javascript Programming Glossary: zip
Is Safari on iOS 6 caching $.ajax results? every time. Must be in Apple's haste to make iOS 6 zip along impressively they got too happy with the cache settings...
Unzip files using JavaScript files using JavaScript I want to display OpenOffice files .odt.. .odp at client side using a web browser. These files are zipped files. Using Ajax I can get these files from server but these.. Using Ajax I can get these files from server but these are zipped files. I have to unzip them using JavaScript I have tried..
Sorting an array of JavaScript objects them in an array var homes h_id 3 city Dallas state TX zip 75201 price 162500 h_id 4 city Bevery Hills state CA zip 90210.. zip 75201 price 162500 h_id 4 city Bevery Hills state CA zip 90210 price 319250 h_id 5 city New York state NY zip 00010.. CA zip 90210 price 319250 h_id 5 city New York state NY zip 00010 price 962500 How do I create a function to sort the price..
Make Zip code boundaries in Google Map API Zip code boundaries in Google Map API I have seen all the responses..
Extract address from string PHP. The closest is Parse usable Street Address City State Zip from a string which DOESN'T have any code in the thread about..
ZIP Code (US Postal Code) validation them so here's an easy one Code that validates a valid US Zip Code. I know there are ZIP code databases out there but there.. share improve this question Javascript Regex Literal US Zip Codes ^ d 5 ^ d 5 d 4 var isValidZip ^ d 5 ^ d 5 d 4 .test 90210.. Regex Literal US Zip Codes ^ d 5 ^ d 5 d 4 var isValidZip ^ d 5 ^ d 5 d 4 .test 90210 Some countries use Postal Codes..
How do I build a JSON object to send to an AJAX WebService? public string City public string State public string Zip public AddressClassification AddressClassification public class.. 123 Main Street Address2 null City New York State NY Zip 10000 AddressClassification null dataType json success function.. 123 Main Street Address2 suite 20 City New York State NY Zip 10000 AddressClassification null ' This brought up another question..
How do I get jQuery to select elements with a . (period) in their ID? Street1 get set public string City get set public String ZipCode get set public String State get set public String Country.. Address.Street br City Html.TextBox Address.City br Zip Code Html.TextBox Address.ZipCode br Sate select id Address.State.. Html.TextBox Address.City br Zip Code Html.TextBox Address.ZipCode br Sate select id Address.State select br Country select..
Select All Checkbox Name th th Property Address th th City th th State th th Zip th th Inspection Date th php while row mysql_fetch_assoc result..
Plotting LatLng coordinates from Json Array on Google Map — the markers all stack up in the same location latitude and longitude coordinates. Here's a sample zones Zip 35824 Latitude 34.647995 Longitude 86.738549 ... I'm attempting..
Validation event for asp net client side validation control with isvalid property. For example asp Label id lblZip runat server Text Zip Code asp TextBox id txtZip runat server.. For example asp Label id lblZip runat server Text Zip Code asp TextBox id txtZip runat server asp TextBox asp RegularExpressionValidator.. id lblZip runat server Text Zip Code asp TextBox id txtZip runat server asp TextBox asp RegularExpressionValidator id valZip..
Storing Image Data for offline web application (client-side storage database) will reject it as a native app requiring certification ZIP file Server creates a zip file places it in wwwroot and notifies.. system Web app uses FileSystem API to reference files CON ZIP might be too large zip64 long time to create CON Not sure if..
ZIP Code (US Postal Code) validation Code US Postal Code validation I thought people would be working.. Code that validates a valid US Zip Code. I know there are ZIP code databases out there but there are still uses like web pages..
How to write FireFox extension with Visual Studio using C# programming language? mostly XUL an XML grammar and Javascript packaged into a ZIP file with the extension .xpi . The various links from the page..
Unzip files using JavaScript that I didn't bother to implement in the unzipper like ZIP encryption WinZip encryption zip64 UTF 8 encoded filenames and..
Javascript FileAPI: Iterating Directories? I'd have to tell my OSX users to make an archive e.g. ZIP of their address book file and upload that zip which I can actually..
Where can I download the jQuery API documentation? found anywhere I can download an HTML bundle as a TAR or ZIP file. Is such a bundle available EDIT I should have said that..
JavaScript: Decompress / inflate /unzip /ungzip strings answers are also for something else unzipping files in ZIP format . JavaScript inflate implementation possibly FF 3.6 only..