jquery Programming Glossary: myvar
Is it possible to do “.value +=” in JQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1224133/is-it-possible-to-do-value-in-jquery do &ldquo .value &rdquo in JQuery Classic javascript var myvar document.getElementById abc abc.value test abc.value another..
JavaScript new keyword and objects scopes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3408960/javascript-new-keyword-and-objects-scopes out the following Give this code function katana this.myvar true katana console.info myvar Past the moment I compiled the.. code function katana this.myvar true katana console.info myvar Past the moment I compiled the code I thought that myvar is.. myvar Past the moment I compiled the code I thought that myvar is attached to the katana function. Actually it gets attached..
how to detect if variable is a string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4891937/how-to-detect-if-variable-is-a-string internal Class property. if Object.prototype.toString.call myvar ' object String ' a string From 8.6.2 Object Internal Properties..
How do I use PHP variables as values for the <script> tag when rendering jQuery code in my CakePHP view? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/980361/how-do-i-use-php-variables-as-values-for-the-script-tag-when-rendering-jquery have a variable x with the contents test doing this var x myvar Will result in var x test This is not valid unless test is a.. you need quotations around it to make it a string var x myvar Which then results in the valid var x test The reason it works..
Is it possible to do “.value +=” in JQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1224133/is-it-possible-to-do-value-in-jquery it possible to do &ldquo .value &rdquo in JQuery Classic javascript var myvar document.getElementById abc abc.value test abc.value another test Jquery #abc .val #abc .val test #abc .val #abc .val another..
JavaScript new keyword and objects scopes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3408960/javascript-new-keyword-and-objects-scopes Later today I was scrolling through ejhon.com slides and I found out the following Give this code function katana this.myvar true katana console.info myvar Past the moment I compiled the code I thought that myvar is attached to the katana function... ejhon.com slides and I found out the following Give this code function katana this.myvar true katana console.info myvar Past the moment I compiled the code I thought that myvar is attached to the katana function. Actually it gets attached to.. this code function katana this.myvar true katana console.info myvar Past the moment I compiled the code I thought that myvar is attached to the katana function. Actually it gets attached to the window objects which pollutes the global namespace...
how to detect if variable is a string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4891937/how-to-detect-if-variable-is-a-string the way specified in the ECMAScript spec to determine the internal Class property. if Object.prototype.toString.call myvar ' object String ' a string From 8.6.2 Object Internal Properties and Methods The value of the Class internal property is..
How do I use PHP variables as values for the <script> tag when rendering jQuery code in my CakePHP view? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/980361/how-do-i-use-php-variables-as-values-for-the-script-tag-when-rendering-jquery is translating over once the variables are echoed. If you have a variable x with the contents test doing this var x myvar Will result in var x test This is not valid unless test is a variable because you need quotations around it to make it a.. var x test This is not valid unless test is a variable because you need quotations around it to make it a string var x myvar Which then results in the valid var x test The reason it works with the other variable is because you are echoing an ID..