jquery Programming Glossary: expandnode
jqGrid treeGrid catch expand collaps events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9178682/jqgrid-treegrid-catch-expand-collaps-events easy but it's 100 effective. The Tree Grid has methods expandNode and collapseNode which are documented. The method will be called.. jqGrid too in case of clicks on the node icon. The method expandNode calls reloadGrid to display the expanded tree. So I suggest.. the Tree Grid is created var orgExpandNode .fn.jqGrid.expandNode orgCollapseNode .fn.jqGrid.collapseNode .jgrid.extend expandNode..
Send expanded TreeGrid Nodes in cookie http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9192276/send-expanded-treegrid-nodes-in-cookie 1 ' ' expires 365 var orgExpandNode .fn.jqGrid.expandNode orgCollapseNode .fn.jqGrid.collapseNode .jgrid.extend expandNode.. orgCollapseNode .fn.jqGrid.collapseNode .jgrid.extend expandNode function rc orgExpandNode.call this rc setCookie collapseNode.. .jgrid.extend expandRow function rc alert 'before expandNode rowid ' rc._id_ ' name ' rc.name ' ' updateIdsOfExpandedRows..
jqgrid treegrid custom css-class for each tree-level http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9480708/jqgrid-treegrid-custom-css-class-for-each-tree-level and with respect of chaining overwriting or subclassing of expandNode and collapseNode method like I suggested here . In the demo.. from my demo var grid #treegrid orgExpandNode .fn.jqGrid.expandNode orgCollapseNode .fn.jqGrid.collapseNode grid.jqGrid .... loadComplete.. triangle 1 e .addClass ui icon carat 1 e .jgrid.extend expandNode function rc var ret orgExpandNode.call this rc if rc.isLeaf..
jqGrid treeGrid catch expand collaps events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9178682/jqgrid-treegrid-catch-expand-collaps-events technique in such cases when no event exists. It's very easy but it's 100 effective. The Tree Grid has methods expandNode and collapseNode which are documented. The method will be called internally by jqGrid too in case of clicks on the node.. are documented. The method will be called internally by jqGrid too in case of clicks on the node icon. The method expandNode calls reloadGrid to display the expanded tree. So I suggest to add the following code after the Tree Grid is created var.. the expanded tree. So I suggest to add the following code after the Tree Grid is created var orgExpandNode .fn.jqGrid.expandNode orgCollapseNode .fn.jqGrid.collapseNode .jgrid.extend expandNode function rc alert 'before expandNode rowid ' rc._id_ '..
Send expanded TreeGrid Nodes in cookie http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9192276/send-expanded-treegrid-nodes-in-cookie e ' ' .cookie gridId '_expanded' ' ' string.substring 0 string.length 1 ' ' expires 365 var orgExpandNode .fn.jqGrid.expandNode orgCollapseNode .fn.jqGrid.collapseNode .jgrid.extend expandNode function rc orgExpandNode.call this rc setCookie collapseNode.. 1 ' ' expires 365 var orgExpandNode .fn.jqGrid.expandNode orgCollapseNode .fn.jqGrid.collapseNode .jgrid.extend expandNode function rc orgExpandNode.call this rc setCookie collapseNode function rc orgCollapseNode.call this rc setCookie .. myColumnStateName this window.location.reload .jgrid.extend expandRow function rc alert 'before expandNode rowid ' rc._id_ ' name ' rc.name ' ' updateIdsOfExpandedRows rc._id_ true return orgExpandRow.call this rc collapseRow function..
jqgrid treegrid custom css-class for each tree-level http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9480708/jqgrid-treegrid-custom-css-class-for-each-tree-level an additional JavaScript code inside of loadComplete and with respect of chaining overwriting or subclassing of expandNode and collapseNode method like I suggested here . In the demo I just changed the icons of the top level tree nodes. In the.. level. Below you find the most important parts of the code from my demo var grid #treegrid orgExpandNode .fn.jqGrid.expandNode orgCollapseNode .fn.jqGrid.collapseNode grid.jqGrid .... loadComplete function data var item i l data.length 0 for i 0 i.. 1 s else # item.id div.treeclick .removeClass ui icon triangle 1 e .addClass ui icon carat 1 e .jgrid.extend expandNode function rc var ret orgExpandNode.call this rc if rc.isLeaf rc.level 0 rc.level 0 # rc._id_ div.treeclick .removeClass..