jquery Programming Glossary: json.stringify
Serializing to JSON in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/191881/serializing-to-json-in-jquery JSON in JavaScript. To convert an object to a string use JSON.stringify var json_text JSON.stringify your_object null 2 To convert a.. an object to a string use JSON.stringify var json_text JSON.stringify your_object null 2 To convert a string to JSON object use JSON.parse.. version of Crockford's JSON library will only define JSON.stringify and JSON.parse if they're not already defined leaving any browser..
Convert array to JSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2295496/convert-array-to-json
How do I build a JSON object to send to an AJAX WebService? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2737525/how-do-i-build-a-json-object-to-send-to-an-ajax-webservice come from the JSON plugin you can use another version JSON.stringify from http www.json.org If your WebMethod had parameters like.. myData1 myRequest2 .toJSON myData2 or data request1 JSON.stringify myData1 myRequest2 JSON.stringify myData2 if you prefer another.. myData2 or data request1 JSON.stringify myData1 myRequest2 JSON.stringify myData2 if you prefer another version of JSON encoder. share..
Javascript/jquery to download file via POST with JSON data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3499597/javascript-jquery-to-download-file-via-post-with-json-data POST url services test contentType application json data JSON.stringify category 42 sort 3 type pdf dataType json success function json..
jQuery modal dialog and jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3587480/jquery-modal-dialog-and-jqgrid 'selarrrow' .ajax type POST url url names ids data JSON.stringify ids dataType json 'cancel' function this .dialog 'close'.. unprocessedOrders.do data method releaseTowics orderNum JSON.stringify ids names JSON.stringify names dataType json success function.. method releaseTowics orderNum JSON.stringify ids names JSON.stringify names dataType json success function msg alert msg error..
jqGrid does not populate with data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3912008/jqgrid-does-not-populate-with-data application json serializeRowData function data return JSON.stringify data see another old answer . Probably your WFC don't receive..
jqgrid add row and send data to webservice for insert http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3917102/jqgrid-add-row-and-send-data-to-webservice-for-insert undefined postData.exercise_value null return JSON.stringify postData where JSON.stringify is the functions defined in http.. null return JSON.stringify postData where JSON.stringify is the functions defined in http www.json.org js.html . Then.. undefined postData.exercise_value null return JSON.stringify postData Now you can define insertRecord like following WebMethod..
is there an api in jqgrid to add advanced filters to post data? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5272850/is-there-an-api-in-jqgrid-to-add-advanced-filters-to-post-data f.rules.length 0 .extend grid.p.postData filters JSON.stringify f Update I have this working now thanks to Oleg but ifor some.. true if you want to force the searching postData filters JSON.stringify myfilter if the grid already exist you want to reload the grid.. myfilter.rules.length 0 .extend grid 0 .p.postData filters JSON.stringify myfilter grid.trigger reloadGrid page 1 instead. The function..
Jquery Ajax Posting json to webservice http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6323338/jquery-ajax-posting-json-to-webservice match your method's input parameter case sensitive . data JSON.stringify Markers markers contentType application json charset utf 8 dataType..
Serializing to JSON in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/191881/serializing-to-json-in-jquery jquery json share improve this question JSON js JSON in JavaScript. To convert an object to a string use JSON.stringify var json_text JSON.stringify your_object null 2 To convert a string to JSON object use JSON.parse var your_object JSON.parse.. improve this question JSON js JSON in JavaScript. To convert an object to a string use JSON.stringify var json_text JSON.stringify your_object null 2 To convert a string to JSON object use JSON.parse var your_object JSON.parse json_text It was recently.. Newer browsers support the JSON object natively. The current version of Crockford's JSON library will only define JSON.stringify and JSON.parse if they're not already defined leaving any browser native implementation intact. share improve this answer..
Convert array to JSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2295496/convert-array-to-json
How do I build a JSON object to send to an AJAX WebService? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2737525/how-do-i-build-a-json-object-to-send-to-an-ajax-webservice function response alert response instead of .toJSON which come from the JSON plugin you can use another version JSON.stringify from http www.json.org If your WebMethod had parameters like public Response ValidateAddress Request request1 Request myRequest2..
Javascript/jquery to download file via POST with JSON data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3499597/javascript-jquery-to-download-file-via-post-with-json-data do I get the browser to download and save the file .ajax type POST url services test contentType application json data JSON.stringify category 42 sort 3 type pdf dataType json success function json status if status success log Error loading data return..
jQuery modal dialog and jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3587480/jquery-modal-dialog-and-jqgrid function var ids jQuery #list10 .jqGrid 'getGridParam' 'selarrrow' .ajax type POST url url names ids data JSON.stringify ids dataType json 'cancel' function this .dialog 'close' my html div id dialog confirm title Confirm p span.. function alert Confirm .ajax type POST url cpsb unprocessedOrders.do data method releaseTowics orderNum JSON.stringify ids names JSON.stringify names dataType json success function msg alert msg error function res status exeption.. .ajax type POST url cpsb unprocessedOrders.do data method releaseTowics orderNum JSON.stringify ids names JSON.stringify names dataType json success function msg alert msg error function res status exeption alert res The exact..
jqGrid does not populate with data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3912008/jqgrid-does-not-populate-with-data that you not use parameters like ajaxGridOptions contentType application json serializeRowData function data return JSON.stringify data see another old answer . Probably your WFC don't receive currently any input parameters like int page int rows string..
jqgrid add row and send data to webservice for insert http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3917102/jqgrid-add-row-and-send-data-to-webservice-for-insert true serializeEditData function postData if postData.exercise_value undefined postData.exercise_value null return JSON.stringify postData where JSON.stringify is the functions defined in http www.json.org js.html . Then the data which will be send.. postData if postData.exercise_value undefined postData.exercise_value null return JSON.stringify postData where JSON.stringify is the functions defined in http www.json.org js.html . Then the data which will be send to the server will be JSON encoded... json serializeDelData function postData if postData.exercise_value undefined postData.exercise_value null return JSON.stringify postData Now you can define insertRecord like following WebMethod ScriptMethod ResponseFormat ResponseFormat.Json public..
is there an api in jqgrid to add advanced filters to post data? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5272850/is-there-an-api-in-jqgrid-to-add-advanced-filters-to-post-data AND rules f.rules.push field Name op cn data volat grid.p.search f.rules.length 0 .extend grid.p.postData filters JSON.stringify f Update I have this working now thanks to Oleg but ifor some reason the Find button somethng comes up with blank even thought.. grid #list grid.jqGrid all prarameters which you need search true if you want to force the searching postData filters JSON.stringify myfilter if the grid already exist you want to reload the grid with the settings you can use grid 0 .p.search myfilter.rules.length.. the grid with the settings you can use grid 0 .p.search myfilter.rules.length 0 .extend grid 0 .p.postData filters JSON.stringify myfilter grid.trigger reloadGrid page 1 instead. The function JSON.stringify is supported by the most web browsers natively..
Jquery Ajax Posting json to webservice http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6323338/jquery-ajax-posting-json-to-webservice PodcastService.asmx CreateMarkers The key needs to match your method's input parameter case sensitive . data JSON.stringify Markers markers contentType application json charset utf 8 dataType json success function data alert data failure function..