

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:05:14

jquery Programming Glossary: methodname

Uploading file to wordpress via xml-rpc and javascript


data. Shouldn't be base64 encoded. .xmlrpc url wp.url methodName 'wp.uploadFile' params 0 wp.user wp.password data success function..

Why is IE7 and IE8 Giving me “Access Denied” when calling jQuery?


1.4.2 jquery.min.js type text javascript script case 1 methodName SavePropertyInformation var HasFoundProperty PropertyType NumberOfUnits.. ' PropertyCounty ' PropertyCounty ' doAjaxReq methodName data showSavingDialog break javascript jquery share improve..

jQuery plugin template - best practice, convention, performance and memory impact


a more standardized API. This api is selector .PLUGIN_NAME methodName object hash OR selector .PLUGIN_NAME object hash methodName.. object hash OR selector .PLUGIN_NAME object hash methodName defaults to PLUGIN_NAME the elements in the selector are automatically.. method for the plugin A total of two . .PLUGIN_NAME elem methodName options .PLUGIN_NAME elem elem2 ... methodName options .PLUGIN_NAME..

Uploading file to wordpress via xml-rpc and javascript


matches img.match regex data.bits atob matches 2 string binary data. Shouldn't be base64 encoded. .xmlrpc url wp.url methodName 'wp.uploadFile' params 0 wp.user wp.password data success function response status jqXHR this return the post id alert worked..

Why is IE7 and IE8 Giving me “Access Denied” when calling jQuery?


Code script src http ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery 1.4.2 jquery.min.js type text javascript script case 1 methodName SavePropertyInformation var HasFoundProperty PropertyType NumberOfUnits PropertyAddress PropertyCity PropertyState PropertyZipCode.. ' PropertyState ' PropertyState ' PropertyZipCode ' PropertyZipCode ' PropertyCounty ' PropertyCounty ' doAjaxReq methodName data showSavingDialog break javascript jquery share improve this question Making a call to a sub domain is seen as..

jQuery plugin template - best practice, convention, performance and memory impact


.fn PLUGIN_NAME This has been refactored so it exposes a more standardized API. This api is selector .PLUGIN_NAME methodName object hash OR selector .PLUGIN_NAME object hash methodName defaults to PLUGIN_NAME the elements in the selector are automatically.. a more standardized API. This api is selector .PLUGIN_NAME methodName object hash OR selector .PLUGIN_NAME object hash methodName defaults to PLUGIN_NAME the elements in the selector are automatically wrapped in the Wrap object the method is called or.. solid reduction in memory. .PLUGIN_NAME Added another public method for the plugin A total of two . .PLUGIN_NAME elem methodName options .PLUGIN_NAME elem elem2 ... methodName options .PLUGIN_NAME methodName elem elem elem elem2 ... cb function success..