

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:04:58

jquery Programming Glossary: mage

Ajax add to cart is not adding products to the cart


.replaceWith data.toplink var targetUrl ' php echo Mage getUrl 'onestepcheckout' ' jQuery #dialog confirm .dialog .. class home prouduct details php pid p getId php prod Mage getModel 'catalog product' load pid php html prod getShortDescription.. htmlEscape prod getData 'almost_gone_qty' php qtyStock Mage getModel 'cataloginventory stock_item' loadByProduct prod getQty..

jQuery - If Select Not Selected Being Ignored


option .each function this.selected this.text php echo Mage registry 'current_category' getName jQuery div.amfinder horizontal..

Ajax add to cart is not adding products to the cart


jQuery '.cart top container' .empty jQuery '.cart top container' .replaceWith data.toplink var targetUrl ' php echo Mage getUrl 'onestepcheckout' ' jQuery #dialog confirm .dialog resizable false height 140 modal true buttons Checkout function.. if p getOptions enctype multipart form data php endif div class home prouduct details php pid p getId php prod Mage getModel 'catalog product' load pid php html prod getShortDescription php str html matches array preg_match_all.. div div class home price button php almost_gone_qty this htmlEscape prod getData 'almost_gone_qty' php qtyStock Mage getModel 'cataloginventory stock_item' loadByProduct prod getQty php if this hasOptions strtotime prod getDealEndDate..

jQuery - If Select Not Selected Being Ignored


function jQuery div.amfinder horizontal td nth child 6 select option .each function this.selected this.text php echo Mage registry 'current_category' getName jQuery div.amfinder horizontal td nth child 6 select option .change 'finder 4023 20454'..