javascript Programming Glossary: things
Most efficient way to clone an object? that's currently Firefox only. In Mootools 1.2 I've done things like obj JSON.decode JSON.encode o but question the efficiency...
How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? use jQuery at all at least until they get used to doing things the Angular Way . I've seen many developers here and on the.. applications that's fine. But for non trivial applications things quickly get confusing and hard to maintain. In AngularJS though.. else element .addClass 'active' on on There are a few things wrong with this. First jQuery was never necessary. There's nothing..
What is the 'new' keyword in JavaScript? found out exactly what the new keyword does and it is 4 things It creates a new object. The type of this object is simply object.. that we can't do anything with obj1 new ObjMaker 3 things just happened A new empty object was created called obj1. At..
Elements order in a “for (??in ??” loop the fact that this may change at any time. Do not rely on things staying this way. In short Use an array if order is important..
Use of 'prototype' vs. 'this' in Javascript? The two given examples are really doing entirely different things. We can take a look at the differences but let's make a few..
Does it matter which equals operator (== vs ===) I use in JavaScript comparisons? two equals signs with three equals signs when doing things like comparing idSele_UNVEHtype.value.length 0 inside of an..
Why is using “for…in” with array iteration such a bad idea? 0 4 Also consider that JavaScript libraries might do things like this which will affect any array you create Somewhere deep..
Length of Javascript Object (ie. Associative Array) a sort of convention in JavaScript that you don't add things to Object.prototype because it can break enumerations in various..
.prop() vs .attr() 1.6. My advice remains the same but jQuery 1.6.1 changed things slightly in the face of the predicted pile of broken websites.. state except in some older versions of IE thus making things still harder . The attribute tells you nothing about the whether..
Can't append <script> element the script tag but when you do them with built in commands things go better. Try this var script document.createElement 'script'..
Javascript closure inside loops - simple practical example loops simple practical example Closures are one of those things which has been discussed a lot on SO but this situation pops..
Why is setTimeout(fn, 0) sometimes useful? operative multi tasking. A browser has to do a number of things pretty much all at once and just one of those is execute JavaScript... just one of those is execute JavaScript. But one of the things JavaScript is very often used for is to ask the browser to build.. the browser a chance to finish doing some none JavaScript things that have been waiting to finish before attending to this new..
How do I enumerate the properties of a javascript object? Just a matter of opinion. Besides what if I design things in such a way that I use prototypes during the construction.. say someone adds new properties later. Is that my fault if things behave badly at that point I don't think so. I think this is..
Convert Lat/Longs to X/Y Co-ordinates form the Top Left corner of the image would be 289 111 Things to note don't worry about issues of what projection to use make..
JavaScript Event prototype in IE8 jQuery but there is no need for it in this case Update Things have taken a turn for the worse I'm afraid. I found this MSDN..
Why do the :not() and :has() selectors allow quoted arguments? functions should in fact match edit As of jQuery 1.8.2 Things have been refactored somewhat and positional pseudos no longer..
Contexts and methods for communication between the browser action, background scripts, and content scripts of chrome extensions? ' response The previous example shows obvious behaviour. Things get trickier when you want to send a response asynchronously..
Creating range in JavaScript - strange syntax takes the arguments it received and passes them forward. Things get interesting when you chain more than one call together crank..
How to embed fonts in HTML? html flash fonts embed share improve this question Things have changed since this question was originally asked and answered...
Drag-and-drop file upload in Google Chrome/Chromium and Safari? form method post enctype multipart form data id uploadform Things can be dragged and dropped here input type file id uploadelement..
How do I get the name of an object's type in JavaScript? function b 2 b.prototype new a b inherits from a Things now don't work as you might expect them to var f new b create..
Submit pdf form fields to a HTTP POST request or something but this is going to be the document. PPS Things like bEmpty aFields and various other parameters don't work..
Scaling a chat app - short polling vs. long polling (AJAX, PHP) poll going on chat pages every second to get new messages. Things I've considered HTML5 Web Sockets didn't use this because it..
Is there a DOM event that fires when an HTML select element is closed? if you hit escape instead of clicking off the select. Things were easier in Safari where a mousedown event on the select..
Nodejs and, is it pure javascript? controllers. It's a leaky abstraction it doesn't work. Things I would recommend. unit tests vows is hot code reloading forever..
Send json data with jquery 'json' async false success function msg alert msg Things to notice Usage of the JSON.stringify method to convert a javascript.. so that you don't need to specify the dataType property. Things to be careful about What you call arr is not an array . It is..
Backbone.js : repopulate or recreate the view? UserRowView on the left and a UserDetailView on the right. Things kind of work but I have a weird behavior. If I click some users..
HTML5 Canvas Performance and Optimization Tips, Tricks and Coding Best Practices know' for developing with it in any one particular place. Things like this are scattered around and many times on lesser known..
Problem with jQuery in Internet Explorer 8 improve this question I was having a similar issue. Things worked in IE6 Firefox and IE8 running in IE7 compatibility mode..
(1,eval)('this') vs eval('this') in JavaScript? eval calls are guaranteed to execute in global scope. Things I still don't know Under what circumstance does a direct eval..
Why avoid increment (“++”) and decrement (“--”) operators in JavaScript? In the video Crockford on JavaScript Part 5 The End of All Things Douglas Crockford addresses the issue more directly and with..