jquery Programming Glossary: e.button
jQuery live('click') firing for right-click http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1489817/jquery-liveclick-firing-for-right-click by changing the handler to this function clickHandler e if e.button 0 return true normal handler code here return false But that's..
jQuery: Detecting pressed mouse button during mousemove event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4065992/jquery-detecting-pressed-mouse-button-during-mousemove-event I'm getting ambiguous results no button pressed e.which 1 e.button 0 left button pressed e.which 1 e.button 0 middle button pressed.. pressed e.which 1 e.button 0 left button pressed e.which 1 e.button 0 middle button pressed e.which 2 e.button 1 right button pressed.. e.which 1 e.button 0 middle button pressed e.which 2 e.button 1 right button pressed e.which 3 e.button 2 Code DOCTYPE html..
Prevent middle mouse click scrolling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5136845/prevent-middle-mouse-click-scrolling this question Use 'body' .mousedown function e if e.button 1 return false This works on Chrome http jsfiddle.net PKpBN..
jQuery Context Menu clashes with jQuery Draggable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6788566/jquery-context-menu-clashes-with-jquery-draggable my problem jQuery this .mousedown function e var evt e if e.button 2 Added to make this compatible with draggable evt.stopPropagation.. evt.stopPropagation jQuery this .mouseup function e if e.button 2 Added to make this compatible with draggable e.stopPropagation.. var srcElement jQuery this Adding the check for e.button 2 stops propagation of the right click event and now my draggable..
Bind event to right mouse click http://stackoverflow.com/questions/706655/bind-event-to-right-mouse-click function return false document .mousedown function e if e.button 2 alert 'Right mouse button ' return false return true Basically..
jQuery live('click') firing for right-click http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1489817/jquery-liveclick-firing-for-right-click on the normal link. I've been able to work around it by changing the handler to this function clickHandler e if e.button 0 return true normal handler code here return false But that's really annoying to have to add that to all the event handlers...
jQuery: Detecting pressed mouse button during mousemove event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4065992/jquery-detecting-pressed-mouse-button-during-mousemove-event the user pressing during a mousemove event under jQuery but I'm getting ambiguous results no button pressed e.which 1 e.button 0 left button pressed e.which 1 e.button 0 middle button pressed e.which 2 e.button 1 right button pressed e.which 3 e.button.. under jQuery but I'm getting ambiguous results no button pressed e.which 1 e.button 0 left button pressed e.which 1 e.button 0 middle button pressed e.which 2 e.button 1 right button pressed e.which 3 e.button 2 Code DOCTYPE html html head script.. no button pressed e.which 1 e.button 0 left button pressed e.which 1 e.button 0 middle button pressed e.which 2 e.button 1 right button pressed e.which 3 e.button 2 Code DOCTYPE html html head script src http code.jquery.com jquery latest.min.js..
Prevent middle mouse click scrolling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5136845/prevent-middle-mouse-click-scrolling
jQuery Context Menu clashes with jQuery Draggable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6788566/jquery-context-menu-clashes-with-jquery-draggable context menu code and modified it as follows which resolved my problem jQuery this .mousedown function e var evt e if e.button 2 Added to make this compatible with draggable evt.stopPropagation jQuery this .mouseup function e if e.button 2 Added to.. e if e.button 2 Added to make this compatible with draggable evt.stopPropagation jQuery this .mouseup function e if e.button 2 Added to make this compatible with draggable e.stopPropagation var srcElement jQuery this Adding the check for e.button.. 2 Added to make this compatible with draggable e.stopPropagation var srcElement jQuery this Adding the check for e.button 2 stops propagation of the right click event and now my draggable divs stay draggable and the context menu still works...
Bind event to right mouse click http://stackoverflow.com/questions/706655/bind-event-to-right-mouse-click like this document .ready function document.oncontextmenu function return false document .mousedown function e if e.button 2 alert 'Right mouse button ' return false return true Basically I cancel the oncontextmenu event of the DOM element to..