jquery Programming Glossary: math.ceil
JQuery UI DatePicker using 2 date fields trying to get date difference http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1263482/jquery-ui-datepicker-using-2-date-fields-trying-to-get-date-difference id nights var oneDay 1000 60 60 24 var difference Math.ceil arrivalDate.getTime departureDate.getTime oneDay nights.val..
Wait untill previous .append() is complete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1539841/wait-untill-previous-append-is-complete totalRecordsCount var arraycount Math.ceil totalRecordsCount 1000 var reports new Array arraycount reports..
Multiple rows with jcarousel http://stackoverflow.com/questions/213680/multiple-rows-with-jcarousel 0 ... moduleCount li.size wh this.options.moduleWidth Math.ceil moduleCount this.options.rows wh wh this.options.moduleWidth.. passed as option if o o.size undefined this.options.size Math.ceil li.size this.options.rows Hope this helps Tony Dillon share..
jQuery counter to count up to a target number http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2540277/jquery-counter-to-count-up-to-a-target-number how much to increment the value on each update var loops Math.ceil options.speed options.refreshInterval increment options.to options.from..
Removing an item from jCarousel plug-in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2645980/removing-an-item-from-jcarousel-plug-in this.options.size var di this.options.visible null Math.ceil this.clipping this.options.visible null var li this.list.children..
jQuery: update content every week (or long period of time) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3701276/jquery-update-content-every-week-or-long-period-of-time function var onejan new Date this.getFullYear 0 1 return Math.ceil this onejan 86400000 onejan.getDay 1 7 function var today new..
Count characters/sms using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4705185/count-characters-sms-using-jquery .keyup function var chars this.value.length messages Math.ceil chars 160 remaining messages 160 chars messages 160 messages..
How to choose a set of unique random numbers (no duplicates) using the jQuery.inArray method? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5143401/how-to-choose-a-set-of-unique-random-numbers-no-duplicates-using-the-jquery-in var t 0 for t 0 t Show t while jQuery.inArray x r var x Math.ceil Math.random TotalLogos r t x var content document.getElementById..
Increase font size with JavaScript around fixed floated images in CSS columns http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5405789/increase-font-size-with-javascript-around-fixed-floated-images-in-css-columns var FontSize 0 var ln elmsHtml.length FontSize Math.ceil widthFactor size elms i .style.fontSize FontSize function setFontSize..
Jquery Age calculation on date http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5524743/jquery-age-calculation-on-date dob '#date' .val if dob '' var today new Date var dayDiff Math.ceil today dob 1000 60 60 24 365 var age parseInt dayDiff '#age'..
Why use callback in JavaScript, what are its advantages? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7070495/why-use-callback-in-javascript-what-are-its-advantages function some_function arg1 arg2 callback var my_number Math.ceil Math.random arg1 arg2 arg2 callback my_number some_different_function_not_callback..
Showlink custom formatter with anchor and image in jqgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7119297/showlink-custom-formatter-with-anchor-and-image-in-jqgrid oneDay console.info firstDate secondDate console.info Math.ceil diffDays return Math.ceil diffDays Here is my jqGrid code var.. secondDate console.info Math.ceil diffDays return Math.ceil diffDays Here is my jqGrid code var grid jQuery #list1 grid.jqGrid..
jQuery plugin to make an element orbit another? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7454667/jquery-plugin-to-make-an-element-orbit-another the delay and the delta angle to add subtract var niters Math.ceil Math.min 4 r settings.period 0.001 settings.period settings.maxfps..
jquery pagination + twitter bootstrap http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8400804/jquery-pagination-twitter-bootstrap the maximum number of pages function numPages return Math.ceil maxentries opts.items_per_page Calculate start and end point.. @return Array function getInterval var ne_half Math.ceil opts.num_display_entries 2 var np numPages var upper_limit..
Using .after() to add html closing and open tags http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8706457/using-after-to-add-html-closing-and-open-tags .each function var total this .children .length var half Math.ceil total 2 1 this .children ' eq ' half ' ' .after ' ul ul ' The.. .each function var total this .children .length var half Math.ceil total 2 1 this .children ' gt ' half ' ' .detach .wrapAll '..
No support for indexOf in IE 8? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9768574/no-support-for-indexof-in-ie-8 this.length 0 var from Number arguments 1 0 from from 0 Math.ceil from Math.floor from if from 0 from len for from len from if..
JQuery UI DatePicker using 2 date fields trying to get date difference http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1263482/jquery-ui-datepicker-using-2-date-fields-trying-to-get-date-difference if departureDate null arrivalDate null triggeringElement.attr id nights var oneDay 1000 60 60 24 var difference Math.ceil arrivalDate.getTime departureDate.getTime oneDay nights.val difference else if departureDate null triggeringElement.attr..
Wait untill previous .append() is complete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1539841/wait-untill-previous-append-is-complete response var totalRecordsCount report.length 6000 var totalRecordsCountfortheLoop totalRecordsCount var arraycount Math.ceil totalRecordsCount 1000 var reports new Array arraycount reports 6 for var i 0 i arraycount i '#fourElementsonly' .append..
