

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:03:29

jquery Programming Glossary: focuses

Difference between jQuery and jQuery Mobile?


to simplify and standardise scripting across browsers. It focuses on the low level stuff creating elements manipulating the DOM..

jquery validation plug-in and scrolling


validation plug in. When there are invalid fields it focuses on the first invalid field. However my labels are on top of..

Blur Event Does not get Fired in IE7 and IE6


am supposed to hide the list i.e. when the user clicks or focuses on some other element and not on mouse out Hence my obvious..

jquery input select all on focus


to try and select all of the text in the field when a user focuses on the field. What happens is it selects all for a second then..

jQuery .focus() and .blur() not working in Chrome or Safari


highlighted by changing the background color when the user focuses on them. .focus and .blur both work in Firefox and IE but not..

How to detect if the pressed key will produce a character inside an <input> text-box?


function keypress code .keyup function keyup code The user focuses on a text box and presses various keys on his keyboard the usual..

jQuery focus function not working in Firefox


not working in Firefox The following piece of code focuses the text input after you click on the link. It works fine for..

Difference between jQuery and jQuery Mobile?


share improve this question jQuery is purely designed to simplify and standardise scripting across browsers. It focuses on the low level stuff creating elements manipulating the DOM managing attributes performing HTTP requests etc. jQueryUI..

jquery validation plug-in and scrolling


validation plug in and scrolling I'm using the jquery validation plug in. When there are invalid fields it focuses on the first invalid field. However my labels are on top of my fields and I want to scroll up just a bit so the user can..

Blur Event Does not get Fired in IE7 and IE6


where in a div is clicked and List is shown. On focus out I am supposed to hide the list i.e. when the user clicks or focuses on some other element and not on mouse out Hence my obvious choice was 'onblur' . Now the javascript seems to work in firefox..

jquery input select all on focus


input select all on focus Hey all. I'm using this code to try and select all of the text in the field when a user focuses on the field. What happens is it selects all for a second then its unselected and the typing cursor is left where I clicked.....

jQuery .focus() and .blur() not working in Chrome or Safari


form that needs to have each question and set of answers highlighted by changing the background color when the user focuses on them. .focus and .blur both work in Firefox and IE but not entirely in Safari and Chrome. I also tried .focusin and .focusout..

How to detect if the pressed key will produce a character inside an <input> text-box?


events input text .keydown function keydown code .keypress function keypress code .keyup function keyup code The user focuses on a text box and presses various keys on his keyboard the usual ones letters numbers SHIFT BACKSPACE SPACE ... . I need..

jQuery focus function not working in Firefox


focus function not working in Firefox The following piece of code focuses the text input after you click on the link. It works fine for Chrome 2.x IE8 and Opera 9.64 but not on Firefox 3.0.9. The..