jquery Programming Glossary: id_item
Set background colour of select to selected option in JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5068087/set-background-colour-of-select-to-selected-option-in-jquery boxes as per the following select name item 0 status id id_item 0 status option value option option value 1 Online option option.. via the following JQuery code 'select id status id^ id_item ' .children .each function if this .val 0 this .css 'backgroundColor'.. to achieve using the following 'select id status id^ id_item ' .each function this .css 'backgroundColor' 'option selected'..
Set background colour of select to selected option in JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5068087/set-background-colour-of-select-to-selected-option-in-jquery of select options in JQuery I have a page with multiple select boxes as per the following select name item 0 status id id_item 0 status option value option option value 1 Online option option value 2 Offline option option value 3 Unknown option select.. 'item 2 status' etc. I am allocating colours to the options via the following JQuery code 'select id status id^ id_item ' .children .each function if this .val 0 this .css 'backgroundColor' 'white' if this .val 1 this .css 'backgroundColor'.. same background colour as the selected option which I am trying to achieve using the following 'select id status id^ id_item ' .each function this .css 'backgroundColor' 'option selected' this .css 'backgroundColor' However this just colours the..