jquery Programming Glossary: mysql_connect
PHP array to jquery array via JSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10143361/php-array-to-jquery-array-via-json get.php php username root password root database testing mysql_connect localhost username password @mysql_select_db database or die..
Populate select box from database using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10870667/populate-select-box-from-database-using-jquery database using jQuery. db call php include 'db.php' con mysql_connect host user pass dbs mysql_select_db databaseName con tableName..
First drop down menu to auto change the options of a second dropdown http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11237900/first-drop-down-menu-to-auto-change-the-options-of-a-second-dropdown Now lets use PHP to first populate the initial select php mysql_connect mysql_select_db contents result mysql_query SELECT FROM `contents`.. PHP Source Code Finally the source code of process.php php mysql_connect mysql_select_db contents result mysql_query SELECT FROM `contents`..
blank page highchart in using jquery to call json arrary http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11851122/blank-page-highchart-in-using-jquery-to-call-json-arrary type text json header Content type application json db mysql_connect localhost username userpasswd mysql_select_db weather db query..
Loading more items from database ~ Infinite Scroll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11878365/loading-more-items-from-database-infinite-scroll to load more entries PHP php Connect to Database con mysql_connect localhost root root if con die 'Could not connect ' . mysql_error..
How to have user submit text in form and AJAX it to enter to db and show up on same page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13369940/how-to-have-user-submit-text-in-form-and-ajax-it-to-enter-to-db-and-show-up-on-s the user back to display. Here is my data.php file php con mysql_connect if con die 'Could not connect ' . mysql_error mysql_select_db..
submit success but upload not work at combine form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13872746/submit-success-but-upload-not-work-at-combine-form input type hidden name action value oqcdata form PHP dbc mysql_connect _SRV _ACCID _PWD or die _ERROR15. .mysql_error db mysql_select_db..
jQuery Mobile: Sending data from one page to the another http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14776387/jquery-mobile-sending-data-from-one-page-to-the-another password jsonObject 'password' Get password from object mysql_connect localhost root Conect to mysql first parameter is location second..
how to pass hidden id using json in jquery ui autocomplete? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15200964/how-to-pass-hidden-id-using-json-in-jquery-ui-autocomplete alert data.id return false script autocomplete.php php mysql_connect 'localhost' 'root' '' mysql_select_db 'school' return_arr array..
AJAX showing retrieved values as undefined http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15658246/ajax-showing-retrieved-values-as-undefined username root password root dbname realcl mysql_connect host username password OR DIE 'Unable to connect to database..
dynamic drop down box? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16924082/dynamic-drop-down-box if apache Linux. login 'root' pword '' dbname 'test' mysql_connect server login pword or die connect_error or die mysql_error mysql_select_db..
Add,Update and delete records of database using jquery datatables http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18846999/add-update-and-delete-records-of-database-using-jquery-datatables Error' die sErrorMessage MySQL connection if gaSql 'link' mysql_connect gaSql 'server' gaSql 'user' gaSql 'password' fatal_error 'Could..
Submit Search query & get Search result without refresh http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3074380/submit-search-query-get-search-result-without-refresh ############## Make the mysql connection ########### conn mysql_connect HOST DBUSER PASS or die DB_MSG_ERROR db mysql_select_db DB or..
Inserting into MySQL from PHP (jQuery/AJAX) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5143191/inserting-into-mysql-from-php-jquery-ajax _POST key return false setup the database connect cxn mysql_connect 'localhost' 'username_goes_here' 'password_goes_here' if cxn..
jQuery Autocomplete (Remote) - example http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5905560/jquery-autocomplete-remote-example class ui widget content div div div and search.php conn mysql_connect localhost USERNAME PASSWORD mysql_select_db DATABASE conn q.. question Here is the correct code for search.php conn mysql_connect localhost USERNAME PASSWORD mysql_select_db DATABASE conn q..
JQuery UI Saving Sortable List http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7342727/jquery-ui-saving-sortable-list a connection already i just added this as an example con mysql_connect host username password if con die 'Could not connect ' . mysql_error..
Jquery autocomplete and PHP: populating input field with data from mySQL database based on selected option in autocomplete field http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7410091/jquery-autocomplete-and-php-populating-input-field-with-data-from-mysql-databas id postcodes maxlength 4 td PHP allSuburbs.php php con mysql_connect if con die 'Could not connect ' . mysql_error dbname 'suburb_state'..
Jquery UI autocomplete ajax is not populating dropdown box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9481972/jquery-ui-autocomplete-ajax-is-not-populating-dropdown-box dbuser 'root' dbpass '' dbname 'test_db' server mysql_connect dbhost dbuser dbpass connection mysql_select_db dbname server..
PHP array to jquery array via JSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10143361/php-array-to-jquery-array-via-json having a little confusion why the following is not working. get.php php username root password root database testing mysql_connect localhost username password @mysql_select_db database or die Unable to select database name _GET 'name' query SELECT FROM..
Populate select box from database using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10870667/populate-select-box-from-database-using-jquery I am trying to populate a select box from values from a mysql database using jQuery. db call php include 'db.php' con mysql_connect host user pass dbs mysql_select_db databaseName con tableName tbl_title result mysql_query SELECT FROM tableName data array..
First drop down menu to auto change the options of a second dropdown http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11237900/first-drop-down-menu-to-auto-change-the-options-of-a-second-dropdown Cat 3 12 Dog 3 13 Tiger 3 14 Deer 3 Initial HTML PHP Code Now lets use PHP to first populate the initial select php mysql_connect mysql_select_db contents result mysql_query SELECT FROM `contents` WHERE `parent` 0 while data mysql_fetch_array result.. populated here select select id sub select Processing PHP Source Code Finally the source code of process.php php mysql_connect mysql_select_db contents result mysql_query SELECT FROM `contents` WHERE `parent` . mysql_real_escape_string _GET parent..
blank page highchart in using jquery to call json arrary http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11851122/blank-page-highchart-in-using-jquery-to-call-json-arrary 70 19 name Tokyo data2 60 18 array.php page php header Content type text json header Content type application json db mysql_connect localhost username userpasswd mysql_select_db weather db query SELECT FROM measures result mysql_query query db while row..
