jquery Programming Glossary: jwplayer
Fancybox 2 Dynamic Width Based on Content Size http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11023450/fancybox-2-dynamic-width-based-on-content-size body cfoutput script type text javascript src Javascript jwplayer.js script script type 'text javascript' var max_video_width.. script type 'text javascript' var max_video_width 924 jwplayer preview .setup flashplayer VideoPlayer player.swf controlbar.. event.metadata.width event.metadata.height jwplayer preview .resize max_video_width new_height jwplayer preview..
Fancybox 2 title hover on gallery change http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14185451/fancybox-2-title-hover-on-gallery-change
Start local video in fancybox mit JWPlayer, video ID in url http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14317242/start-local-video-in-fancybox-mit-jwplayer-video-id-in-url This is how I usually start a video file with fancybox and jwplayer. Head head ... script type text javascript src jwplayer jwplayer.js.. jwplayer. Head head ... script type text javascript src jwplayer jwplayer.js script script type text javascript src fancybox.. Head head ... script type text javascript src jwplayer jwplayer.js script script type text javascript src fancybox lib jquery..
jwplayer in fancybox not playing on ipad/iphone http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14846926/jwplayer-in-fancybox-not-playing-on-ipad-iphone in fancybox not playing on ipad iphone I'm using the following.. I'm using the following code but videos won't play with jwplayer inside fancybox on iOS ipad iphone ...works fine otherwise... html5 fallback... script type text javascript src scripts jwplayer html5 jwplayer.html5.min.js script script type text javascript..
Loading JW Player Inside of FancyBox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8221253/loading-jw-player-inside-of-fancybox openEffect 'none' closeEffect 'none' afterLoad function jwplayer 'mediaspace' .setup 'flashplayer' ' php bloginfo 'template_directory'..
How to get fullscreen video on jwplayer when using with fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8769553/how-to-get-fullscreen-video-on-jwplayer-when-using-with-fancybox to get fullscreen video on jwplayer when using with fancybox How do I go about getting fullscreen.. fancybox How do I go about getting fullscreen video on jwplayer when using it with fancybox Right now I have fancybox opening.. Right now I have fancybox opening up a div that contains jwplayer embedding and it works fine the video plays when pressing play..
Fancybox 2 Dynamic Width Based on Content Size http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11023450/fancybox-2-dynamic-width-based-on-content-size EN http www.w3.org TR xhtml1 DTD xhtml1 transitional.dtd html body cfoutput script type text javascript src Javascript jwplayer.js script script type 'text javascript' var max_video_width 924 jwplayer preview .setup flashplayer VideoPlayer player.swf.. script type text javascript src Javascript jwplayer.js script script type 'text javascript' var max_video_width 924 jwplayer preview .setup flashplayer VideoPlayer player.swf controlbar bottom file videos file_name stretching 'file_name' autostart.. if event.metadata.width max_video_width var new_height max_video_width event.metadata.width event.metadata.height jwplayer preview .resize max_video_width new_height jwplayer preview .stop '##preview_wrapper' .width max_video_width .height..
Fancybox 2 title hover on gallery change http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14185451/fancybox-2-title-hover-on-gallery-change
Start local video in fancybox mit JWPlayer, video ID in url http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14317242/start-local-video-in-fancybox-mit-jwplayer-video-id-in-url local video in fancybox mit JWPlayer video ID in url This is how I usually start a video file with fancybox and jwplayer. Head head ... script type text javascript src jwplayer jwplayer.js script script type text javascript src fancybox lib.. This is how I usually start a video file with fancybox and jwplayer. Head head ... script type text javascript src jwplayer jwplayer.js script script type text javascript src fancybox lib jquery 1.8.2.min.js script script type text javascript src.. is how I usually start a video file with fancybox and jwplayer. Head head ... script type text javascript src jwplayer jwplayer.js script script type text javascript src fancybox lib jquery 1.8.2.min.js script script type text javascript src fancybox..
jwplayer in fancybox not playing on ipad/iphone http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14846926/jwplayer-in-fancybox-not-playing-on-ipad-iphone in fancybox not playing on ipad iphone I'm using the following code but videos won't play with jwplayer inside fancybox.. in fancybox not playing on ipad iphone I'm using the following code but videos won't play with jwplayer inside fancybox on iOS ipad iphone ...works fine otherwise. I appreciate that iOS doesn't handle flash but I'm unsure of.. but I'm unsure of how to modify this code to provide for the html5 fallback... script type text javascript src scripts jwplayer html5 jwplayer.html5.min.js script script type text javascript document .ready function .video_popup .fancybox fitToView..
Loading JW Player Inside of FancyBox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8221253/loading-jw-player-inside-of-fancybox width '70 ' height '70 ' autoSize false closeClick false openEffect 'none' closeEffect 'none' afterLoad function jwplayer 'mediaspace' .setup 'flashplayer' ' php bloginfo 'template_directory' lib jw player.swf' 'file' 'LtGoBZ4D4_E' 'image'..
How to get fullscreen video on jwplayer when using with fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8769553/how-to-get-fullscreen-video-on-jwplayer-when-using-with-fancybox to get fullscreen video on jwplayer when using with fancybox How do I go about getting fullscreen video on jwplayer when using it with fancybox Right now I.. to get fullscreen video on jwplayer when using with fancybox How do I go about getting fullscreen video on jwplayer when using it with fancybox Right now I have fancybox opening up a div that contains jwplayer embedding and it works fine.. fullscreen video on jwplayer when using it with fancybox Right now I have fancybox opening up a div that contains jwplayer embedding and it works fine the video plays when pressing play etc so that is all good. The only problem is when I press..