javascript Programming Glossary: sw
jqPlot resizing 3 series chSeries legend show true location 'sw' compass direction nw n ne e se s sw w. xoffset 5 yoffset.. show true location 'sw' compass direction nw n ne e se s sw w. xoffset 5 yoffset 5 placement 'outside' grid background.. was actually already solved on stack please see this answer . Therefore using this suggestion you will need to set the..
check if map markers are within selected bounds marker for example var bounds new google.maps.LatLngBounds sw ne for var a in markers if bounds.contains new google.maps.LatLng..
Calculate lat/lng of corners of ground overlay from kml-file way approximately at least php code given by w nw_lng sw_lng 2 e ne_lng se_lng 2 n ne_lat nw_lat 2 s se_lat sw_lat 2.. sw_lng 2 e ne_lng se_lng 2 n ne_lat nw_lat 2 s se_lat sw_lat 2 rot rad2deg atan nw_lng sw_lng sw_lat nw_lat 2 Should.. ne_lat nw_lat 2 s se_lat sw_lat 2 rot rad2deg atan nw_lng sw_lng sw_lat nw_lat 2 Should be easy to get back but I've used..
HTML5 Canvas Resize (Downscale) Image High Quality? scale square scale area of source pixel within target var sw cv.width source image width var sh cv.height source image height.. var sh cv.height source image height var tw Math.ceil sw scale target image width var th Math.ceil sh scale target image.. border var sBuffer cv.getContext '2d' . getImageData 0 0 sw sh .data source buffer 8 bit rgba var tBuffer new Float32Array..
Get Locale Short Date Format using javascript MM yyyy ms MY dd MM yyyy kk KZ dd.MM.yyyy ky KG dd.MM.yy sw KE M d yyyy uz Latn UZ dd MM yyyy tt RU dd.MM.yyyy pa IN dd.. yyyy rw RW M d yyyy qut GT dd MM yyyy sah RU MM.dd.yyyy gsw FR dd MM yyyy co FR dd MM yyyy oc FR dd MM yyyy mi NZ dd MM..
fitbounds() in Google maps api V3 does not fit bounds var ne results 0 .geometry.viewport.getNorthEast var sw results 0 .geometry.viewport.getSouthWest map.fitBounds results.. var boundingBoxPoints ne new google.maps.LatLng sw.lng sw new google.maps.LatLng ne.lng ne var boundingBox.. ne new google.maps.LatLng sw.lng sw new google.maps.LatLng ne.lng ne var boundingBox new..
Google's Geocoder returns wrong country, ignoring the region hint gps geocode share improve this question UPDATE This answer may not be the best approach anymore. See the comments below.. be the best approach anymore. See the comments below the answer for more details. In addition to what Pekka already suggested.. points of UK var ne new google.maps.LatLng 60.00 3.00 var sw new google.maps.LatLng 49.00 13.00 Define bounding box for drawing..
Google Maps v3 - Automating Zoom Level? bounds rectangle on the map var ne bounds.getNorthEast var sw bounds.getSouthWest var boundingBox new google.maps.Polyline.. google.maps.Polyline path ne new google.maps.LatLng sw.lng sw new google.maps.LatLng ne.lng ne strokeColor.. path ne new google.maps.LatLng sw.lng sw new google.maps.LatLng ne.lng ne strokeColor '#FF0000'..