jquery Programming Glossary: jsonrequestbehavior.allowget
Making a Simple Ajax call to controller in asp.net mvc http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16186083/making-a-simple-ajax-call-to-controller-in-asp-net-mvc View public ActionResult FirstAjax return Json chamara JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet View head runat server title FirstAjax title script src http.. ActionResult FirstAjax string a return Json chamara JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet c# jquery asp.net asp.net mvc asp.net mvc 2 share improve..
ASP.NET MVC 2 - Failed with jquery ajax response http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2350921/asp-net-mvc-2-failed-with-jquery-ajax-response can disable it like this.. return Json new mymsg my msg JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet but you should understand the implications . share improve..
Need an ASP.NET MVC long running process with user feedback http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2927284/need-an-asp-net-mvc-long-running-process-with-user-feedback return Json new Progress HttpContext.Application task id JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet View script type text javascript function var taskId 543 .get..
MVC JSON actions returning bool http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3754324/mvc-json-actions-returning-bool CalculateTax int prettyId if prettyId 0 return Json true JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet TaxStatement selected _repository.Load prettyId return Json.. prettyId return Json selected.calculateTax JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet calculateTax is of type bool I had problems with this because.. if prettyId 0 return Json new isCalculateTax true JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet var selected _repository.Load prettyId return Json new isCalculateTax..
A controller action which returns a partial view inserts the logon page when authorization fails http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4198679/a-controller-action-which-returns-a-partial-view-inserts-the-logon-page-when-aut urlHelper.Action LogOn Account JsonRequestBehavior JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet else base.HandleUnauthorizedRequest context You'd then get..
ASP.NET MVC Ajax Error handling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4707755/asp-net-mvc-ajax-error-handling filterContext.Exception.ToString JsonRequestBehavior JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet and then decorate your controller action with this attribute..
ASP.Net MVC 3 JQGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5092866/asp-net-mvc-3-jqgrid e.Department.title .ToArray return Json result JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet When I run this the code falls over with the following error..
How do I return JSON and loop through the returned json in jQuery in MVC app? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5953761/how-do-i-return-json-and-loop-through-the-returned-json-in-jquery-in-mvc-app comments .Count 0 return Json new comments cmts.ToJson JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet else return Json new comments none JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet.. else return Json new comments none JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet catch Exception ex return Json new comments ex.ToString JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet.. catch Exception ex return Json new comments ex.ToString JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet Thanks EDIT How do I loop these json returned by controller..
Return a JSon array to $.ajax from ActionResult type method in MVC 3 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7963610/return-a-json-array-to-ajax-from-actionresult-type-method-in-mvc-3 Json new Name name1 Url url1 Description descr1 JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet else return View I solved the problem with this HttpGet.. p else lk new List LinksControl 0 return this.Json lk JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet else return this.Json new List LinksControl 0 JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet.. else return this.Json new List LinksControl 0 JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet And the JQuery .folder .click function var find_id this .attr..
Sorting not working with Json Result giving encoded output http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9644581/sorting-not-working-with-json-result-giving-encoded-output return Json new Data htmlString.ToHtmlString JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet Javascript Code .getJSON '@Url.Action GetMyData ' id 1 function..
Cannot call the JSON result in Jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9730788/cannot-call-the-json-result-in-jquery a.Name jr.Data _product.ToList jr.JsonRequestBehavior JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet return jr And this is what I loop it in my view document .ready..
Making a Simple Ajax call to controller in asp.net mvc http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16186083/making-a-simple-ajax-call-to-controller-in-asp-net-mvc Controller GET AjaxTest public ActionResult Index return View public ActionResult FirstAjax return Json chamara JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet View head runat server title FirstAjax title script src http code.jquery.com jquery 1.9.1.js script script src http ajax.googleapis.com.. public ActionResult FirstAjax return View HttpPost public ActionResult FirstAjax string a return Json chamara JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet c# jquery asp.net asp.net mvc asp.net mvc 2 share improve this question After the update you have done its first calling..
