

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:04:07

jquery Programming Glossary: imgs.length

Combining jQuery Isotope and Lazy Load


win.trigger scroll imgs.lazyload failure_limit Math.max imgs.length 1 0 Explanation According to the docs http www.appelsiini.net..

Making a Jquery shuffle Gallery


i 0 function shuffle imgs i .fadeIn 2000 function i i imgs.length 1 i 1 0 setTimeout function '.slideshow img' .fadeOut 2000..

how to show div #loading whilst div #content loads


var loaded 0 imgs.each function if this.complete loaded if imgs.length loaded '#loading' .hide '#content' .fadeIn 'slow' when user..

How to create Hash object/array using jquery?


var imgs starStrip.select img alert imgs for var i 0 i imgs.length i starSave starSave.length imgs i .src if i pos imgs i .src.. var imgs starStrip.select img alert imgs for var i 0 i imgs.length i starSave starSave.length imgs i .src if i pos imgs i .src..

How to know when all images inside a specific “div” are loaded?


img .not function return this.complete var count imgs.length if count imgs.load function count if count #images_wrapper.. if else statement. var imgs #images_wrapper img var count imgs.length imgs.load function count if count #images_wrapper .show alert..

Combining jQuery Isotope and Lazy Load


con '#container' imgs img.lazy con.isotope onLayout function win.trigger scroll imgs.lazyload failure_limit Math.max imgs.length 1 0 Explanation According to the docs http www.appelsiini.net projects lazyload After scrolling page Lazy Load loops though..

Making a Jquery shuffle Gallery


Using jQuery function function var imgs '.slideshow img' var i 0 function shuffle imgs i .fadeIn 2000 function i i imgs.length 1 i 1 0 setTimeout function '.slideshow img' .fadeOut 2000 shuffle 2000 shuffle DEMO . Update May be you want a random..

how to show div #loading whilst div #content loads


allImagesLoaded var imgs this .closest 'div' .find 'img' var loaded 0 imgs.each function if this.complete loaded if imgs.length loaded '#loading' .hide '#content' .fadeIn 'slow' when user browses to page '#content' .hide '#loading' .show then when..

How to create Hash object/array using jquery?


id if starSaves.keys .indexOf id 1 var starSave new Array var imgs starStrip.select img alert imgs for var i 0 i imgs.length i starSave starSave.length imgs i .src if i pos imgs i .src images star_1.gif else imgs i .src images star_0.gif starSaves.set.. id if starSaves.containsKey id var starSave new Array var imgs starStrip.select img alert imgs for var i 0 i imgs.length i starSave starSave.length imgs i .src if i pos imgs i .src images star_1.gif else imgs i .src images star_0.gif starSaves.put..

How to know when all images inside a specific “div” are loaded?


that is decremented as the images load. var imgs #images_wrapper img .not function return this.complete var count imgs.length if count imgs.load function count if count #images_wrapper .show alert 'all done' else #images_wrapper .show The the.. invoke the .load on them. This removes the need for the if else statement. var imgs #images_wrapper img var count imgs.length imgs.load function count if count #images_wrapper .show alert 'all done' .filter function return this.complete .load Example..