jquery Programming Glossary: dozen
ckeditor image align center customization http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11551922/ckeditor-image-align-center-customization image align center customization After researching at least a dozen threads on image centering in regards to ckeditor I wanted to post what I am using for one of our company applications and..
What are techniques to get around the IE file download security rules? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2064882/what-are-techniques-to-get-around-the-ie-file-download-security-rules when it sees it. I've never done this last one not immediately seeing why it wouldn't work. I expect there are about a dozen other ways to skin this cat but those are three that came to mind. Edit If you're not submitting to a different target you..
Detecting no results on jQuery UI autocomplete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4718968/detecting-no-results-on-jquery-ui-autocomplete no results on jQuery UI autocomplete Before you point me to them yes I have reviewed the half dozen posts on this topic but I am still stymied as to why this doesn't work. My goal is to detect when the autocomplete yields..
How can I control how Nivoslider preloads images? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5502531/how-can-i-control-how-nivoslider-preloads-images improve this question I've been looking for a similar solution. I have an image gallery on a web site that loads a dozen high quality images on the home page using a slideshow plugin. And all these images are being loaded at once adding 2 3..
Jquery modal windows and edit object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5766055/jquery-modal-windows-and-edit-object modal with the template HTML returned from our application. There's more than one way to skin a cat and more than a dozen ways of building this functionality. This is definitely an area that stronger conventions have yet to be set by the Rails..
grouping draggable objects with jquery-ui draggable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/793559/grouping-draggable-objects-with-jquery-ui-draggable of photos maybe for performance reasons. I think using the draggable functionality might fall over if you drag several dozen objects at once does that sound like a better idea jquery jquery ui grouping draggable droppable share improve this question..