ASP.NET MVC 2 - Failed with jquery ajax response http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2350921/asp-net-mvc-2-failed-with-jquery-ajax-response
Need an ASP.NET MVC long running process with user feedback http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2927284/need-an-asp-net-mvc-long-running-process-with-user-feedback text plain public ActionResult SomeTaskProgress int id return Json new Progress HttpContext.Application task id JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet View script type text javascript function var taskId 543 .get ' home sometask' id taskId function result window.clearInterval..
MVC JSON actions returning bool http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3754324/mvc-json-actions-returning-bool GET TaxStatements CalculateTax prettyId public ActionResult CalculateTax int prettyId if prettyId 0 return Json true JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet TaxStatement selected _repository.Load prettyId return Json selected.calculateTax JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet calculateTax.. true JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet TaxStatement selected _repository.Load prettyId return Json selected.calculateTax JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet calculateTax is of type bool I had problems with this because when using it in jquery functions I had all sorts of error.. is a key value pairs public ActionResult CalculateTax int prettyId if prettyId 0 return Json new isCalculateTax true JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet var selected _repository.Load prettyId return Json new isCalculateTax selected.calculateTax JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet..
A controller action which returns a partial view inserts the logon page when authorization fails http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4198679/a-controller-action-which-returns-a-partial-view-inserts-the-logon-page-when-aut new JsonResult Data new Error NotAuthorized LogOnUrl urlHelper.Action LogOn Account JsonRequestBehavior JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet else base.HandleUnauthorizedRequest context You'd then get back a JSON object from the controller 'Error' 'NotAuthorized'..
ASP.NET MVC Ajax Error handling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4707755/asp-net-mvc-ajax-error-handling new JsonResult Data new success false error filterContext.Exception.ToString JsonRequestBehavior JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet and then decorate your controller action with this attribute MyErrorHandler public ActionResult Foo string id if string.IsNullOrEmpty..
ASP.Net MVC 3 JQGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5092866/asp-net-mvc-3-jqgrid new string e.equipmentID.ToString e.Category.categoryTitle e.Department.title .ToArray return Json result JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet When I run this the code falls over with the following error LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.String..
How do I return JSON and loop through the returned json in jQuery in MVC app? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5953761/how-do-i-return-json-and-loop-through-the-returned-json-in-jquery-in-mvc-app page_no try List Comment comments ReadCommentsFromDB if comments .Count 0 return Json new comments cmts.ToJson JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet else return Json new comments none JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet catch Exception ex return Json new comments ex.ToString.. .Count 0 return Json new comments cmts.ToJson JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet else return Json new comments none JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet catch Exception ex return Json new comments ex.ToString JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet Thanks EDIT How do I loop these.. return Json new comments none JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet catch Exception ex return Json new comments ex.ToString JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet Thanks EDIT How do I loop these json returned by controller I need to loop 3 times and then for each row I need to have..
Return a JSon array to $.ajax from ActionResult type method in MVC 3 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7963610/return-a-json-array-to-ajax-from-actionresult-type-method-in-mvc-3 p.Url descr1 p.Description done true break if done return Json new Name name1 Url url1 Description descr1 JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet else return View I solved the problem with this HttpGet controller public JsonResult GetCategoryInfo string cat_name.. lk new List LinksControl foreach var p in c.Links lk.Add p else lk new List LinksControl 0 return this.Json lk JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet else return this.Json new List LinksControl 0 JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet And the JQuery .folder .click function var.. List LinksControl 0 return this.Json lk JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet else return this.Json new List LinksControl 0 JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet And the JQuery .folder .click function var find_id this .attr id .ajax type GET url '@Url.Action GetCategoryInfo ' dataType..
Sorting not working with Json Result giving encoded output http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9644581/sorting-not-working-with-json-result-giving-encoded-output grid.Column Name Name grid.Column Value DataValue return Json new Data htmlString.ToHtmlString JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet Javascript Code .getJSON '@Url.Action GetMyData ' id 1 function result var customDataList '#grid' customDataList.empty..
Cannot call the JSON result in Jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9730788/cannot-call-the-json-result-in-jquery a in DataContext.GetProductsByDep id select new ID a.ID ProName a.Name jr.Data _product.ToList jr.JsonRequestBehavior JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet return jr And this is what I loop it in my view document .ready function var urlProduct ' Url.Content ~ ' Products GetProductsByDepList..