/727502/how-do-i-get-jqgrid-to-work-using-asp-net-json-on-the-backend string sortIndex string sortDirection DataSet ds SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset SqlHelper.CONN_STRING udsp_GetMyData pageIndex pageSize if ds null ds.Tables.Count 1 throw new Exception Unable to retrieve data. JQGrid jqGrid new JQGrid int i 1 foreach..