

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:27

jquery Programming Glossary: chars

Jquery validation form with TinyMCE field who gives no error by empty value


paste directionality fullscreen noneditable visualchars nonbreaking xhtmlxtras template Theme options theme_advanced_buttons1.. styleprops cite abbr acronym del ins attribs visualchars nonbreaking template pagebreak theme_advanced_toolbar_location.. element return '#message' .html .length 15 Please over 15 chars. .validator.classRuleSettings.textInMce textInMce true #signupForm..

Converting a recursive function into an asynchronous CPS implementation (javascript)


3 pieces element.data.match . 0 2 g 2 Number of chars per frame element.data function addText element.data pieces.shift..

How to escape apostrophe or quotes on a JSP ( used by javascript )


String form. Deals correctly with quotes and control chars tab backslash cr ff etc. So a tab becomes the characters ' '..

jQuery UI Autocomplete widget search configuration


a search as you pointed out for the presence of the typed chars in any position in the terms of the array. The final variant..

jQuery validate plugin : accept letters only?


of my form fields accept letters only no numbers special chars etc... Any idea people Thanks a lot. jquery jquery validate..

apply !important CSS style using jQuery


return rule.test this.cssText 'important' '' Escape regex chars with RegExp.escape function text return text.replace . ^ # s..

limit number of characters entered in textarea


question Here's what I use to limit something to 1200 chars. When someone types too many characters I just truncate the.. counter '#id_limited_textarea' .keyup function update_chars_left 1200 '#id_limited_textarea' 0 '#text_chars_left' and fire.. update_chars_left 1200 '#id_limited_textarea' 0 '#text_chars_left' and fire it on doc ready too update_chars_left 1200 '#id_limited_textarea'..

When do I need to escape metacharectars? (jQuery Selectors)


And is there a way to write a function that replaces metachars in selector strings while still preserving the beginning character.. preserving the beginning character ie replace all meta chars preserving the id selection #id.rest of string replace all meta.. the id selection #id.rest of string replace all meta chars preserving the attribute selection going back to my previous..

Finding line-wraps


by sa 2.5 .getFontSizeCharObject function fonts sizes chars var fonts fonts 'Arial' 'Times' sizes sizes '12px' '14px' chars.. var fonts fonts 'Arial' 'Times' sizes sizes '12px' '14px' chars chars 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e' 'f' 'g' 'h' 'i' 'j' 'k' 'l' 'm' 'n'.. fonts 'Arial' 'Times' sizes sizes '12px' '14px' chars chars 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e' 'f' 'g' 'h' 'i' 'j' 'k' 'l' 'm' 'n' 'o'..

Why doesn't jQuery.parseJSON() work on all servers?


.parseJSON data catch e Fix a bug where strange unicode chars in the json data makes the jQuery parseJSON throw an error only..

jQuery AJAX Character Encoding Problem


there are many accented letters. I'm using the ISO 8859 15 charset for that very reason. However in the response to my AJAX request.. set the character set php header 'Content Type text html charset ISO 8859 15' But that doesn't seem to work either. Any thoughts.. UTF 8 is supposed to handle all accents and foreign chars why not use it on your data source EDIT Here's a test file with..

wrap each char in except tags with jQuery


b Leaving the b and a tags alone but wrapping all other chars in span. I checked text but that doesn't seem to have a way..

Age from Date of Birth using JQuery


fit this code into a database field that is limited to 250 chars. Changing the database is not something that can happen quickly..

Extract root domain name from string


be tricky because you can have port numbers and special chars. As such I recommend using something like parseUri to do this..

Highlight text inside html with jQuery


RegEx which allows HTML tags at the position of whitespace chars div id test this is a href # my a text that needs highlighting..

PHP/Apache/AJAX - POST limit?


side. Here is my code var string data string that is 2M chars long .ajax cache false type 'POST' url 'data.php' data 'data_string'..

Jquery validation form with TinyMCE field who gives no error by empty value


insertdatetime preview media searchreplace print contextmenu paste directionality fullscreen noneditable visualchars nonbreaking xhtmlxtras template Theme options theme_advanced_buttons1 save newdocument bold italic underline strikethrough.. insertlayer moveforward movebackward absolute styleprops cite abbr acronym del ins attribs visualchars nonbreaking template pagebreak theme_advanced_toolbar_location top theme_advanced_toolbar_align left theme_advanced_statusbar_location.. .validator.addMethod textInMce function textInMce value element return '#message' .html .length 15 Please over 15 chars. .validator.classRuleSettings.textInMce textInMce true #signupForm .validate rules firstname required true minlength 2..

Converting a recursive function into an asynchronous CPS implementation (javascript)


pieces.shift else callback 1000 60 else if element.nodeType 3 pieces element.data.match . 0 2 g 2 Number of chars per frame element.data function addText element.data pieces.shift setTimeout pieces.length addText callback 1000 60..

