jquery Programming Glossary: access_token
Implementing Infinite Scrolling with jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11492012/implementing-infinite-scrolling-with-jquery retrieve 20 pics at a time. document .ready function var access_token location.hash.split ' ' 1 if location.hash .ajax type GET dataType.. https api.instagram.com v1 users MY_USER_ID media recent access_token MY_ACCESS_TOKEN success function data for var i 0 i 20 i #instafeed..
Trying to access Instagram API using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11712106/trying-to-access-instagram-api-using-jquery 'https api.instagram.com v1 users user id followed by access_token access token count 100' var access_token ' access token ' var.. id followed by access_token access token count 100' var access_token ' access token ' var is_busy false var count 0 do while is_busy.. .ready function '#fetch_followers' .click function var access_token ' access token ' pollInstagram 'https api.instagram.com v1 users..
How to call external url in jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4613310/how-to-call-external-url-in-jquery https graph.facebook.com 16453004404_481759124404 comments access_token my_token .ajax url fbURL data message commentdata type 'POST'.. https graph.facebook.com 16453004404_481759124404 comments access_token my_token .ajax url fbURL callback data message commentdata type..
How to show facebook feed messages from my site without access_token? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9663700/how-to-show-facebook-feed-messages-from-my-site-without-access-token to show facebook feed messages from my site without access_token I have a facebook site site not profil wall and would like.. graph.facebook.com 177610425663218 feed But I need an access_token for this. Using the Graph Explorer I can generate a temporary..
Implementing Infinite Scrolling with jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11492012/implementing-infinite-scrolling-with-jquery many pictures will be retrieved. Here is for example how I retrieve 20 pics at a time. document .ready function var access_token location.hash.split ' ' 1 if location.hash .ajax type GET dataType jsonp cache false url https api.instagram.com v1 users.. location.hash .ajax type GET dataType jsonp cache false url https api.instagram.com v1 users MY_USER_ID media recent access_token MY_ACCESS_TOKEN success function data for var i 0 i 20 i #instafeed .append div class 'instaframe' a target '_blank' href..
Trying to access Instagram API using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11712106/trying-to-access-instagram-api-using-jquery function e '#fetch_followers' .click function e var next_url 'https api.instagram.com v1 users user id followed by access_token access token count 100' var access_token ' access token ' var is_busy false var count 0 do while is_busy .ajax method.. e var next_url 'https api.instagram.com v1 users user id followed by access_token access token count 100' var access_token ' access token ' var is_busy false var count 0 do while is_busy .ajax method GET url next_url dataType jsonp jsonp.. ajax success callback with the new url as a parameter document .ready function '#fetch_followers' .click function var access_token ' access token ' pollInstagram 'https api.instagram.com v1 users user id followed by access_token access token count 100'..
How to call external url in jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4613310/how-to-call-external-url-in-jquery we use external url with jquery below is my code var fbUrl https graph.facebook.com 16453004404_481759124404 comments access_token my_token .ajax url fbURL data message commentdata type 'POST' success function resp alert resp error function e alert 'Error.. With this in mind the follow code should work var fbURL https graph.facebook.com 16453004404_481759124404 comments access_token my_token .ajax url fbURL callback data message commentdata type 'POST' success function resp alert resp error function e..
How to show facebook feed messages from my site without access_token? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9663700/how-to-show-facebook-feed-messages-from-my-site-without-access-token to show facebook feed messages from my site without access_token I have a facebook site site not profil wall and would like to display the message feed on a webpage. This already works.. feed on a webpage. This already works fine if I use https graph.facebook.com 177610425663218 feed But I need an access_token for this. Using the Graph Explorer I can generate a temporary token. I know I can create an OAuth but I don't want every..