jquery Programming Glossary: cf
Can I access ColdFusion session inside JQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14511256/can-i-access-coldfusion-session-inside-jquery data tell the user what the server said optional . alert data data is whatever was returned by the server. script CF code in setVariable.cfm might look like cftry cfset session.userName url.someVar Session user was set. cfcatch cfoutput..
How do I force a Coldfusion cfc to output numeric data over JSON as a string? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2479737/how-do-i-force-a-coldfusion-cfc-to-output-numeric-data-over-json-as-a-string WITHOUT the .0 at the end '#pagelink' .attr href page.cfm id result.ID '#pagelink' .text result.TITLE json My CFC component output no cfsetting showdebugoutput no cffunction name getPage access remote returnFormat JSON output no hint.. like your solution 1 but this is easier than you think. '#pagelink' .attr href page.cfm id parseInt result.ID 10 CF serializes any integer like 123 into 123.0 by default but usually it doesn't matter in typeless language like JS or CF for.. CF serializes any integer like 123 into 123.0 by default but usually it doesn't matter in typeless language like JS or CF for the matter. The default behavior of SerializeJSON what remote function uses cannot be overridden but if you like you..
What is the best practice organize a jQuery Mobile application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9362510/what-is-the-best-practice-organize-a-jquery-mobile-application on the page to determine what page it was. 2. Have all the JS in an include of some sort hopefully you are using PHP CF or something and put this on every page that way no matter which entry point a user browses to your mobile site with they..