

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:45

jquery Programming Glossary: cutting

Building an HTML table on the fly using jQuery


Templates plug in a try. It tidies up the process by cutting down drastically on the number of concatenations you have to..

jquery ajax cutting off response in IE


ajax cutting off response in IE I am using the jquery form plugin which..

jquery textarea change event


DEMO DEMO2 That works for any changes you make typing cutting pasting. EDIT Added demo2 for new code changes share improve..

Vertical text inside table headers using a JavaScript-based SVG library


header div BEFOR adding class rotate to prevent text cutting based on the current column width var headDiv th eq iCol div..

How Can I Truncate A String In jQuery?


truncate them but in a way that no words break I mean the cutting happen between words not cutting a word. How can I do it using.. no words break I mean the cutting happen between words not cutting a word. How can I do it using jquery javascript jquery string..

How to merge cells in jqGrid 4.0


I could do some crazy thing where I do center align by cutting all the text in half and add each half to column a and b under..

Bottom content cutoff using overflow: auto; and jscrollpane


invisible Please see overflow auto with jscrollpane but cutting off bottom text. How do I make it scrollable enabling all of..

HTML data and a string that looks like a number


123 . Is there any way without adding extra chars and cutting it to get a string 0123 Jsfiddle http jsfiddle.net PXw2J javascript..

Validate html text input as it's typed


input's old value not the new one. Also some events like cutting pasting using the mouse won't be detected. Using .change only..

Building an HTML table on the fly using jQuery


in your script if you're using jQuery you might give my Simple Templates plug in a try. It tidies up the process by cutting down drastically on the number of concatenations you have to do. It performs pretty well too after I recently did some refactoring..

jquery ajax cutting off response in IE


ajax cutting off response in IE I am using the jquery form plugin which uses jquery ajax to do most of its work. We have jquery 1.7.2..

jquery textarea change event


Vertical text inside table headers using a JavaScript-based SVG library


cm iCol if cmi.formatter 'checkbox' we must set width of column header div BEFOR adding class rotate to prevent text cutting based on the current column width var headDiv th eq iCol div trHead headDiv.width headerHeight .addClass rotate if .browser.msie..

How Can I Truncate A String In jQuery?


I Truncate A String In jQuery I have long titles and want truncate them but in a way that no words break I mean the cutting happen between words not cutting a word. How can I do it using jquery javascript jquery string share improve this question.. I have long titles and want truncate them but in a way that no words break I mean the cutting happen between words not cutting a word. How can I do it using jquery javascript jquery string share improve this question Try this var title This is..

How to merge cells in jqGrid 4.0


and the text just gets cut off if it is larger than 50 pixels. I could do some crazy thing where I do center align by cutting all the text in half and add each half to column a and b under right align and left align respectively. However there seems..

Bottom content cutoff using overflow: auto; and jscrollpane


for one major issue The bottom several lines of text remain invisible Please see overflow auto with jscrollpane but cutting off bottom text. How do I make it scrollable enabling all of the content to be visible Any help is appreciated. PChuprina..

HTML data and a string that looks like a number


div data a 0123 div this js console.log 'div' .data 'a' returns 123 . Is there any way without adding extra chars and cutting it to get a string 0123 Jsfiddle http jsfiddle.net PXw2J javascript jquery html share improve this question You can..

Validate html text input as it's typed


some drawbacks Using .keypress you only have access to the input's old value not the new one. Also some events like cutting pasting using the mouse won't be detected. Using .change only works when the input loses focus. This question proposes a..