jquery Programming Glossary: measures
blank page highchart in using jquery to call json arrary http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11851122/blank-page-highchart-in-using-jquery-to-call-json-arrary type application json db mysql_connect localhost username userpasswd mysql_select_db weather db query SELECT FROM measures result mysql_query query db while row mysql_fetch_array result h row humidity w row windspeed t row temperature c row city..
Print Filenames from Directory w/ jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2208443/print-filenames-from-directory-w-jquery here the Data will be an array of the files in dir NOTE dont use this code whole sale... you need to ad some security measures to the PHP portion and i was to lazy to look up the argument order for .post so you may need to modify that but it should..
javascript memory leaks http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2316726/javascript-memory-leaks
Javascript iPhone Scroll Effect in an iFrame / Javascript Mouse Acceleration http://stackoverflow.com/questions/379917/javascript-iphone-scroll-effect-in-an-iframe-javascript-mouse-acceleration movement and stores mouse cursor positions in variables mouseX and mouseY. It then starts the timer monitorMouse which measures mouse cursor speed by sampling the values in these variables at regular intervals. The variables mouseLeft and mouseTop..
Security advice for jquery ajax data post? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38421/security-advice-for-jquery-ajax-data-post using jquery ajax to post updates back to my server. I'm concerned about making sure I have put in place appropriate measures so that only my AJAX calls can post data. My stack is PHP on Apache against a MySQL backend. Advice greatly appreciated..
A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9130186/a-potentially-dangerous-request-form-value-was-detected-from-the-client it's already there . ASP.NET4.0 ignores ValidateRequest otherwise. And of course do make sure that you take necessary measures to protect against genuinely dangerous requests now that it's not being done for you. Edit A great way of doing this is..