jquery Programming Glossary: editrules
DatePicker options “changemonth” and “changeyear” not working in jqGrid's edit form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12270509/datepicker-options-changemonth-and-changeyear-not-working-in-jqgrids-edit-f editable true index 'Column' width width align center editrules integer true required true editoptions size 5 dataInit function..
Local form editing demo and jqGrid 4.4.1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12281463/local-form-editing-demo-and-jqgrid-4-4-1 'eq' 'ne' name 'name' index 'name' editable true width 60 editrules required true name 'invdate' index 'invdate' width 80 align..
JQuery Grid-SubGrid for Parent-Child relation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14194754/jquery-grid-subgrid-for-parent-child-relation name 'givenName' index 'givenName' width 100 editable true editrules required true editoptions size 10 name 'familyName' index 'familyName'.. 'familyName' index 'familyName' width 100 editable true editrules required true editoptions size 10 postData rowNum 20 rowList.. name familyName cmTemplate width 100 editable true editrules required true editoptions size 10 rowNum 20 rowList 20 40 60..
Hidden Columns in jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1661800/hidden-columns-in-jqgrid index 'providerUserId' width 100 editable true editrules required true editoptions dataInit function element jq.. index 'providerUserId' width 100 editable true editrules required true edithidden true hidden true editoptions ..
jqgrid reload grid after successfull inline update / inline creation of record http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2109754/jqgrid-reload-grid-after-successfull-inline-update-inline-creation-of-record 'sum' index 'sum' width 100 editable true sortable true editrules number true minValue 0 maxValue 24 required true name 'description'..
Sending additional parameters to editurl on JQgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3176157/sending-additional-parameters-to-editurl-on-jqgrid this question You can use hidden true editable true editrules edithidden false hidedlg true in the definition of the piezaId..
jqgrid - Set the custom_value of edittype: 'custom' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3416572/jqgrid-set-the-custom-value-of-edittype-custom sorttype 'integer' width 75 editable true edittype 'text' editrules required true editoptions size 30 name 'm_type' index 'm_type'.. index 'm_type' width 150 editable true edittype 'select' editrules required true editoptions value 'one' 'one' 'two' 'two' 'three'..
jqgrid recreateform width setting, only working for edit, not for add http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6127940/jqgrid-recreateform-width-setting-only-working-for-edit-not-for-add left sortable true search false editable true hidden true editrules edithidden false editoptions size 20 name 'id_etp' index 'id_etp'..
Reload of jqgrid not happening with loadonce:true http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7067439/reload-of-jqgrid-not-happening-with-loadoncetrue ' userColNames 0 ' width 120 sortable true editable true editrules required true formoptions rowpos 1 elmprefix ' ' name ' userColNames.. ' userColNames 2 ' width 100 sortable true editable true editrules required true formoptions rowpos 3 elmprefix ' ' name ' userColNames.. ' userColNames 3 ' width 180 sortable true editable true editrules email true required true formoptions rowpos 4 elmprefix ' '..
jqGrid, ASP.NET, JSON is Driving me crazy. Please Help http://stackoverflow.com/questions/723801/jqgrid-asp-net-json-is-driving-me-crazy-please-help ROWID width 1 hidden true key false sorttype 'int' editrules searchhidden false hidedlg true index 'ROWID' jsonmap 'ROWID'.. name ID width 1 hidden true key true sorttype 'int' editrules searchhidden true hidedlg false index 'ID' jsonmap 'ID' .. true sorttype 'text' editable true edittype 'text' editrules required true index 'PartnerID' jsonmap 'PartnerID' label..
jqgrid - upload a file in add/edit dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7550304/jqgrid-upload-a-file-in-add-edit-dialog enctype multipart form data editable true edittype 'file' editrules edithidden true required true formoptions elmsuffix ' ' However..
JQGrid: How can I refresh a dropdown after edit? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7874157/jqgrid-how-can-i-refresh-a-dropdown-after-edit true sorttype 'text' editable true edittype 'select' editrules required true editoptions value ownersList I populate the dropdown..
DatePicker options “changemonth” and “changeyear” not working in jqGrid's edit form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12270509/datepicker-options-changemonth-and-changeyear-not-working-in-jqgrids-edit-f it as follows in the colModel option colModel ... name 'Column' editable true index 'Column' width width align center editrules integer true required true editoptions size 5 dataInit function el setTimeout function SetDatepicker 'input name^ ' el.name..
Local form editing demo and jqGrid 4.4.1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12281463/local-form-editing-demo-and-jqgrid-4-4-1 width 70 align 'center' sorttype 'int' searchoptions sopt 'eq' 'ne' name 'name' index 'name' editable true width 60 editrules required true name 'invdate' index 'invdate' width 80 align 'center' sorttype 'date' formatter 'date' formatoptions newformat..
