

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:05:06

jquery Programming Glossary: math.sin

Dynamically arrange some elements around a circle


2 radius Math.cos angle var y container_height 2 radius Math.sin angle angle step It is not complete but should give you a good.. Math.cos angle this .width 2 y Math.round height 2 radius Math.sin angle this .height 2 this .css left x 'px' top y 'px' angle..

jQuery rounded slider


positive degrees from mouse position X Math.round radius Math.sin deg Math.PI 180 Y Math.round radius Math.cos deg Math.PI 180.. from a mouse position just do X Math.round radius Math.sin deg Math.PI 180 Y Math.round radius Math.cos deg Math.PI 180..

How to create circular animation with different objects using JQUERY


180 val .css left 550 Math.cos rad unit 'px' top unit 1 Math.sin rad 'px' angles idx var timer setInterval animate 10 You have..

Looking for jQuery easing functions without using a plugin


t d Math.PI 2 c b easeOutSine function x t b c d return c Math.sin t d Math.PI 2 b easeInOutSine function x t b c d return c 2.. var s p 2 Math.PI Math.asin c a return a Math.pow 2 10 t 1 Math.sin t d s 2 Math.PI p b easeOutElastic function x t b c d var s.. var s p 2 Math.PI Math.asin c a return a Math.pow 2 10 t Math.sin t d s 2 Math.PI p c b easeInOutElastic function x t b c d var..

jQuery plugin to make an element orbit another? [closed]


var w theta iter delta var a r Math.cos w var o r Math.sin w var x parseInt s.css 'left' s.height 2 a var y parseInt..

width/height after transform


jQuery animating along a sine wave


.top var SineWave function this.css function p var s Math.sin Math.abs p 1 10 if dir flip the sin wave to continue traversing.. window.SineWave SineWave function this.css function p s Math.sin p 1 500 1 x 5000 p 5000 10 2 y s 100 150 return top y px left..

raphael.js - converting pie graph to donut graph


startAngle rad x2 cx r Math.cos endAngle rad y1 cy r Math.sin startAngle rad y2 cy r Math.sin endAngle rad return paper.path.. endAngle rad y1 cy r Math.sin startAngle rad y2 cy r Math.sin endAngle rad return paper.path M cx cy L x1 y1 A r r 0 endAngle.. xx1 and yy1 xx1 cx rin Math.cos startAngle rad yy1 cy rin Math.sin startAngle rad Yous start building the path from this point..

What is an easing function?


var s p 2 Math.PI Math.asin c a return a Math.pow 2 10 t 1 Math.sin t d s 2 Math.PI p b Perhaps somebody else can explain the actual..

Javascript/css in IE8


deg var rad Math.PI 180 sdegree cos Math.cos rad sin Math.sin rad jQuery _this .find .sec .css moz transform srotate webkit.. deg var rad Math.PI 180 hdegree cos Math.cos rad sin Math.sin rad jQuery _this .find .hour .css moz transform hrotate webkit.. deg var rad Math.PI 180 mdegree cos Math.cos rad sin Math.sin rad jQuery _this .find .min .css moz transform mrotate webkit..

Dynamically arrange some elements around a circle


for var i 0 i numElements.length i var x container_width 2 radius Math.cos angle var y container_height 2 radius Math.sin angle angle step It is not complete but should give you a good start. Update Here's something that actually works var radius.. fields.each function var x Math.round width 2 radius Math.cos angle this .width 2 y Math.round height 2 radius Math.sin angle this .height 2 this .css left x 'px' top y 'px' angle step Demo http jsfiddle.net ThiefMaster LPh33 Here's an improved..

jQuery rounded slider


radius mPos.y radius deg atan Math.PI 180 180 final 0 360 positive degrees from mouse position X Math.round radius Math.sin deg Math.PI 180 Y Math.round radius Math.cos deg Math.PI 180 slider.css left X radius sliderW2 top Y radius sliderH2 .. around degrees 0 360 To translate back the degrees we calculated from a mouse position just do X Math.round radius Math.sin deg Math.PI 180 Y Math.round radius Math.cos deg Math.PI 180 ...and use X and Y to set the element css positions. share..