Multiple rows with jcarousel http://stackoverflow.com/questions/213680/multiple-rows-with-jcarousel find and edit the lines in .jcarousel function e o if li.size 0 ... moduleCount li.size wh this.options.moduleWidth Math.ceil moduleCount this.options.rows wh wh this.options.moduleWidth this.list.css this.wh wh 'px' Only set if not explicitly passed..
jQuery counter to count up to a target number http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2540277/jquery-counter-to-count-up-to-a-target-number options how many times to update the value and how much to increment the value on each update var loops Math.ceil options.speed options.refreshInterval increment options.to options.from loops return this .each function var _this this..
Removing an item from jCarousel plug-in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2645980/removing-an-item-from-jcarousel-plug-in this.lt jc.intval this.list.css this.lt d 'px' e.remove this.options.size var di this.options.visible null Math.ceil this.clipping this.options.visible null var li this.list.children 'li' var self this if li.size 0 var wh 0 i this.options.offset..
jQuery: update content every week (or long period of time) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3701276/jquery-update-content-every-week-or-long-period-of-time library blweekyear.htm Date.prototype.getWeek function var onejan new Date this.getFullYear 0 1 return Math.ceil this onejan 86400000 onejan.getDay 1 7 function var today new Date var weekno today.getWeek '#quotes wrapper' .load ' static..
Count characters/sms using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4705185/count-characters-sms-using-jquery var remaining '#remaining' messages remaining.next '#message' .keyup function var chars this.value.length messages Math.ceil chars 160 remaining messages 160 chars messages 160 messages 160 remaining.text remaining ' characters remaining' messages.text..
How to choose a set of unique random numbers (no duplicates) using the jQuery.inArray method? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5143401/how-to-choose-a-set-of-unique-random-numbers-no-duplicates-using-the-jquery-in height 60 width 120 ' r new Array Show Random number array var t 0 for t 0 t Show t while jQuery.inArray x r var x Math.ceil Math.random TotalLogos r t x var content document.getElementById 'client logos' .innerHTML document.getElementById 'client..
Increase font size with JavaScript around fixed floated images in CSS columns http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5405789/increase-font-size-with-javascript-around-fixed-floated-images-in-css-columns elms i .innerHTML var widthFactor parseInt elms i .style.fontSize var FontSize 0 var ln elmsHtml.length FontSize Math.ceil widthFactor size elms i .style.fontSize FontSize function setFontSize FontSize var elms document.getElementsByTagName span..
Jquery Age calculation on date http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5524743/jquery-age-calculation-on-date Am I missing something in the following jQuery code var dob '#date' .val if dob '' var today new Date var dayDiff Math.ceil today dob 1000 60 60 24 365 var age parseInt dayDiff '#age' .html age ' years old' I am getting the pre fetched value of..
Why use callback in JavaScript, what are its advantages? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7070495/why-use-callback-in-javascript-what-are-its-advantages threading In the following code how is the flow of control function some_function arg1 arg2 callback var my_number Math.ceil Math.random arg1 arg2 arg2 callback my_number some_different_function_not_callback arg1 some_function 5 15 function num..
Showlink custom formatter with anchor and image in jqgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7119297/showlink-custom-formatter-with-anchor-and-image-in-jqgrid var diffDays Math.abs firstDate.getTime secondDate.getTime oneDay console.info firstDate secondDate console.info Math.ceil diffDays return Math.ceil diffDays Here is my jqGrid code var grid jQuery #list1 grid.jqGrid datastr xml datatype 'xmlstring'.. firstDate.getTime secondDate.getTime oneDay console.info firstDate secondDate console.info Math.ceil diffDays return Math.ceil diffDays Here is my jqGrid code var grid jQuery #list1 grid.jqGrid datastr xml datatype 'xmlstring' colNames 'cfgId'..
jQuery plugin to make an element orbit another? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7454667/jquery-plugin-to-make-an-element-orbit-another a r Calculate the number of iterations to call setTimeout the delay and the delta angle to add subtract var niters Math.ceil Math.min 4 r settings.period 0.001 settings.period settings.maxfps var delta 2 Math.PI niters var delay settings.period..
jquery pagination + twitter bootstrap http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8400804/jquery-pagination-twitter-bootstrap function return false opts return this.each function Calculate the maximum number of pages function numPages return Math.ceil maxentries opts.items_per_page Calculate start and end point of pagination links depending on current_page and num_display_entries... pagination links depending on current_page and num_display_entries. @return Array function getInterval var ne_half Math.ceil opts.num_display_entries 2 var np numPages var upper_limit np opts.num_display_entries var start current_page ne_half Math.max..
Using .after() to add html closing and open tags http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8706457/using-after-to-add-html-closing-and-open-tags how I thought to do it. My js looks like this '.container ul' .each function var total this .children .length var half Math.ceil total 2 1 this .children ' eq ' half ' ' .after ' ul ul ' The problem I'm having and what I don't understand is that .after.. approach one that recognises what the DOM is. '.container ul' .each function var total this .children .length var half Math.ceil total 2 1 this .children ' gt ' half ' ' .detach .wrapAll ' ul ul ' .parent .insertAfter this This says get the children..
No support for indexOf in IE 8? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9768574/no-support-for-indexof-in-ie-8 Array.prototype.indexOf function elt from var len this.length 0 var from Number arguments 1 0 from from 0 Math.ceil from Math.floor from if from 0 from len for from len from if from in this this from elt return from return 1 var subItem..