jquery Programming Glossary: execasap
Problems with Mobiscroll - orientationchange and access address bar crashes some mobile browsers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13710834/problems-with-mobiscroll-orientationchange-and-access-address-bar-crashes-some javascript methods var debounce function func threshold execAsap var timeout return function debounced var obj this args arguments.. var obj this args arguments function delayed if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout null if timeout clearTimeout.. timeout null if timeout clearTimeout timeout else if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout setTimeout delayed threshold 100..
Facebook Style AJAX Search http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1568312/facebook-style-ajax-search of all my scripts var debounce function func threshold execAsap var timeout return function debounced var obj this args arguments.. debounced var obj this args arguments function delayed if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout null if timeout clearTimeout timeout.. args timeout null if timeout clearTimeout timeout else if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout setTimeout delayed threshold 100..
window.resize in jquery firing multiple times http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6658517/window-resize-in-jquery-firing-multiple-times javascript methods var debounce function func threshold execAsap var timeout return function debounced var obj this args arguments.. var obj this args arguments function delayed if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout null if timeout clearTimeout.. timeout null if timeout clearTimeout timeout else if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout setTimeout delayed threshold 100..
Problems with Mobiscroll - orientationchange and access address bar crashes some mobile browsers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13710834/problems-with-mobiscroll-orientationchange-and-access-address-bar-crashes-some Hann http unscriptable.com index.php 2009 03 20 debouncing javascript methods var debounce function func threshold execAsap var timeout return function debounced var obj this args arguments function delayed if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout.. func threshold execAsap var timeout return function debounced var obj this args arguments function delayed if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout null if timeout clearTimeout timeout else if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout setTimeout.. arguments function delayed if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout null if timeout clearTimeout timeout else if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout setTimeout delayed threshold 100 smartresize jQuery.fn sr function fn threshold execAsap return..
Facebook Style AJAX Search http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1568312/facebook-style-ajax-search Debouncing I usually have a Debounce function at the bottom of all my scripts var debounce function func threshold execAsap var timeout return function debounced var obj this args arguments function delayed if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout.. func threshold execAsap var timeout return function debounced var obj this args arguments function delayed if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout null if timeout clearTimeout timeout else if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout setTimeout.. arguments function delayed if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout null if timeout clearTimeout timeout else if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout setTimeout delayed threshold 100 And then whenever I do anything that will benefit from a debounce..
window.resize in jquery firing multiple times http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6658517/window-resize-in-jquery-firing-multiple-times Hann http unscriptable.com index.php 2009 03 20 debouncing javascript methods var debounce function func threshold execAsap var timeout return function debounced var obj this args arguments function delayed if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout.. func threshold execAsap var timeout return function debounced var obj this args arguments function delayed if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout null if timeout clearTimeout timeout else if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout setTimeout.. arguments function delayed if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout null if timeout clearTimeout timeout else if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout setTimeout delayed threshold 100 smartresize jQuery.fn sr function fn return fn this.bind..