JQuery Grid-SubGrid for Parent-Child relation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14194754/jquery-grid-subgrid-for-parent-child-relation false editoptions readonly true size 10 hidden true name 'givenName' index 'givenName' width 100 editable true editrules required true editoptions size 10 name 'familyName' index 'familyName' width 100 editable true editrules required true editoptions.. editable true editrules required true editoptions size 10 name 'familyName' index 'familyName' width 100 editable true editrules required true editoptions size 10 postData rowNum 20 rowList 20 40 60 height 200 autowidth true rownumbers true pager '#pager'.. json colNames First Name Last Name colModel name givenName name familyName cmTemplate width 100 editable true editrules required true editoptions size 10 rowNum 20 rowList 20 40 60 pager #pager gridview true caption Contacts rownumbers true..
Hidden Columns in jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1661800/hidden-columns-in-jqgrid form Field must be read only Solution colModel name 'providerUserId' index 'providerUserId' width 100 editable true editrules required true editoptions dataInit function element jq element .attr readonly readonly The providerUserId is visible.. form Field must be read only Solution colModel name 'providerUserId' index 'providerUserId' width 100 editable true editrules required true edithidden true hidden true editoptions dataInit function element jq element .attr readonly readonly..
jqgrid reload grid after successfull inline update / inline creation of record http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2109754/jqgrid-reload-grid-after-successfull-inline-update-inline-creation-of-record editable true sortable false editoptions readonly true name 'sum' index 'sum' width 100 editable true sortable true editrules number true minValue 0 maxValue 24 required true name 'description' index 'description' width 600 editable true sortable..
Sending additional parameters to editurl on JQgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3176157/sending-additional-parameters-to-editurl-on-jqgrid false javascript jquery ajax datagrid jqgrid share improve this question You can use hidden true editable true editrules edithidden false hidedlg true in the definition of the piezaId ID column. The parameter hidedlg is currently not real needed..
jqgrid - Set the custom_value of edittype: 'custom' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3416572/jqgrid-set-the-custom-value-of-edittype-custom true editoptions size 30 name 'api_id' index 'api_id' sorttype 'integer' width 75 editable true edittype 'text' editrules required true editoptions size 30 name 'm_type' index 'm_type' width 150 editable true edittype 'select' editrules required.. editrules required true editoptions size 30 name 'm_type' index 'm_type' width 150 editable true edittype 'select' editrules required true editoptions value 'one' 'one' 'two' 'two' 'three' 'three' 'four' 'four' size 30 editurl ' foo bar editinfo'..
jqgrid recreateform width setting, only working for edit, not for add http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6127940/jqgrid-recreateform-width-setting-only-working-for-edit-not-for-add search false name 'id_mdt' index 'id_mdt' width 15 align left sortable true search false editable true hidden true editrules edithidden false editoptions size 20 name 'id_etp' index 'id_etp' width 90 align left sortable true editable true edittype..
Reload of jqgrid not happening with loadonce:true http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7067439/reload-of-jqgrid-not-happening-with-loadoncetrue userColNames 5 ' colModel name ' userColNames 0 ' index ' userColNames 0 ' width 120 sortable true editable true editrules required true formoptions rowpos 1 elmprefix ' ' name ' userColNames 1 ' index ' userColNames 1 ' width 130 sortable true.. sortable true editable true name ' userColNames 2 ' index ' userColNames 2 ' width 100 sortable true editable true editrules required true formoptions rowpos 3 elmprefix ' ' name ' userColNames 3 ' index ' userColNames 3 ' width 180 sortable true.. rowpos 3 elmprefix ' ' name ' userColNames 3 ' index ' userColNames 3 ' width 180 sortable true editable true editrules email true required true formoptions rowpos 4 elmprefix ' ' name ' userColNames 4 ' index ' userColNames 4 ' width 100..
jqGrid, ASP.NET, JSON is Driving me crazy. Please Help http://stackoverflow.com/questions/723801/jqgrid-asp-net-json-is-driving-me-crazy-please-help isDeleted DateTimeInserted KeyID colModel name ROWID width 1 hidden true key false sorttype 'int' editrules searchhidden false hidedlg true index 'ROWID' jsonmap 'ROWID' name ID width 1 hidden true key true sorttype 'int'.. false hidedlg true index 'ROWID' jsonmap 'ROWID' name ID width 1 hidden true key true sorttype 'int' editrules searchhidden true hidedlg false index 'ID' jsonmap 'ID' name PartnerID width 50 resizable true sortable true sorttype.. 'ID' name PartnerID width 50 resizable true sortable true sorttype 'text' editable true edittype 'text' editrules required true index 'PartnerID' jsonmap 'PartnerID' label 'PartnerID' resizable true search true name Direction..
jqgrid - upload a file in add/edit dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7550304/jqgrid-upload-a-file-in-add-edit-dialog jqgrid This is my code name 'File' index 'file' hidden true enctype multipart form data editable true edittype 'file' editrules edithidden true required true formoptions elmsuffix ' ' However the field I got in controller always be null . Any suggestion..
JQGrid: How can I refresh a dropdown after edit? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7874157/jqgrid-how-can-i-refresh-a-dropdown-after-edit 'OwnerEmail' index 'OwnerEmail' width 200 align center sortable true sorttype 'text' editable true edittype 'select' editrules required true editoptions value ownersList I populate the dropdown on select row that when I select a row the dropdown will..