jquery Programming Glossary: dy
How to drag images / objects within Canvas? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18333936/how-to-drag-images-objects-within-canvas function function tooltipFunc e transX transY document.body.style.cursor 'default' var translationX translationY var r canvas.getBoundingClientRect.. script type text javascript src jquery.js script head body canvas id c width 500 height 500 canvas script type text javascript.. mouseY startY c.drawImage img that.x that.y script body html javascript jquery canvas 3d 2d share improve this question..
Get relative position between 2 DOM elements using JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/225563/get-relative-position-between-2-dom-elements-using-javascript .offset var o2 element2 .offset var dx o1.left o2.left var dy o1.top o2.top var distance Math.sqrt dx dx dy dy share improve..
Find html element nearest to position (relative or absolute) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2337630/find-html-element-nearest-to-position-relative-or-absolute el null elOffset x offset.left y offset.top distance dx dy minDistance this.each function elOffset this .offset if x elOffset.left.. elOffset.bottom for off in offsets dx offsets off 0 x dy offsets off 1 y distance Math.sqrt dx dx dy dy if minDistance.. off 0 x dy offsets off 1 y distance Math.sqrt dx dx dy dy if minDistance undefined distance minDistance minDistance..
jQuery .position() strangeness while using CSS3 rotate attribute http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5078897/jquery-position-strangeness-while-using-css3-rotate-attribute rotate 45deg moz transform rotate 45deg JS document .ready function var el '#element' getting position pos el.position.. return left p.left this.data 'dx' top p.top this.data 'dy' function var img 'img' pos Calculate the delta img.each function.. rotated position this .data dx pr.left po.left delta X dy pr.top po.top delta Y Read the position pos img.adjustedPosition..
HTML5 Panning based on Mouse Movement http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7096921/html5-panning-based-on-mouse-movement matrix by setting the amount of movement 1 0 dx 0 1 dy 0 0 1 ctx.setTransform 1 0 0 1 x startCoords 0 y startCoords..
d3.js updating visual http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9649958/d3-js-updating-visual function d return d.dx .attr height function d return d.dy .style fill function d return d.children color d.data.name null.. x function d return d.dx 2 .attr y function d return d.dy 2 .attr dy .35em .attr text anchor middle .text function d return.. d return d.dx 2 .attr y function d return d.dy 2 .attr dy .35em .attr text anchor middle .text function d return d.children..
How to drag images / objects within Canvas? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18333936/how-to-drag-images-objects-within-canvas startCoords 1 tooltipFunc e transX transY false tooptip function function tooltipFunc e transX transY document.body.style.cursor 'default' var translationX translationY var r canvas.getBoundingClientRect x e.clientX r.left y e.clientY.. reference for my problem html head title Test Page title script type text javascript src jquery.js script head body canvas id c width 500 height 500 canvas script type text javascript var canvas #c var c canvas 0 .getContext 2d var path.. true else drag false if drag that.x mouseX startX that.y mouseY startY c.drawImage img that.x that.y script body html javascript jquery canvas 3d 2d share improve this question Hopefully I understand your question... Here ™s how..
Get relative position between 2 DOM elements using JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/225563/get-relative-position-between-2-dom-elements-using-javascript
Find html element nearest to position (relative or absolute) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2337630/find-html-element-nearest-to-position-relative-or-absolute within the collection closestToOffset function offset var el null elOffset x offset.left y offset.top distance dx dy minDistance this.each function elOffset this .offset if x elOffset.left x elOffset.right y elOffset.top y elOffset.bottom.. elOffset.top elOffset.left elOffset.bottom elOffset.right elOffset.bottom for off in offsets dx offsets off 0 x dy offsets off 1 y distance Math.sqrt dx dx dy dy if minDistance undefined distance minDistance minDistance distance el.. elOffset.right elOffset.bottom for off in offsets dx offsets off 0 x dy offsets off 1 y distance Math.sqrt dx dx dy dy if minDistance undefined distance minDistance minDistance distance el this return el Few notes If the offset is..
jQuery .position() strangeness while using CSS3 rotate attribute http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5078897/jquery-position-strangeness-while-using-css3-rotate-attribute width auto border 1px solid #999 padding 5px webkit transform rotate 45deg moz transform rotate 45deg JS document .ready function var el '#element' getting position pos el.position alert pos.left ' ' pos.top alerts 37 11 setting css position.. position .fn.adjustedPosition function var p this .position return left p.left this.data 'dx' top p.top this.data 'dy' function var img 'img' pos Calculate the delta img.each function var po this .position original position pr this .addClass.. .position original position pr this .addClass 'rot' .position rotated position this .data dx pr.left po.left delta X dy pr.top po.top delta Y Read the position pos img.adjustedPosition alert pos.left ' ' pos.top Write the position img.css..
HTML5 Panning based on Mouse Movement http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7096921/html5-panning-based-on-mouse-movement var x e.offsetX var y e.offsetY set the canvas' transformation matrix by setting the amount of movement 1 0 dx 0 1 dy 0 0 1 ctx.setTransform 1 0 0 1 x startCoords 0 y startCoords 1 render render to show changes share improve this answer..
d3.js updating visual http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9649958/d3-js-updating-visual d return translate d.x d.y cell.append rect .attr width function d return d.dx .attr height function d return d.dy .style fill function d return d.children color d.data.name null cell.append text .attr x function d return d.dx 2 .attr.. return d.children color d.data.name null cell.append text .attr x function d return d.dx 2 .attr y function d return d.dy 2 .attr dy .35em .attr text anchor middle .text function d return d.children null d.data.name setInterval function d3.json.. color d.data.name null cell.append text .attr x function d return d.dx 2 .attr y function d return d.dy 2 .attr dy .35em .attr text anchor middle .text function d return d.children null d.data.name setInterval function d3.json http localhost..