

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:39

jquery Programming Glossary: content.js

Trying to add a feature to a Chrome Extension that will prevent scmplayer from autoplaying on page visits


you can't directly access this varible from your extension content.js. You must inject a javascript code to page. Here is my extension.. a javascript code to page. Here is my extension files content.js var actualCode ' ' function function stopScm try SCM.pause .. http dl.dropboxusercontent.com u 39457223 bountify 16 js content.js run_at document_end Here is the packed extension file .crx..

Google Chrome Extensions: How to include jQuery in programatically injected content script?


function tab chrome.tabs.executeScript null file content.js So how can I access jQuery from inside my content.js I don't.. file content.js So how can I access jQuery from inside my content.js I don't see a way to inject that simultaneously. javascript..

Trying to add a feature to a Chrome Extension that will prevent scmplayer from autoplaying on page visits


content scripts are executed in an isolated environment so you can't directly access this varible from your extension content.js. You must inject a javascript code to page. Here is my extension files content.js var actualCode ' ' function function stopScm.. this varible from your extension content.js. You must inject a javascript code to page. Here is my extension files content.js var actualCode ' ' function function stopScm try SCM.pause alert scm player was stopped catch e setTimeout stopScm 1000.. u 39457223 bountify 16 content_scripts matches http dl.dropboxusercontent.com u 39457223 bountify 16 js content.js run_at document_end Here is the packed extension file .crx Here is the demo page that extension runs on EDIT After you..

Google Chrome Extensions: How to include jQuery in programatically injected content script?


action button like so chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener function tab chrome.tabs.executeScript null file content.js So how can I access jQuery from inside my content.js I don't see a way to inject that simultaneously. javascript jquery.. function tab chrome.tabs.executeScript null file content.js So how can I access jQuery from inside my content.js I don't see a way to inject that simultaneously. javascript jquery google chrome extension share improve this question..