jquery Programming Glossary: dough
Reload chart data via JSON with Highcharts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4210879/reload-chart-data-via-json-with-highcharts way I can think of to output the JSON from the server is by passing a GET request to the PHP page for example .get ' dough includes live chart.php mode month' retrieving this value from the button's ID attribute. Here is what I have so far to.. style left 'auto' bottom 'auto' right '50px' top '100px' series type 'pie' name 'Spending' data .get ' dough includes live chart.php' function data var lines data.split ' n' .each lines function lineNo line var items line.split.. value of the select menu and there are no Javascript errors. Here is the code in question sans chart options .get ' dough includes live chart.php mode cat' function data var lines data.split ' n' .each lines function lineNo line var items..