Loading more items from database ~ Infinite Scroll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11878365/loading-more-items-from-database-infinite-scroll window .height 10 'div.ajaxloader' .show 'slow' alert Function to load more entries PHP php Connect to Database con mysql_connect localhost root root if con die 'Could not connect ' . mysql_error mysql_select_db awards con sql SELECT FROM entry WHERE..
How to have user submit text in form and AJAX it to enter to db and show up on same page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13369940/how-to-have-user-submit-text-in-form-and-ajax-it-to-enter-to-db-and-show-up-on-s because I don't know how to get the exact post just sent by the user back to display. Here is my data.php file php con mysql_connect if con die 'Could not connect ' . mysql_error mysql_select_db textwall con sql INSERT INTO textwalltable story VALUES '..
submit success but upload not work at combine form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13872746/submit-success-but-upload-not-work-at-combine-form type file input type submit id oqcsubmit value Submit input type hidden name action value oqcdata form PHP dbc mysql_connect _SRV _ACCID _PWD or die _ERROR15. .mysql_error db mysql_select_db QPL dbc or die _ERROR17. .mysql_error target_path data..
jQuery Mobile: Sending data from one page to the another http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14776387/jquery-mobile-sending-data-from-one-page-to-the-another object username jsonObject 'username' Get username from object password jsonObject 'password' Get password from object mysql_connect localhost root Conect to mysql first parameter is location second is mysql username and a third one is a mysql password..
how to pass hidden id using json in jquery ui autocomplete? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15200964/how-to-pass-hidden-id-using-json-in-jquery-ui-autocomplete comma and space at the end terms.push this.value terms.join alert data.id return false script autocomplete.php php mysql_connect 'localhost' 'root' '' mysql_select_db 'school' return_arr array term trim strip_tags _GET 'term' retrieve the search term..
AJAX showing retrieved values as undefined http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15658246/ajax-showing-retrieved-values-as-undefined console.log data.c PHP code php channel _GET 'channel' host username root password root dbname realcl mysql_connect host username password OR DIE 'Unable to connect to database Please try again later.' mysql_select_db dbname query 'select..
dynamic drop down box? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16924082/dynamic-drop-down-box server 'localhost' localhost is the usual name of the server if apache Linux. login 'root' pword '' dbname 'test' mysql_connect server login pword or die connect_error or die mysql_error mysql_select_db dbname or die connect_error Get value posted..
Add,Update and delete records of database using jquery datatables http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18846999/add-update-and-delete-records-of-database-using-jquery-datatables '' header _SERVER 'SERVER_PROTOCOL' .' 500 Internal Server Error' die sErrorMessage MySQL connection if gaSql 'link' mysql_connect gaSql 'server' gaSql 'user' gaSql 'password' fatal_error 'Could not open connection to server' if mysql_select_db gaSql..
Submit Search query & get Search result without refresh http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3074380/submit-search-query-get-search-result-without-refresh not connect br Please contact the site 's administrator.' ############## Make the mysql connection ########### conn mysql_connect HOST DBUSER PASS or die DB_MSG_ERROR db mysql_select_db DB or die DB_MSG_ERROR query mysql_query SELECT FROM persons WHERE..
Inserting into MySQL from PHP (jQuery/AJAX) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5143191/inserting-into-mysql-from-php-jquery-ajax script php function post key if isset _POST key return _POST key return false setup the database connect cxn mysql_connect 'localhost' 'username_goes_here' 'password_goes_here' if cxn exit mysql_select_db 'your_database_name' cxn check if we can..
jQuery Autocomplete (Remote) - example http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5905560/jquery-autocomplete-remote-example Result div id log style height 200px width 300px overflow auto class ui widget content div div div and search.php conn mysql_connect localhost USERNAME PASSWORD mysql_select_db DATABASE conn q strtolower _GET birds query mysql_query select FIELD from TABLE.. provide. php jquery mysql autocomplete share improve this question Here is the correct code for search.php conn mysql_connect localhost USERNAME PASSWORD mysql_select_db DATABASE conn q strtolower _GET term return array query mysql_query select FIELD..
JQuery UI Saving Sortable List http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7342727/jquery-ui-saving-sortable-list your db foreach neworderarray as order id you prob jave a connection already i just added this as an example con mysql_connect host username password if con die 'Could not connect ' . mysql_error mysql_select_db my_db con mysql_query UPDATE table..
Jquery autocomplete and PHP: populating input field with data from mySQL database based on selected option in autocomplete field http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7410091/jquery-autocomplete-and-php-populating-input-field-with-data-from-mysql-databas td td p Postcode p input class inputText type text size 5 name id postcodes maxlength 4 td PHP allSuburbs.php php con mysql_connect if con die 'Could not connect ' . mysql_error dbname 'suburb_state' mysql_select_db dbname query SELECT name FROM suburbs..
Jquery UI autocomplete ajax is not populating dropdown box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9481972/jquery-ui-autocomplete-ajax-is-not-populating-dropdown-box ac name ac size 100 body html and my ajax.php file dbhost 'localhost' dbuser 'root' dbpass '' dbname 'test_db' server mysql_connect dbhost dbuser dbpass connection mysql_select_db dbname server term _GET 'term' qstring SELECT user_id tName FROM `csv_data`..