

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:31

jquery Programming Glossary: clone

jQuery CSS plugin that returns computed style of element to pseudo clone that element?


plugin that returns computed style of element to pseudo clone that element I'm looking for a way using jQuery to return an.. all the properties that I use. Basically I want to pseudo clone certain elements but use a different tag . For example I have.. copy all computed CSS properties #original .clone clone the object .parent select it's parent .appendTo append..

Clearing <input type='file' /> using jQuery


replaceWith jQuery method to replace the control with a clone of itself. In the event you have any handlers bound to events.. To do this we pass in true as the first parameter of the clone method. input type file id control button id clear Clear button.. .on click function control.replaceWith control control.clone true Fiddle http jsfiddle.net jonathansampson dAQVM share..

How can I duplicate Pinterest website's modal effect? [closed]


scrolling rules similar to Pinterest and you have a decent clone method to use. As far as duplicating the Pinterest Webpage Layout..

jQuery how to bind onclick event to dynamically added HTML element


call append on a jQuery set with more than one element a clone of the element to append is created for each and thus the attached..

Simple ASP.NET MVC CRUD views opening/closing in JavaScript UI dialog


new post which would fire up the view in a chosen Lightbox clone don't know yet which one maybe Colorbox or Thickbox but that..

Hide select option in IE using jQuery


INSTEAD It occurred to me that instead of doing all this clone reference replace crap just wrap the option with a span hide..

jQuery: using .text() to retrieve only text not nested in child tags


I liked this reusable implementation based on the clone method found here to get only the text inside the parent element... the parent element. Code provided for easy reference #foo .clone clone the element .children select all the children .remove.. element. Code provided for easy reference #foo .clone clone the element .children select all the children .remove remove..

detecting line-breaks with jQuery?


purposes so take this into account. You need to create a clone of the element empty the original then move each word back into..

JQM (jQueryMobile) Dynamically added elements not displaying correctly and CSS is not applied


this .hasClass c return now take the current select and clone it then rename it var newSelect this .clone .attr 'name' 'select_options_'.. select and clone it then rename it var newSelect this .clone .attr 'name' 'select_options_' counter .attr 'id' 'select_options_'.. an element. After that it skips the element the next time. clone the select before adding stuff clone without parameters Remove..

(Deep) copying an array using jQuery [duplicate]


Possible Duplicate What is the most efficient way to clone a JavaScript object I need to copy an ordered not associative..

jQuery: outer html() [duplicate]


improve this question Create a temporary element then clone and append ' div ' .append '#xxx' .clone .html share improve..

clone node on drag


node on drag i want to be able to create a copy of the element.. ui draggable and droppable. i know about the helper clone option. but that does not create a copy. the dragged item gets.. reverted back to the original position. javascript jquery clone draggable share improve this question Mark Try this example..

How to JQuery clone() and change id


jQuery: Find the text of a list item that contains a nested ul


share improve this question What about this approach Clone the object remove the clone's children and then find the text..

duplicate-able inputs validation not working with non duplicate-able fields


id 85 0929 5266086 and the code jQuery JavaScript Document Clone Tracking var g_counter 1 var d_counter 1 var dependant dependant.. 1 var d_counter 1 var dependant dependant var group Clone Tracking Main Variables var main_input_groups main_group 1 var.. g_counter g_counter currentdep 'dependant ' g_counter Clone the Dependant Div and set a new id var clonedDiv jQuery '#dependant..

How can I position an element next to user text selection?


if document.selection document.selection.createRange Clone the TextRange and collapse range document.selection.createRange..

problem when cloning jQuery UI datepicker


.datepicker and that pretty much does it. Clone true whenever you can it'll save you headaches in the long run...

Good jQuery pagination plugin to use with JSON data


for instance function pageselectCallback pageIndex jq Clone the record that should be displayed var newContent '#hiddenData..

Generate page numbers using javascript/jquery?


for instance function pageselectCallback pageIndex jq Clone the record that should be displayed var newContent '#hiddenData..

jQuery/Javascript css(“width”) / check if style is defined in css?


memory for it to find out whether an image has a width set Clone it in jQuery element #img .clone give the cloned element the..

