jquery Programming Glossary: flowplayer.org
jQuery Plugins vs UI vs some alternative http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2001902/jquery-plugins-vs-ui-vs-some-alternative but frankly I am not impressed. Although jQuery Tools http flowplayer.org tools download.html looks kind of nice. Does anyone have any..
Linking/unlinking jquery object to an element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2124327/linking-unlinking-jquery-object-to-an-element element I'm using a jquery flowplayer tools plugin http flowplayer.org tools tooltip.html 1 I want a tooltip to be created when user.. .tooltip display none background transparent url http flowplayer.org tools img tooltip black_arrow_bottom.png font size 14px height.. .tooltip display none background transparent url http flowplayer.org tools img tooltip black_arrow_bottom.png font size 14px height..
HTML5 <video> callbacks? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2954595/html5-video-callbacks via Javascript or some other method I know Flowplayer http flowplayer.org demos scripting grow.html has an onFinish function is that the..
jQuery Tools alert works once (but only once) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4567947/jquery-tools-alert-works-once-but-only-once or it should be. I've been slavishly following http flowplayer.org tools demos overlay trigger.html and have something that works..
JQuery Tools tabs conflicts with JQuery UI http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4599916/jquery-tools-tabs-conflicts-with-jquery-ui like this .fn.fpTabs function query conf I used fpTabs for flowplayer.org tabs you can use whatever name works for you. That should clear..
ContentFlow (coverflow) - Need to make it work + Tabs and panes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4621017/contentflow-coverflow-need-to-make-it-work-tabs-and-panes i used to make the tabs and panes if you're curious. http flowplayer.org tools tabs index.html If i can get the cure to these 3 issues..
How to modify my tooltip on a td http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5005654/how-to-modify-my-tooltip-on-a-td can use one of the built in jQuery tooltip plugins. http flowplayer.org tools tooltip index.html Here's an example of using it with.. index.html Here's an example of using it with a table http flowplayer.org tools demos tooltip table.html document .ready function #my..
trying to use jquery tooltip plugin, object has no method “tooltip” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7604980/trying-to-use-jquery-tooltip-plugin-object-has-no-method-tooltip method &ldquo tooltip&rdquo I'm using this tooltip http flowplayer.org tools demos tooltip index.html I have the following lines in..
Google Maps Not Working in jQuery Tabs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9458215/google-maps-not-working-in-jquery-tabs awake wp content themes awake lib scripts tabs.min.js flowplayer.org tools forum 25 79274 is one solution I found scroll to bottom..
jQuery Plugins vs UI vs some alternative http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2001902/jquery-plugins-vs-ui-vs-some-alternative uniform UI library or framework. I am looking at jQuery UI but frankly I am not impressed. Although jQuery Tools http flowplayer.org tools download.html looks kind of nice. Does anyone have any experience with any of these Do you have any other suggestions..
Linking/unlinking jquery object to an element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2124327/linking-unlinking-jquery-object-to-an-element unlinking jquery object to an element I'm using a jquery flowplayer tools plugin http flowplayer.org tools tooltip.html 1 I want a tooltip to be created when user clicks on an element. 2 When the user clicks on another element.. else my_create new_id old_id new_id new_id.focus script style .tooltip display none background transparent url http flowplayer.org tools img tooltip black_arrow_bottom.png font size 14px height 70px width 160px padding 25px color #fff h1 width 400px.. footer header hgroup menu nav section display block style style .tooltip display none background transparent url http flowplayer.org tools img tooltip black_arrow_bottom.png font size 14px height 70px width 160px padding 25px color #fff h1 width 400px..
HTML5 <video> callbacks? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2954595/html5-video-callbacks Can you get the timecode of a currently playing movie via Javascript or some other method I know Flowplayer http flowplayer.org demos scripting grow.html has an onFinish function is that the route I should take in lieu of the HTML5 video method Does..
jQuery Tools alert works once (but only once) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4567947/jquery-tools-alert-works-once-but-only-once an OK button that when clicked makes the overlay go away. Trivial or it should be. I've been slavishly following http flowplayer.org tools demos overlay trigger.html and have something that works fine the first time it's invoked but only that time. If I..
JQuery Tools tabs conflicts with JQuery UI http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4599916/jquery-tools-tabs-conflicts-with-jquery-ui change this line .fn.tabs function query conf to something like this .fn.fpTabs function query conf I used fpTabs for flowplayer.org tabs you can use whatever name works for you. That should clear up your conflicts without causing problems anywhere else...
ContentFlow (coverflow) - Need to make it work + Tabs and panes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4621017/contentflow-coverflow-need-to-make-it-work-tabs-and-panes and panes and 1 bottom set of tabs and panes. This is what i used to make the tabs and panes if you're curious. http flowplayer.org tools tabs index.html If i can get the cure to these 3 issues id most greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance. EDIT This..
How to modify my tooltip on a td http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5005654/how-to-modify-my-tooltip-on-a-td div div html jquery share improve this question You can use one of the built in jQuery tooltip plugins. http flowplayer.org tools tooltip index.html Here's an example of using it with a table http flowplayer.org tools demos tooltip table.html document.. jQuery tooltip plugins. http flowplayer.org tools tooltip index.html Here's an example of using it with a table http flowplayer.org tools demos tooltip table.html document .ready function #my table td .hover function #property hover .html p Put some loading..
trying to use jquery tooltip plugin, object has no method “tooltip” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7604980/trying-to-use-jquery-tooltip-plugin-object-has-no-method-tooltip to use jquery tooltip plugin object has no method &ldquo tooltip&rdquo I'm using this tooltip http flowplayer.org tools demos tooltip index.html I have the following lines in my html file script src javascripts home.js type text javascript..
Google Maps Not Working in jQuery Tabs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9458215/google-maps-not-working-in-jquery-tabs to the file that governs my tabs http themes.mysitemyway.com awake wp content themes awake lib scripts tabs.min.js flowplayer.org tools forum 25 79274 is one solution I found scroll to bottom . However the checkResize and resizeMap no longer work see..