javascript Programming Glossary: widths
Calculate text width with Javascript If it's not built in my only idea is to create a table of widths for each character but this is pretty unreasonable especially..
Prevent images from loading when you lazy load them. If you images' heights and widths vary you may get some odd results. Edit 2 http
How to detect page zoom level in all modern browsers? pixels but MQ width uses CSS pixels thanks to Quirksmode widths FF3.6 no known method FF4 media queries binary search see below.. of a position fixed width 100 div. from here Quirksmode's widths table says it's a bug innerWidth should be CSS px . We use the..
Turn a number into star rating display using jQuery and CSS don't have to calculate any three quarter or whatnot star widths just give it a float and it'll give you your stars. A small..
CSS/Javascript to force html table row on a single line in my layout. It should like this without increasing the widths of the columns or the table because they'll go off the screen..
dotted stroke in <canvas> here's my implementation slightly altered for s o line widths var CP window.CanvasRenderingContext2D CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype..
finding “line-breaks” in textarea that is word-wrapping ARABIC text composed of glyphs characters of numerous different widths. If anyone knows of a way of accessing where the word wraps..
jQuery min/max property from array of elements Math array updated as per Sime Vidas comment. var widths 'img' .map function return this .width .get alert Max Width.. function return this .width .get alert Max Width Array.max widths alert Min Width Array.min widths P.S jsfiddle here share improve..
Maximum size of a <canvas> element has a maximum height of 8192 pixels. I assume the maximum widths are the same but have not tested this. Exceeding the maximum..
HTML table with fixed headers? the table header from bottom table adjust the column widths. we are remembering the original column widths below is the.. the column widths. we are remembering the original column widths below is the code. here's the demo Fixed Header Demo head script..
Dropdownlist width in IE for this problem How can I use CSS to set different widths for dropbox and the dropdownlist javascript html internet explorer..
Whats the best way to make a d3.js visualisation layout responsive? How do I make this responsive so on resize the graphic widths and heights are dynamic script var n 10000 number of trials..
JQGrid: Resize Grid Width After Column Resized resized so the width of the grid will match the sum of the widths of the columns including the new width of the resized column.. to set the grid to the width of the sum of the widths of the columns. I'm not sure how to sum the widths of the columns.. of the widths of the columns. I'm not sure how to sum the widths of the columns though...Maybe there is something built into..