jquery Programming Glossary: fb.init
How to dynamically show/hide a facebook login button http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1254999/how-to-dynamically-show-hide-a-facebook-login-button FB_RequireFeatures Connect function FB.init appkey Content xd_receiver.htm ifUserConnected updateUserBox..
Facebook Like button showing 0 likes for ALL Facebook pages http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13372154/facebook-like-button-showing-0-likes-for-all-facebook-pages script Init the SDK upon load window.fbAsyncInit function FB.init appId '464723870207650' App ID channelUrl ' ' window.location.hostname..
Trying to update Facebook Open Graph meta tags using client side jquery and ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5167759/trying-to-update-facebook-open-graph-meta-tags-using-client-side-jquery-and-ajax the meta with ajax. I tried using append to head int FB.init but it seems to not work and the update isn't reflected when..
Trouble with a script for logging amount of facebook likes with mysql + php http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5967884/trouble-with-a-script-for-logging-amount-of-facebook-likes-with-mysql-php src http connect.facebook.net en_US all.js script script FB.init status true cookie true xfbml true FB.Event.subscribe 'edge.create'.. src http connect.facebook.net en_US all.js script script FB.init status true cookie true xfbml true FB.Event.subscribe 'edge.create'..
Facebook how to check if user has liked page and show content? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6246449/facebook-how-to-check-if-user-has-liked-page-and-show-content src http connect.facebook.net en_US all.js script script FB.init appId 'YOUR APP ID' status true cookie true xfbml true script..
Facebook like callback, and post it to target to like http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6735609/facebook-like-callback-and-post-it-to-target-to-like connect.facebook.net en_US all.js#xfbml 1 script script FB.init status true cookie true xfbml true var username gun var timenow..
how to get json data in jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7538171/how-to-get-json-data-in-jquery div div id fb root div script window.fbAsyncInit function FB.init appId 'APP_ID' status true check login status cookie true enable..
How to render a plugin added dynamically? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9768346/how-to-render-a-plugin-added-dynamically HTML div id fb root div script window.fbAsyncInit function FB.init appId '1234' channelUrl 'http www.mywebsite.com support channel.html'..
How to dynamically show/hide a facebook login button http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1254999/how-to-dynamically-show-hide-a-facebook-login-button loggedinuser facebook logo 'true' fb profile pic span FB.XFBML.Host.parseDomTree FB_RequireFeatures Connect function FB.init appkey Content xd_receiver.htm ifUserConnected updateUserBox FB.Connect.showPermissionDialog publish_stream status_update..
Facebook Like button showing 0 likes for ALL Facebook pages http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13372154/facebook-like-button-showing-0-likes-for-all-facebook-pages div script src http connect.facebook.net en_US all.js script script Init the SDK upon load window.fbAsyncInit function FB.init appId '464723870207650' App ID channelUrl ' ' window.location.hostname ' channel.php' Path to your Channel File status true..
Trying to update Facebook Open Graph meta tags using client side jquery and ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5167759/trying-to-update-facebook-open-graph-meta-tags-using-client-side-jquery-and-ajax Facebook will extract meta info but I don't know how to assign the meta with ajax. I tried using append to head int FB.init but it seems to not work and the update isn't reflected when users like the page on Facebook 'head' .append meta property..
Trouble with a script for logging amount of facebook likes with mysql + php http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5967884/trouble-with-a-script-for-logging-amount-of-facebook-likes-with-mysql-php 9 while row mysql_fetch_array sql div id fb root div script src http connect.facebook.net en_US all.js script script FB.init status true cookie true xfbml true FB.Event.subscribe 'edge.create' function response alert response if response http fbquote.me.. like this will get you started div id fb root div script src http connect.facebook.net en_US all.js script script FB.init status true cookie true xfbml true FB.Event.subscribe 'edge.create' function response .ajax type POST url popular ajax_pop.php..
Facebook how to check if user has liked page and show content? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6246449/facebook-how-to-check-if-user-has-liked-page-and-show-content The content of the BODY of the page div id fb root div script src http connect.facebook.net en_US all.js script script FB.init appId 'YOUR APP ID' status true cookie true xfbml true script div id container_notlike YOU DONT LIKE div div id container_like..
Facebook like callback, and post it to target to like http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6735609/facebook-like-callback-and-post-it-to-target-to-like at the html source i look this javascript code script src http connect.facebook.net en_US all.js#xfbml 1 script script FB.init status true cookie true xfbml true var username gun var timenow 1311002200 var securitykey ef64ba59d2b0f26d69c94fafb3f008e0..
how to get json data in jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7538171/how-to-get-json-data-in-jquery style ul list style none style head body div id content div div id fb root div script window.fbAsyncInit function FB.init appId 'APP_ID' status true check login status cookie true enable cookies to allow the server to access the session xfbml..
How to render a plugin added dynamically? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9768346/how-to-render-a-plugin-added-dynamically to render a plugin added dynamically This is my code HTML div id fb root div script window.fbAsyncInit function FB.init appId '1234' channelUrl 'http www.mywebsite.com support channel.html' status true cookie true xfbml true function d var..