How to escape apostrophe or quotes on a JSP ( used by javascript )


jQuery UI Autocomplete widget search configuration


to get options suggestions. If an array autocomplete does a search as you pointed out for the presence of the typed chars in any position in the terms of the array. The final variant is what you want the callback function. From the autocomplete..

jQuery validate plugin : accept letters only?


validation What i'm trying to find is a way to make some of my form fields accept letters only no numbers special chars etc... Any idea people Thanks a lot. jquery jquery validate share improve this question Simply add a custom validator..

apply !important CSS style using jQuery


RegExp.escape styleName ' s s ^ s s important s ' 'gmi' return rule.test this.cssText 'important' '' Escape regex chars with RegExp.escape function text return text.replace . ^ # s g The style function jQuery.fn.style function styleName value..

limit number of characters entered in textarea


a better way please let me know. jquery share improve this question Here's what I use to limit something to 1200 chars. When someone types too many characters I just truncate the contents of that textarea. function set up text length counter.. the contents of that textarea. function set up text length counter '#id_limited_textarea' .keyup function update_chars_left 1200 '#id_limited_textarea' 0 '#text_chars_left' and fire it on doc ready too update_chars_left 1200 '#id_limited_textarea'.. up text length counter '#id_limited_textarea' .keyup function update_chars_left 1200 '#id_limited_textarea' 0 '#text_chars_left' and fire it on doc ready too update_chars_left 1200 '#id_limited_textarea' 0 '#text_chars_left' function update_chars_left..

When do I need to escape metacharectars? (jQuery Selectors)


ie attr value Id selectors ie #id Class selectors ie .class And is there a way to write a function that replaces metachars in selector strings while still preserving the beginning character ie replace all meta chars preserving the id selection.. that replaces metachars in selector strings while still preserving the beginning character ie replace all meta chars preserving the id selection #id.rest of string replace all meta chars preserving the attribute selection going back to my.. the beginning character ie replace all meta chars preserving the id selection #id.rest of string replace all meta chars preserving the attribute selection going back to my previous question do I even need to escape the metachars in this situation..

Finding line-wraps


ShareAlike 2.5 Generic @link http creativecommons.org licenses by sa 2.5 .getFontSizeCharObject function fonts sizes chars var fonts fonts 'Arial' 'Times' sizes sizes '12px' '14px' chars chars 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e' 'f' 'g' 'h' 'i' 'j' 'k' 'l' 'm'.. by sa 2.5 .getFontSizeCharObject function fonts sizes chars var fonts fonts 'Arial' 'Times' sizes sizes '12px' '14px' chars chars 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e' 'f' 'g' 'h' 'i' 'j' 'k' 'l' 'm' 'n' 'o' 'p' 'q' 'r' 's' 't' 'u' 'v' 'w' 'y' 'x' 'z' 'A' 'B' 'C'.. 2.5 .getFontSizeCharObject function fonts sizes chars var fonts fonts 'Arial' 'Times' sizes sizes '12px' '14px' chars chars 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e' 'f' 'g' 'h' 'i' 'j' 'k' 'l' 'm' 'n' 'o' 'p' 'q' 'r' 's' 't' 'u' 'v' 'w' 'y' 'x' 'z' 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D'..

Why doesn't jQuery.parseJSON() work on all servers?


this Parse the JSON data try Use jquery's default parser data .parseJSON data catch e Fix a bug where strange unicode chars in the json data makes the jQuery parseJSON throw an error only on some servers by using the old eval slower though data..

jQuery AJAX Character Encoding Problem


the response to the request. Because it is a French website there are many accented letters. I'm using the ISO 8859 15 charset for that very reason. However in the response to my AJAX request the accents are becoming 's because the character encoding.. adding some PHP at the top of the requested documents to set the character set php header 'Content Type text html charset ISO 8859 15' But that doesn't seem to work either. Any thoughts Also while any of you are looking here...why does the.. jquery ajax character encoding share improve this question UTF 8 is supposed to handle all accents and foreign chars why not use it on your data source EDIT Here's a test file with your data Everything should be UTF 8 in the first place...

wrap each char in except tags with jQuery


this for the but part b span b b span u span span t span b Leaving the b and a tags alone but wrapping all other chars in span. I checked text but that doesn't seem to have a way of preserving tags or saving back only extracting the text and..

Age from Date of Birth using JQuery


to find a new method is length of the code. I have to fit this code into a database field that is limited to 250 chars. Changing the database is not something that can happen quickly or easily. javascript jquery datetime share improve this..

Extract root domain name from string


jquery regex share improve this question Parsing a URL can be tricky because you can have port numbers and special chars. As such I recommend using something like parseUri to do this for you. I doubt performance is going to be a issue unless..

Highlight text inside html with jQuery


highlight share improve this question I fiddled some RegEx which allows HTML tags at the position of whitespace chars div id test this is a href # my a text that needs highlighting div JavaScript var src_str #test .html var term my text term..

PHP/Apache/AJAX - POST limit?


via ajax jQuery and it always comes up as blank on the PHP side. Here is my code var string data string that is 2M chars long .ajax cache false type 'POST' url 'data.php' data 'data_string' string On the PHP side I get the following error message..