Clone a file input element in Javascript


a file input element in Javascript I have a file input element..

Wrap <a> tags around http text


. s If we've found a valid URL m 1 contains the URL if m Clone the text node to hold the tail end of the split node var tail..

Getting initial selector inside jquery plugin


ul class ' settings.myClass ' ' .html options_clone Insert Clone Options into Container UL this.after mySelect Insert Clone after.. Clone Options into Container UL this.after mySelect Insert Clone after Original var selectWidth this.next 'ul' .find 'ul' .outerWidth..

Clone isn't cloning select values


isn't cloning select values I didn't expect it but the following..

jQuery Clone table row


Clone table row I have a table with an Add button on the end. When..

jQuery CSS plugin that returns computed style of element to pseudo clone that element?


CSS plugin that returns computed style of element to pseudo clone that element I'm looking for a way using jQuery to return an object of computed styles for the 1st matched element. I could.. exist I'll turn mine below into a plugin and post it with all the properties that I use. Basically I want to pseudo clone certain elements but use a different tag . For example I have an li element that I want to hide and put an input element.. jQuery Basic usage is pretty simple var style #original .getStyleObject copy all computed CSS properties #original .clone clone the object .parent select it's parent .appendTo append the cloned object to the parent after the original though..

Clearing <input type='file' /> using jQuery


Quick answer replace it. In the code below I use the replaceWith jQuery method to replace the control with a clone of itself. In the event you have any handlers bound to events on this control we'll want to preserve those as well. To do.. events on this control we'll want to preserve those as well. To do this we pass in true as the first parameter of the clone method. input type file id control button id clear Clear button var control #control #clear .on click function control.replaceWith..

How can I duplicate Pinterest website's modal effect? [closed]


the underlying home page to show through. Throw in some scrolling rules similar to Pinterest and you have a decent clone method to use. As far as duplicating the Pinterest Webpage Layout see this SO Answer . To use custom Pinterest Button that..

jQuery how to bind onclick event to dynamically added HTML element


improve this question The first problem is that when you call append on a jQuery set with more than one element a clone of the element to append is created for each and thus the attached event observer is lost. An alternative way to do it would..

Simple ASP.NET MVC CRUD views opening/closing in JavaScript UI dialog


into the content and have for instance links like Create new post which would fire up the view in a chosen Lightbox clone don't know yet which one maybe Colorbox or Thickbox but that doesn't matter . What I want to achieve is that the view itself..

Hide select option in IE using jQuery


http fiddle.jshell.net FAkEK 12 show EDIT #2 USE THIS INSTEAD It occurred to me that instead of doing all this clone reference replace crap just wrap the option with a span hide the span and on show just replace the span with the option..

jQuery: using .text() to retrieve only text not nested in child tags


written. Thanks. jquery text tags share improve this question I liked this reusable implementation based on the clone method found here to get only the text inside the parent element. Code provided for easy reference #foo .clone clone the.. on the clone method found here to get only the text inside the parent element. Code provided for easy reference #foo .clone clone the element .children select all the children .remove remove all the children .end again go back to selected element.. clone method found here to get only the text inside the parent element. Code provided for easy reference #foo .clone clone the element .children select all the children .remove remove all the children .end again go back to selected element .text..

detecting line-breaks with jQuery?


I came up with an approach but it might be overkill for your purposes so take this into account. You need to create a clone of the element empty the original then move each word back into the original element. If the height changes at any point..

JQM (jQueryMobile) Dynamically added elements not displaying correctly and CSS is not applied


using a class we can apply var c 'alreadyMadeASelection' if this .hasClass c return now take the current select and clone it then rename it var newSelect this .clone .attr 'name' 'select_options_' counter .attr 'id' 'select_options_' counter.. if this .hasClass c return now take the current select and clone it then rename it var newSelect this .clone .attr 'name' 'select_options_' counter .attr 'id' 'select_options_' counter .appendTo '#select_option_groups' .change.. doesn't work but as for page you can use it once on an element. After that it skips the element the next time. clone the select before adding stuff clone without parameters Remove the original add stuff to the cloned element put it back..

