jquery Programming Glossary: dt
submit success but upload not work at combine form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13872746/submit-success-but-upload-not-work-at-combine-form data params cache false async false success function .dt .val .stat .val return this error function alert Data.. multipart form data input type text id mod name mod class dt input type text id no name no class dt input id filename name.. mod name mod class dt input type text id no name no class dt input id filename name uploadedfile type file input type submit..
Chrome and Safari XSLT using JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2042178/chrome-and-safari-xslt-using-javascript xmlns s uuid BDC6E3F0 6DA3 11d1 A2A3 00AA00C14882 xmlns dt uuid C2F41010 65B3 11d1 A29F 00AA00C14882 xmlns rs urn schemas..
Setting the content-type of requests performed by jQuery jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2675625/setting-the-content-type-of-requests-performed-by-jquery-jqgrid .ajax .extend url ts.p.url type ts.p.mtype dataType dt data .isFunction ts.p.serializeGridData ts.p.serializeGridData.call..
:nth-child is not working in IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3951390/nth-child-is-not-working-in-ie h2 Header 1 h2 a class imagehref imagepath View Image a dl dt Sub header 1 dt dd Copy 1. dd dt Sub header 2 dt dd Copy2.. class imagehref imagepath View Image a dl dt Sub header 1 dt dd Copy 1. dd dt Sub header 2 dt dd Copy2 dd dt Sub header.. View Image a dl dt Sub header 1 dt dd Copy 1. dd dt Sub header 2 dt dd Copy2 dd dt Sub header 3 dt dd Copy 3 dd..
Is there a JQuery plugin which combines Draggable and Selectable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/705250/is-there-a-jquery-plugin-which-combines-draggable-and-selectable ui selected offset this .offset drag function ev ui var dt ui.position.top offset.top dl ui.position.left offset.left take.. drag var el this off el.data offset el.css top off.top dt left off.left dl CSS Styles to be able to see what's happening.. Styles to be able to see what's happening #selectable width 100 height 100 #selectable div background #ffc line height..
jQuery XML parsing with namespaces http://stackoverflow.com/questions/853740/jquery-xml-parsing-with-namespaces xmlns s uuid BDC6E3F0 6DA3 11d1 A2A3 00AA00C14882 xmlns dt uuid C2F41010 65B3 11d1 A29F 00AA00C14882 xmlns rs urn schemas.. name ows_ID rs name ID rs number 1 s datatype dt type i4 dt maxLength 4 s AttributeType s AttributeType name.. name ows_ID rs name ID rs number 1 s datatype dt type i4 dt maxLength 4 s AttributeType s AttributeType name ows_DocIcon..
submit success but upload not work at combine form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13872746/submit-success-but-upload-not-work-at-combine-form params #oqc .serialize .ajax type post url doinput.php data params cache false async false success function .dt .val .stat .val return this error function alert Data failed to input. return false form id oqc enctype.. failed to input. return false form id oqc enctype multipart form data input type text id mod name mod class dt input type text id no name no class dt input id filename name uploadedfile type file input type submit id oqcsubmit value.. form id oqc enctype multipart form data input type text id mod name mod class dt input type text id no name no class dt input id filename name uploadedfile type file input type submit id oqcsubmit value Submit input type hidden name action..
Chrome and Safari XSLT using JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2042178/chrome-and-safari-xslt-using-javascript sharepoint soap SearchListItemsResult listitems xmlns s uuid BDC6E3F0 6DA3 11d1 A2A3 00AA00C14882 xmlns dt uuid C2F41010 65B3 11d1 A29F 00AA00C14882 xmlns rs urn schemas microsoft com rowset xmlns z #RowsetSchema rs data ItemCount..
Setting the content-type of requests performed by jQuery jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2675625/setting-the-content-type-of-requests-performed-by-jquery-jqgrid the .ajax call filling the grid contain looks like following .ajax .extend url ts.p.url type ts.p.mtype dataType dt data .isFunction ts.p.serializeGridData ts.p.serializeGridData.call ts ts.p.postData ts.p.postData complete function req..
:nth-child is not working in IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3951390/nth-child-is-not-working-in-ie in Firefox but not IE please help thanks div class info col h2 Header 1 h2 a class imagehref imagepath View Image a dl dt Sub header 1 dt dd Copy 1. dd dt Sub header 2 dt dd Copy2 dd dt Sub header 3 dt dd Copy 3 dd dt Sub header 4 dt dd Copy.. IE please help thanks div class info col h2 Header 1 h2 a class imagehref imagepath View Image a dl dt Sub header 1 dt dd Copy 1. dd dt Sub header 2 dt dd Copy2 dd dt Sub header 3 dt dd Copy 3 dd dt Sub header 4 dt dd Copy 4 dd dt Sub.. thanks div class info col h2 Header 1 h2 a class imagehref imagepath View Image a dl dt Sub header 1 dt dd Copy 1. dd dt Sub header 2 dt dd Copy2 dd dt Sub header 3 dt dd Copy 3 dd dt Sub header 4 dt dd Copy 4 dd dt Sub header 5 dt dd Copy..
Is there a JQuery plugin which combines Draggable and Selectable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/705250/is-there-a-jquery-plugin-which-combines-draggable-and-selectable offset el.offset if this .hasClass ui selected this .addClass ui selected offset this .offset drag function ev ui var dt ui.position.top offset.top dl ui.position.left offset.left take all the elements that are selected expect this which is.. what position was this element at when it was selected before drag var el this off el.data offset el.css top off.top dt left off.left dl CSS Styles to be able to see what's happening #selectable width 100 height 100 #selectable div background.. off el.data offset el.css top off.top dt left off.left dl CSS Styles to be able to see what's happening #selectable width 100 height 100 #selectable div background #ffc line height 25px height 25px width 200px border 1px solid #fcc #selectable..
jQuery XML parsing with namespaces http://stackoverflow.com/questions/853740/jquery-xml-parsing-with-namespaces XML with the default namespaces but with xml such as xml xmlns s uuid BDC6E3F0 6DA3 11d1 A2A3 00AA00C14882 xmlns dt uuid C2F41010 65B3 11d1 A29F 00AA00C14882 xmlns rs urn schemas microsoft com rowset xmlns z #RowsetSchema s Schema id RowsetSchema.. name row content eltOnly rs CommandTimeout 30 s AttributeType name ows_ID rs name ID rs number 1 s datatype dt type i4 dt maxLength 4 s AttributeType s AttributeType name ows_DocIcon rs name Type rs number 2 s datatype dt type string.. name row content eltOnly rs CommandTimeout 30 s AttributeType name ows_ID rs name ID rs number 1 s datatype dt type i4 dt maxLength 4 s AttributeType s AttributeType name ows_DocIcon rs name Type rs number 2 s datatype dt type string dt maxLength..