javascript Programming Glossary: timestamps
How can I determine a timezone by the UTC offset? YYYY MM DDTHH MM SS±HH MM Note Some other valid ISO 8601 timestamps are not accepted by this function function parseISO8601 timestamp..
How to structure time specific data so that the most recent point can be found? for each item with a history priority that contains the timestamps and status. see below . I'm looking for a function that will.. the function. for this example I'm going to shorten my timestamps to a 4 digit number var items id 1 history 1234 'open' 1256..
Passing Python Data to JavaScript via Django I've almost always found it easiest to pass them as Unix timestamps In Django time_t time.mktime my_date.timetuple In JavaScript..
pros and cons of serverside javascript implementation? searched through the Myna Administrator. Logs also record timestamps and elapsed milliseconds for profiling purposes. Myna.dump obj..
How to plot a date range on X-axis in Flot Charts? The time series support in Flot is based on Javascript timestamps i.e. everywhere a time value is expected or handed over a Javascript.. 1 1970 00 00 00 UTC. This is almost the same as Unix timestamps except it's in milliseconds so remember to multiply by 1000..
Chrome timeZone option to Date.toLocaleString() you are doing it wrong if you are not transmitting UTC timestamps because something like 2013 01 01 12 34 56 America New_York..
Javascript compare two dates to get a difference is more than 7 days from now return true else Exact same timestamps. return false I am using an alert so that I can check my progress..
Calculating the time difference in an PHP/MySQL/JavaScript system date H i s _SERVER 'REQUEST_TIME' I send back these two timestamps and calculate the time difference between them in JavaScript...
CouchDb automatic timestamps automatic timestamps I'm implementing a message application using CouchDB. I want.. a message application using CouchDB. I want to apply timestamps to each message. I found some references indicating that I should..
Getting the current GMT world time that the client can change the data so don't trust any timestamps they send you. Edit JimmyP's answer is very simple and easy..
Generate an RFC 3339 timestamp similar to Google Tasks API? am using http 2009 10 generating rfc 3339 timestamps in.html Which generates something like this 2011 08 30T09 30..
javascript date manipulation library . It includes parsing from strings date objects and unix timestamps. It can format based on replacement patterns dddd MMMM Do YYYY..
Get a UTC timestamp in Javascript [duplicate] timestamp in JavaScript I want to do this so I can send timestamps from the client side that are independent of their timezone..
jqPlot DateAxis tickInterval not working want 1 hour. That would be 1000 60 60 3600000 javascript timestamps are in milliseconds . So you would write tickInterval '3600000'..
How often does the timeupdate event fire for an html5 video video processing then create a long key value store with timestamps as keys and words as values and write a function that searches.. that searches for instances of those words but returns timestamps and seeks your video. Anyways that's just one crazy idea youtube..
UTC Timestamp in Javascript sense to store server side all datetimes in the DB as UTC timestamps. I was astonished when I noticed that you couldn't natively..