

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:39

jquery Programming Glossary: contentencoding

jQuery post JSON fails when returning null from ASP.Net MVC


context.HttpContext.Response response.ContentType String.IsNullOrEmpty ContentType ContentType application json if ContentEncoding null response.ContentEncoding ContentEncoding var settings new JsonSerializerSettings Converters new new IsoDateTimeConverter.. response.ContentType String.IsNullOrEmpty ContentType ContentType application json if ContentEncoding null response.ContentEncoding ContentEncoding var settings new JsonSerializerSettings Converters new new IsoDateTimeConverter DateTimeFormat yyyy'.. String.IsNullOrEmpty ContentType ContentType application json if ContentEncoding null response.ContentEncoding ContentEncoding var settings new JsonSerializerSettings Converters new new IsoDateTimeConverter DateTimeFormat yyyy' 'MM' 'dd'T'HH' 'mm'..

embeddable widgets using jquery and ASP.NET MVC


if string.IsNullOrEmpty ContentType response.ContentType ContentType else response.ContentType application json if ContentEncoding null response.ContentEncoding ContentEncoding if Data null var request context.HttpContext.Request var serializer new.. response.ContentType ContentType else response.ContentType application json if ContentEncoding null response.ContentEncoding ContentEncoding if Data null var request context.HttpContext.Request var serializer new JavaScriptSerializer if null.. ContentType else response.ContentType application json if ContentEncoding null response.ContentEncoding ContentEncoding if Data null var request context.HttpContext.Request var serializer new JavaScriptSerializer if null request.Params jsoncallback..

Getting properties from JsonResult on the JS side inside jquery ajax


jquery ajax I am returning the following object JsonResult return new JsonResult Data new ErrorMessage message ContentEncoding System.Text.Encoding.UTF8 JsonRequestBehavior JsonRequestBehavior.DenyGet How do I get the error message out of it on.. filterContext.HttpContext.Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors true return new JsonResult Data new ErrorMessage message ContentEncoding System.Text.Encoding.UTF8 JsonRequestBehavior JsonRequestBehavior.DenyGet In my Controller I have an Action to test this..