

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:05:33

jquery Programming Glossary: multiboxonly

jqGrid multiselect is very slow with large local data and jQueryUI 1.8, jQueryUI 1.7 is fine


gridData #testGrid .jqGrid data gridData height 'auto' rowNum gridData.length multiselect true datatype 'local' multiboxonly false gridview true not sure if this is needed since jqGrid 3.6 onSelectRow function rowid SelectRow rowid colNames 'id'..

jqgrid load large data set without pagination


right sorttype float search false name 'note' index 'note' width 150 sortable false search false multiselect true multiboxonly true caption Manipulating Array Data pager '#testgridpager' Auto load while scrolling scroll true to hide pager buttons..

jqGrid Delete a Row


'application json charset utf 8' serializeDelData function postData return JSON.stringify postData loadui block multiboxonly true rowNum 25 rowList 25 50 100 altRows true altclass 'ui priority secondary' autoencode true autowidth true rownumbers..

jqGrid inline edit: how to save again if post returns error [duplicate]


function var grid #grid grid.jqGrid url ' Grid GetData' datatype json mtype 'POST' scroll 1 multiselect true multiboxonly true scrollingRows true autoencode true colModel name 'Source' fixed true editable true width 30 name 'Est' fixed true..

jqgrid - json looping issue with colModel in JSON response


repeatitems false gridview true pager #Pager rowNum 2 rowList 2 4 6 8 viewrecords true recordpos 'left' multiboxonly true multiselect true sortname 'id' sortorder desc sorttype text sortable true caption h2 My JQGrid h2 width 1406..

jqgrid - resize and overlay


repeatitems false gridview true pager #Pager rowNum 21 rowList 21 viewrecords true recordpos 'left' multiboxonly true multiselect true sortname 'ID' sortorder desc sorttype text sortable true caption h2 MY JQGRID h2 width 1406..