javascript Programming Glossary: zepto
Backbone.js Memory Management, Rising DOM Node Count The Application The app is built on Backbone mv Zepto similar to jquery Curl amd loader Mustache templating . Problem..
Backbone.js partial model update in backbone and simply wraps the ajax support in jQuery or Zepto. UPDATE starting backbone version 0.9.10 partial model update..
Backbone.js vs Spine.js [closed] and though it's not required recommends either jQuery or Zepto for some extra functionality. Spine also recommends either jQuery.. functionality. Spine also recommends either jQuery or Zepto for some extra functionality. Spine abstracts away prototypal.. are going to do in their project is to drop in jQuery or Zepto for the DOM utils and easy chaining defeating this achievement..
javascript event for a mobile pinch/zoom action javascript mobile share improve this question Zepto is a jquery compatible library for mobile and provides handlers..
Zepto fallback to jQuery fallback to jQuery I'm using ZeptoJS for my web app but I'd.. fallback to jQuery I'm using ZeptoJS for my web app but I'd like to fall back to jQuery if the.. like to fall back to jQuery if the browser doesn't support Zepto. Since IE is the only major browser not supported at the moment..