How to create circular animation with different objects using JQUERY


.each '.box' function idx val var rad angles idx Math.PI 180 val .css left 550 Math.cos rad unit 'px' top unit 1 Math.sin rad 'px' angles idx var timer setInterval animate 10 You have to change the left top width height properties of boxes..

Looking for jQuery easing functions without using a plugin


t t t t 2 b easeInSine function x t b c d return c Math.cos t d Math.PI 2 c b easeOutSine function x t b c d return c Math.sin t d Math.PI 2 b easeInOutSine function x t b c d return c 2 Math.cos Math.PI t d 1 b easeInExpo function x t b c d return.. 1 return b c if p p d .3 if a Math.abs c a c var s p 4 else var s p 2 Math.PI Math.asin c a return a Math.pow 2 10 t 1 Math.sin t d s 2 Math.PI p b easeOutElastic function x t b c d var s 1.70158 var p 0 var a c if t 0 return b if t d 1 return b c.. d 1 return b c if p p d .3 if a Math.abs c a c var s p 4 else var s p 2 Math.PI Math.asin c a return a Math.pow 2 10 t Math.sin t d s 2 Math.PI p c b easeInOutElastic function x t b c d var s 1.70158 var p 0 var a c if t 0 return b if t d 2 2 return..

jQuery plugin to make an element orbit another? [closed]


function Calculate the new position for the orbiting element var w theta iter delta var a r Math.cos w var o r Math.sin w var x parseInt s.css 'left' s.height 2 a var y parseInt s.css 'top' s.width 2 o Set the CSS properties top and left..

width/height after transform


jQuery animating along a sine wave


dir var x_current div .offset .left var y_current div .offset .top var SineWave function this.css function p var s Math.sin Math.abs p 1 10 if dir flip the sin wave to continue traversing s s var x 300 p 300 var y s 100 150 var o s 2 4 0.1 opacity.. these specific lines you can make it as infinite as you need. window.SineWave SineWave function this.css function p s Math.sin p 1 500 1 x 5000 p 5000 10 2 y s 100 150 return top y px left x px #nyan .stop .animate path new SineWave 50000 3 linear..

raphael.js - converting pie graph to donut graph


endAngle params console.log params.fill var x1 cx r Math.cos startAngle rad x2 cx r Math.cos endAngle rad y1 cy r Math.sin startAngle rad y2 cy r Math.sin endAngle rad return paper.path M cx cy L x1 y1 A r r 0 endAngle startAngle 180 0 x2 y2 z.. params.fill var x1 cx r Math.cos startAngle rad x2 cx r Math.cos endAngle rad y1 cy r Math.sin startAngle rad y2 cy r Math.sin endAngle rad return paper.path M cx cy L x1 y1 A r r 0 endAngle startAngle 180 0 x2 y2 z .attr params How would I modify.. the radius rin . Lets call the coordinates of this point xx1 and yy1 xx1 cx rin Math.cos startAngle rad yy1 cy rin Math.sin startAngle rad Yous start building the path from this point M xx1 yy1 Next step is to draw the line to the edge of the circle..

What is an easing function?


1 return b c if p p d .3 if a Math.abs c a c var s p 4 else var s p 2 Math.PI Math.asin c a return a Math.pow 2 10 t 1 Math.sin t d s 2 Math.PI p b Perhaps somebody else can explain the actual math part behind the interpolation because honestly I'm..

Javascript/css in IE8


'analog' var sdegree seconds 6 var srotate rotate sdegree deg var rad Math.PI 180 sdegree cos Math.cos rad sin Math.sin rad jQuery _this .find .sec .css moz transform srotate webkit transform srotate ms transform srotate 'filter' progid DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix.. 'analog' var hdegree hours 30 mins 2 var hrotate rotate hdegree deg var rad Math.PI 180 hdegree cos Math.cos rad sin Math.sin rad jQuery _this .find .hour .css moz transform hrotate webkit transform hrotate ms transform hrotate 'filter' progid.. opts.type 'analog' var mdegree mins 6 var mrotate rotate mdegree deg var rad Math.PI 180 mdegree cos Math.cos rad sin Math.sin rad jQuery _this .find .min .css moz transform mrotate webkit transform mrotate ms transform mrotate 'filter' progid DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix..