

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:29

jquery Programming Glossary: class2

Removing multiple classes (jQuery)


rewrite this 'element' .removeClass 'class1' .removeClass 'class2' Can't use removeClass as it would remove ALL classes which.. share improve this question element .removeClass class1 class2 From removeClass the class parameter One or more CSS classes..

JQuery - find a radio button by value


Jquery hasClass() - check for more than one class


I am thinking of something like if element.hasClass class class2 Which unfortunately doesn't work. Is there something like that..

Change the tag but keep the attributes and content — jQuery/Javascript


&mdash jQuery Javascript a href page.html class class1 class2 id thisid Text a changed to p href page.html class class1 class2.. id thisid Text a changed to p href page.html class class1 class2 id thisid Text p I'm familiar with jQuery's replaceWith but..

Fade a class in?


color Something like css .class1 background color red .class2 background color green '#mytd' .addClass 'green' animate this.. bg and position it on original elie.toggleClass class1 class2 .appendTo body .offset top os.top left os.left .hide input .click.. mytd.fadeOut 3000 function mytd.toggleClass class1 class2 .show elie.toggleClass class1 class2 .hide Show clone at..

jquery highlight the link when clicked


a li li a href class1_2 a li ul li li class title span class2 span ul li span class2_1 span ul li a href class2_1_1 a li li.. a li ul li li class title span class2 span ul li span class2_1 span ul li a href class2_1_1 a li li a href class2_1_1 a li.. span class2 span ul li span class2_1 span ul li a href class2_1_1 a li li a href class2_1_1 a li ul li ul li ul maybe I can't..

jQuery slider button shows through data picker


value 6 min 1 max 12 step 1 slide function event ui #class2 .val ui.value #class2 .val #slider2 .slider value script.. 1 slide function event ui #class2 .val ui.value #class2 .val #slider2 .slider value script head body div id page .. br div id slider1 class slider div li li class class2 label for class2 Slider2 label input type text id class2..

Jquery $(this) Child Selector


this on a page jQuery '.class1 a' .click function if .class2 .is hidden .class2 .slideDown slow else .class2 .slideUp With.. jQuery '.class1 a' .click function if .class2 .is hidden .class2 .slideDown slow else .class2 .slideUp With a structure in the.. if .class2 .is hidden .class2 .slideDown slow else .class2 .slideUp With a structure in the page later that goes like..

Using JQuery - preventing form from submitting


action page2.php method post tags in the form p class class2 input type submit value Okay p form Is there anything wrong..

Removing multiple classes (jQuery)


multiple classes jQuery Is there any better way to rewrite this 'element' .removeClass 'class1' .removeClass 'class2' Can't use removeClass as it would remove ALL classes which I don't want. Thanks jquery css share improve this question.. remove ALL classes which I don't want. Thanks jquery css share improve this question element .removeClass class1 class2 From removeClass the class parameter One or more CSS classes to remove from the elements these are separated by spaces...

JQuery - find a radio button by value


Jquery hasClass() - check for more than one class


class element.hasClass class ... Which isn´t too bad But I am thinking of something like if element.hasClass class class2 Which unfortunately doesn't work. Is there something like that jquery performance share improve this question How about..

Change the tag but keep the attributes and content — jQuery/Javascript


the tag but keep the attributes and content &mdash jQuery Javascript a href page.html class class1 class2 id thisid Text a changed to p href page.html class class1 class2 id thisid Text p I'm familiar with jQuery's replaceWith.. jQuery Javascript a href page.html class class1 class2 id thisid Text a changed to p href page.html class class1 class2 id thisid Text p I'm familiar with jQuery's replaceWith but that doesn't keep attributes content as far as I know. Note..

Fade a class in?


in to a different class which just has a different background color Something like css .class1 background color red .class2 background color green '#mytd' .addClass 'green' animate this Thanks jquery share improve this question You could put.. '#mytd' elie mytd.clone os mytd.offset Create clone w other bg and position it on original elie.toggleClass class1 class2 .appendTo body .offset top os.top left os.left .hide input .click function Fade original mytd.fadeOut 3000 function mytd.toggleClass.. top os.top left os.left .hide input .click function Fade original mytd.fadeOut 3000 function mytd.toggleClass class1 class2 .show elie.toggleClass class1 class2 .hide Show clone at same time elie.fadeIn 3000 jsFiddle example .toggleClass .offset..

jquery highlight the link when clicked


id menu li class title span class1 span ul li a href class1_1 a li li a href class1_2 a li ul li li class title span class2 span ul li span class2_1 span ul li a href class2_1_1 a li li a href class2_1_1 a li ul li ul li ul maybe I can't explanation.. span class1 span ul li a href class1_1 a li li a href class1_2 a li ul li li class title span class2 span ul li span class2_1 span ul li a href class2_1_1 a li li a href class2_1_1 a li ul li ul li ul maybe I can't explanation my question clearly.. href class1_1 a li li a href class1_2 a li ul li li class title span class2 span ul li span class2_1 span ul li a href class2_1_1 a li li a href class2_1_1 a li ul li ul li ul maybe I can't explanation my question clearly I mean is the last onclick..

jQuery slider button shows through data picker


#slider1 .slider value Slider2 function #slider2 .slider value 6 min 1 max 12 step 1 slide function event ui #class2 .val ui.value #class2 .val #slider2 .slider value script head body div id page div id main div id content form.. function #slider2 .slider value 6 min 1 max 12 step 1 slide function event ui #class2 .val ui.value #class2 .val #slider2 .slider value script head body div id page div id main div id content form method post action fieldset.. title slider1 style border 0 color #f6931f font weight bold br div id slider1 class slider div li li class class2 label for class2 Slider2 label input type text id class2 name class2 title slider2 style border 0 color #f6931f font..

Jquery $(this) Child Selector


this Child Selector I'm using this on a page jQuery '.class1 a' .click function if .class2 .is hidden .class2 .slideDown slow else .class2 .slideUp With a structure in the page later that goes like this div class.. this Child Selector I'm using this on a page jQuery '.class1 a' .click function if .class2 .is hidden .class2 .slideDown slow else .class2 .slideUp With a structure in the page later that goes like this div class class1 a href ..... I'm using this on a page jQuery '.class1 a' .click function if .class2 .is hidden .class2 .slideDown slow else .class2 .slideUp With a structure in the page later that goes like this div class class1 a href ... text a div class class2 text..

Using JQuery - preventing form from submitting


could be wrong Update here is my html form id form class form action page2.php method post tags in the form p class class2 input type submit value Okay p form Is there anything wrong here jquery forms share improve this question Two things..