jquery Programming Glossary: echoes
Is echoing Javascript code condtionally based on server-side logic considered harmful? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11658596/is-echoing-javascript-code-condtionally-based-on-server-side-logic-considered-ha Smarty so it looks a bit cleaner but not by much Also echoes some template variables used for things such as jQuery selectors..
Make div text change on click based on PHP data using Ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13499559/make-div-text-change-on-click-based-on-php-data-using-ajax use AJAX then you'll need a second php file that simply echoes back the Hello or Bye. This first example gives the result you..
jQuery load external site page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14999573/jquery-load-external-site-page a simple GET request to the grabber.php page grabber.php echoes the desired content now the content is on your server domain..
AJAX call works in Chrome and Safari but not in Firefox and IE? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15167417/ajax-call-works-in-chrome-and-safari-but-not-in-firefox-and-ie to the PHP code via AJAX requests and the PHP code simply echoes a Y or N depending upon the validity of the inputs. The problem..
Return value from ajax call? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1632039/return-value-from-ajax-call jquery I'm making a basic ajax function in jquery which echoes the number of rows found in a MySQL Query. function checkEventIDClass..
Jquery getJSON Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token : error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6590608/jquery-getjson-uncaught-syntaxerror-unexpected-token-error makes that makes the call to get the JSON and then simply echoes it back to your JavaScript this will get your around both the..
plupload json response http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8298793/plupload-json-response a json object. the ajax function url parameter to plupload echoes the response like this echo json_encode array 'foo' 3434 'error'..
Is echoing Javascript code condtionally based on server-side logic considered harmful? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11658596/is-echoing-javascript-code-condtionally-based-on-server-side-logic-considered-ha Came across something like this at work done with templating Smarty so it looks a bit cleaner but not by much Also echoes some template variables used for things such as jQuery selectors and other little unpleasant looking bits. What's the proper..
Make div text change on click based on PHP data using Ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13499559/make-div-text-change-on-click-based-on-php-data-using-ajax question You don't need ajax but you could use it. If you use AJAX then you'll need a second php file that simply echoes back the Hello or Bye. This first example gives the result you want without ajax. Just save this into a PHP file and browse..
jQuery load external site page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14999573/jquery-load-external-site-page contentURI script html Why does this work now AJAX is sending a simple GET request to the grabber.php page grabber.php echoes the desired content now the content is on your server domain and AJAX is happy to serve you share improve this answer..
AJAX call works in Chrome and Safari but not in Firefox and IE? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15167417/ajax-call-works-in-chrome-and-safari-but-not-in-firefox-and-ie incase the user forgets his password. The data is sent to the PHP code via AJAX requests and the PHP code simply echoes a Y or N depending upon the validity of the inputs. The problem is the AJAX calls does not work in Firefox 19 and IE 9...
Return value from ajax call? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1632039/return-value-from-ajax-call ajax call duplicate Possible Duplicate Synchronous calls with jquery I'm making a basic ajax function in jquery which echoes the number of rows found in a MySQL Query. function checkEventIDClass id var params 'method checkEventIDClash table test..
Jquery getJSON Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token : error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6590608/jquery-getjson-uncaught-syntaxerror-unexpected-token-error own server. You'll need a controller on your server that makes that makes the call to get the JSON and then simply echoes it back to your JavaScript this will get your around both the lack of JSONP support and your cross domain problem in your..
plupload json response http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8298793/plupload-json-response json response I can't seem to make the response a json object. the ajax function url parameter to plupload echoes the response like this echo json_encode array 'foo' 3434 'error' 'omg error' exit and in the FileUploaded event I'm evaluating..