(Deep) copying an array using jQuery [duplicate]


Deep copying an array using jQuery duplicate Possible Duplicate What is the most efficient way to clone a JavaScript object I need to copy an ordered not associative array of objects. I'm using jQuery. I initially tried jquery.extend..

jQuery: outer html() [duplicate]


clone node on drag


node on drag i want to be able to create a copy of the element that i want to drag. im using the standard ui draggable.. a copy of the element that i want to drag. im using the standard ui draggable and droppable. i know about the helper clone option. but that does not create a copy. the dragged item gets reverted back to the original position. javascript jquery.. but that does not create a copy. the dragged item gets reverted back to the original position. javascript jquery clone draggable share improve this question Mark Try this example document .ready function .objectDrag .draggable helper 'clone'..

How to JQuery clone() and change id


jQuery: Find the text of a list item that contains a nested ul


to wrap the list item text in a span or other markup. jquery share improve this question What about this approach Clone the object remove the clone's children and then find the text content. #list li .click function alert this .clone .children..

duplicate-able inputs validation not working with non duplicate-able fields


a jsFiddle http jsfiddle.net dawidvdh ZQwZm example of an id 85 0929 5266086 and the code jQuery JavaScript Document Clone Tracking var g_counter 1 var d_counter 1 var dependant dependant var group Clone Tracking Main Variables var main_input_groups.. the code jQuery JavaScript Document Clone Tracking var g_counter 1 var d_counter 1 var dependant dependant var group Clone Tracking Main Variables var main_input_groups main_group 1 var main_age_input_groups main_age_group 1 var main_gender_input_groups.. value of the previous Id to insert the cloned div.. var oldId g_counter g_counter currentdep 'dependant ' g_counter Clone the Dependant Div and set a new id var clonedDiv jQuery '#dependant 1' .clone false .attr 'id' 'dependant ' g_counter var..

How can I position an element next to user text selection?


.substr 2 var selectionEl return function var sel range if document.selection document.selection.createRange Clone the TextRange and collapse range document.selection.createRange .duplicate range.collapse false Create the marker element..

problem when cloning jQuery UI datepicker


Good jQuery pagination plugin to use with JSON data


callback function. Step 2 is to implement this function for instance function pageselectCallback pageIndex jq Clone the record that should be displayed var newContent '#hiddenData div.record eq ' pageIndex ' ' .clone Update the display..

Generate page numbers using javascript/jquery?


callback function. Step 2 is to implement this function for instance function pageselectCallback pageIndex jq Clone the record that should be displayed var newContent '#hiddenData div.record eq ' pageIndex ' ' .clone Update the display..

jQuery/Javascript css(“width”) / check if style is defined in css?


width but not too large in case the browser reserves memory for it to find out whether an image has a width set Clone it in jQuery element #img .clone give the cloned element the default_width class element.addClass default_width If its width..

Clone a file input element in Javascript


a file input element in Javascript I have a file input element that needs to be cloned after the user has browsed and selected..

Wrap <a> tags around http text


or you will be consumed var m el.nodeValue.match https . . s If we've found a valid URL m 1 contains the URL if m Clone the text node to hold the tail end of the split node var tail el .clone 0 Substring the nodeValue attribute of the text..

Getting initial selector inside jquery plugin


.text ' span li ' options_clone ' ul li ' var mySelect ' ul class ' settings.myClass ' ' .html options_clone Insert Clone Options into Container UL this.after mySelect Insert Clone after Original var selectWidth this.next 'ul' .find 'ul' .outerWidth.. ul class ' settings.myClass ' ' .html options_clone Insert Clone Options into Container UL this.after mySelect Insert Clone after Original var selectWidth this.next 'ul' .find 'ul' .outerWidth Get width of dropdown before hiding this.next 'ul'..

Clone isn't cloning select values


isn't cloning select values I didn't expect it but the following test fails on the cloned value check test clone should..

jQuery Clone table row


Clone table row I have a table with an Add button on the end. When you click this button I want a new table row to be created..