jquery Programming Glossary: champ
JQuery Validation Internationalization Problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7091206/jquery-validation-internationalization-problem FR jQuery.extend jQuery.validator.messages required Ce champ est requis. remote Veuillez remplir ce champ pour continuer... required Ce champ est requis. remote Veuillez remplir ce champ pour continuer. email Veuillez entrer une adresse email valide...
UP or DOWN Voting in Real-Time jQuery Ajax PHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8733283/up-or-down-voting-in-real-time-jquery-ajax-php I have a website where people can vote UP or DOWN to a champion. These champions start with 100 health. If you were to UP.. where people can vote UP or DOWN to a champion. These champions start with 100 health. If you were to UP vote a specific.. start with 100 health. If you were to UP vote a specific champion their health would now be 101. DOWN voting it would be 99...
JQuery Validation Internationalization Problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7091206/jquery-validation-internationalization-problem default messages for the jQuery validation plugin. Locale FR jQuery.extend jQuery.validator.messages required Ce champ est requis. remote Veuillez remplir ce champ pour continuer. email Veuillez entrer une adresse email valide. url Veuillez.. plugin. Locale FR jQuery.extend jQuery.validator.messages required Ce champ est requis. remote Veuillez remplir ce champ pour continuer. email Veuillez entrer une adresse email valide. url Veuillez entrer une URL valide. date Veuillez entrer..
UP or DOWN Voting in Real-Time jQuery Ajax PHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8733283/up-or-down-voting-in-real-time-jquery-ajax-php Ajax PHP Alright here's a quick explanation of what I am doing I have a website where people can vote UP or DOWN to a champion. These champions start with 100 health. If you were to UP vote a specific champion their health would now be 101. DOWN.. here's a quick explanation of what I am doing I have a website where people can vote UP or DOWN to a champion. These champions start with 100 health. If you were to UP vote a specific champion their health would now be 101. DOWN voting it would.. people can vote UP or DOWN to a champion. These champions start with 100 health. If you were to UP vote a specific champion their health would now be 101. DOWN voting it would be 99. This site is up and running and has been for 5 seasons now..